• 此外中国人很少直接表达自己想法喜欢击的方式

    Besides, Chinese seldom express what they think directly and they prefer a roundabout way.


  • 继续汽车,站驾驶员他们

    I walked on around to the car and was standing outside of the driver's side waiting for them.


  • 但是一个,内容首相警方之间协调

    But it was a sidebar to the splash, which was about the clash between the prime minister and the police.


  • 新家长滩荒凉海湾,这个地方对这个5英里1英里的小岛而言,好像位于西伯利亚

    It's now in a desolate cove on the other side of the island - as close to Siberia as you can get on a slip of land about five miles long and a mile wide.


  • 通过视觉的变动例如图板然后回到原位。

    Change the visual medium eg: from slides to flipchart and back again.


  • 目的探讨脊柱发病中的作用

    Objective To identify the role of paravertebral muscles in the pathogenesis of scoliosis.


  • 这个体式充分伸展肌。

    This pose creates an intense stretch of the hamstrings in the straight leg.


  • 原始建筑具有强烈存在感入口部分的设计体现出建筑纪念性,通过面朝建筑入口的一建造黑色石质广场,突出了建筑二级公路的位置。

    The strong presence of the original building, on the level of the secondary road is magnified by the creation of a black stone square facing the initial entry which keeps its ceremonial function.


  • 方法45例不同()龄时期结构行组织学连续切片观察腔壁结构及其内容物形态学变化过程。

    Methods: Serial histological sections of 45 human embryos and fetus were performed to observe the development and organization of the contents of the compartment.


  • 无名指指甲接近小指可用拇指指尖按摩此处每日2 ~3

    In the ring finger nails and adjacent to the little finger side, available thumb fingertip massage here, daily 2 ~ 3 times.


  • 接着按摩鼻翼15 ~20次(迎香穴鼻翼外0.5厘米)。

    Massage nose ala then of two side receive sweet acupuncture point 15 ~ 20 (greet sweet acupuncture point to 0.5 centimeters are in outside nose ala by side predestined relationship).


  • 方法运用电极记录3组30例青少年特发性脊柱弯症治疗前后变化

    METHOD Changes in the paravertebral myoelectric activity in 30 teenagers with specific lateral curvature were recorded before and after the electric acupuncture treatment.


  • 方法应用彩色多普勒超声仪,检测ESWL治疗60肾结石病人过程结石血管阻力指数

    Methods: the intrarenal vascular resistance index in 60 patients was measured with Doppler ultrasound techniques before and after ESWL in the treated and contralateral kidneys.


  • 舞台前景后面幕,用来挡住舞台两翼,使观众看不到光线。

    A hanging at each side of a stage directly behind the proscenium that serves to block the wing area and sidelights from the audience.


  • 另外室周、室上核可见较多的ACTH _(1 - 39)免疫反应纤维

    More negative ACTH_ (1-39) immunoreactive fibers were seen in the periventricular layer, paraventricular nucleus and dorsal area of supraoptic nucleus.


  • 而过大间隙使承在回复力矩不足不能有效抑制车体滚。

    If the side bearing gap is too big, it will not restrain efficiently the rolling of car-body when roll restoring moment is not sufficient.


  • 目的探讨段棘胸锁乳突电图联合检测肌萎缩硬化ALS诊断中的价值

    Objective: To evaluate combined tests of thoracic paraspinal muscles and sternocleidomastoid muscle and tongue muscles with electromyography as diagnostic aids in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


  • 目的研究特发性脊柱影像学变化探讨与特发性脊柱凸病因的关系。

    Objective To study the radiological change of bilateral paravertebral muscles in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and analyze its potential importance.


  • 目的观察脊柱动物模型病理改变。

    Objective: To observe the pathological morphology of paravertebral muscle Of the scoliosis in pinealectomized Leghorn chickens.


  • 结果观察5支、根尖分歧、根尖分叉、管间吻合和管。

    Result: 5 types of accessory canals were observed, the incidence of each type in different root canal systems was assessed.


  • 股四头肌前收缩伸直膝盖伸展下部

    The front and back leg quadriceps contract, extending the knees and stretching the lower region of the hamstrings.


  • 因为潮水原因,入口的房间在一年中会有很多被水浸没

    Due to the high tides, the two side-rooms beside the entrance are occasionally flooded for many days throughout the year.


  • 感觉怎么样,需不需要帮助,她却不停,“我不想孩子看见哭泣,”于是我们汽车油泵

    I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying "I don't want my kids to see me crying," so we stood at the other side of the pump from her car.


  • 脱髓鞘病灶分布脑室顶枕叶白质为主,圆形椭圆形,边界清晰。

    Demyelinating lesions showed round or oval shape were mainly in bilateral periventricular white matter, and frontal, parietal, occipital white matter.


  • 第2,在膜表面游离肾脂肪深面,切除全部部分脂肪,显露锥筋膜。

    Step 2, the pararenal fat was cut off totally, partially or be removed away to the inferior part of pneumoretroperitoneum to expose the lateral conical fascia;


  • 遮光设置于收状态时,遮光帘利用转轴其他可行收折方式收(或立柱

    When the shade is set to the folding status, the shade is folded adjacent to the standing post at one side (or two sides) of the playard via a rotary axle or other type of folding mechanism.


  • 试验中引起脊柱可能为椎间隙高度平衡、中椎肌肉损伤瘢痕化、创伤刺激导致姿势异常综合因素所致。

    The loss of vertebral height, the scar from the muscle injury of operation, the abnormal posture caused by surgical stimulation may lead to the scoliosis.


  • 于2011年9月10日早上9点30分到达深圳福田口岸地下扶手电梯外币找

    Pls. group at the exchange store which is next to the escalator, G/F of the Futinkouan, at 9:30am 10/9/2011.


  • 于2011年9月10日早上9点30分到达深圳福田口岸地下扶手电梯外币找

    Pls. group at the exchange store which is next to the escalator, G/F of the Futinkouan, at 9:30am 10/9/2011.


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