• 顶层,作为有点争议我们最伟大球队曼联主教练格,就做出了最坏的榜样,其他几乎一位英超教练都纷纷效仿

    At the top, Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager of arguably our greatest team, Manchester United, leads by shocking example and almost every other Premier League manager follows.


  • 作为名摄影师发现地方有点令人失望

    As a photographer, he'd found both locations just a trifle disappointing.


  • 但是由于兼容性问题,作为标准用户运行一个让人有点痛苦提议

    But for reasons of compatibility, running as a standard user can still be a somewhat painful proposition.


  • 虽然大多数饮食中已获得足够铁质严格遵循的饮食习惯,其他食物主要是蛋清鱼类作为蛋白质来源但是效率有点

    While most men get enough iron in their diet, those who are on a strict diet and are sticking mostly to chicken, egg whites and fish as sources of protein may be running a bit low.


  • 选项可能有点俗气使用电脑机箱作为一个喂鸟器绝对有趣的方式偿还大自然

    This option may be a bit tacky, but using a PC chassis as a bird feeder is definitely an interesting way to repay Mother Nature.


  • 闲话播客的看客指出这个网站有点太死板如果输入小丑演员作为你过去工作,页面返回错误信息,很抱歉无法找到相匹配工作。

    Gossip blog Gawker points out that the website is a bit picky. If you type in rodeo clown as a past job, an error comes up and says sorry, could not find a career to match.


  • 如果说摄影现在正在作为一种媒体蓬勃发展那么旧式的影集确实看起来有点怀旧了。

    If the photography book is currently thriving as a medium, the old-fashioned photo album does seem very much a thing of the past.


  • 它们作为公用设施有点过分了理由有二

    Treating them as utilities seems excessive, for two reasons.


  • 所以作为专家有点过分狂热了。

    So I'm a bit of a zealot on that as a particular expertise.


  • 有些注释有点过时,而且作为第一本书分析介绍可能有点过多了。

    Some notations are a bit outdated and it is mostly an introduction to real analysis that may be a bit too much as a first book.


  • 商业角度来看,这种服务可能有点过于依赖Last.fm,但作为一个想法,实现的非常漂亮

    The service may be a little too reliant on Last.fm from a business point of view, but as a concept it’s beautifully realised.


  • 在线站点作为电子邮件交流的主页,运作方式有点类似SharePoint站点GoogleGroup更加强大易于创建

    These online sites serve as a home for your email discussions, functioning somewhat like a SharePoint site or a Google Group, but far more robust and much easier to create.


  • 自从开始使用MacBook Air作为的非工作笔记本,对于不能Windows 7系统里面那样在时钟点击后弹出日历这一点,我觉得有点失望。

    Ever since I started using my new MacBook Air as my primary non-work laptop, I've been frustrated that you can't just click on the clock to show the calendar, the way Windows 7 does.


  • 但是发掘这些有用之物可能有点复杂比如只要可变对象类型作为,您可以自己方式使用 HashMap

    Unearthing tidbits often involves some complexity, however, like discovering that you can have your way with HashMap, just as long as you never use a mutable object type as its key.


  • Conway拿出了Paddington Bear的视频作为例子,“依然是图像,不过有点神奇而且让你沉浸在故事。”

    "It's still the illustration, it's just a little bit magical and doesn't distract from the story".


  • 因此验证可以作为种检查—有点每次更改代码之后进行编译一样。

    So validation serves as a check-sort of like compiling your code every time you make a change.


  • 拥有积极作为重要因素出现,这并不奇怪第二通过谨慎选择目标标准进行管理有点意思

    While the most important item, "Have motivated people" may be no surprise, the second item "Management by carefully chosen objectives and metrics" I s perhaps more interesting.


  • 目前为止,介绍 DSL作为捕获惯用模式方法可能有点抽象因此接下来将使用真实示例作为结束

    This discussion of DSLs as a way to capture idiomatic patterns may seem a bit abstract up until now, so I'll finish with an example from the real world.


  • 作为一个硅谷长大瘦小腼腆亚洲孩子有点自卑这些家伙相信可以成就更大的事情。

    Being a shy little skinny Asian kid growing up in the Silicon Valley with low self esteem, those guys made me believe in something bigger.


  • 比尔·康普顿,总带着着不死族特有激情敏感,沉溺在痛苦和折磨,让个凡人无异,作为一个吸血鬼,他显得有点无趣不是吗?

    Bill Compton has revealed an undead-like passion and sensitivity, and is given to moments of torment that are almost human, but he is a bit of a bore for a bloodsucker, isn't he?


  • 这个调用可能看起来有点儿奇怪但是请记住这个场景应用程序集群使用一个可信伙伴作为OP

    This call might look strange, but remember that in this scenario the focus is on a cluster of applications using a trusted partner to act as the OP.


  • 他们正处在喜欢读书自己游戏的年龄因此作为外祖母感觉有点孤单

    But they are at an age now where they'd rather read books or play games with themselves so grandma is beginning to feel left out.


  • 首先有点好笑,谷歌作为搜索的巨人却使迷路

    At first, this was mildly amusing. A giant search company misplaces me, haha.


  • 作为一个深思熟虑也许有点步调拖沓决策者愿意迅速做出改变,而是无论环境如何变化,宁可坚持自己计划

    A deliberate, perhaps plodding, decision-maker, he hated to be rushed into making changes and preferred to stick to his plan regardless of circumstances.


  • 作为球员有点加强版布莱恩·罗布森

    As a player, he had resembled something of a souped-up Bryan Robson.


  • 作为一个颇有成就工程师受人欢迎领导者,斯坦普尔通用公司一度需要首席执行官但是有点生不逢时

    Stempel, an accomplished engineer and popular leader, was the kind of CEO GM had once needed, but his timing was bad.


  • 不过作为不过圣诞节的西方人﹐我们一家难免显得有点双重置身事外

    Meanwhile, we are double outsiders, as Westerners who don't celebrate Christmas.


  • 今年原定计划建好这个网站盈利,感觉上有点中心了。

    This year my main focus has been building this web site and getting my business to the point of profitability, so my major goals were centered around my work.


  • 今年原定计划建好这个网站盈利,感觉上有点中心了。

    This year my main focus has been building this web site and getting my business to the point of profitability, so my major goals were centered around my work.


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