• 不过利用科技也许我们能够这种有趣的行为习惯作为一种信息传递装置而回到合适位置

    Yet with technology, perhaps we can return this funny quirk-of-behavior to it’s rightful place as a communicator.


  • 麦肯锡技术进步企业可能劳动力作为可变投入进行管理

    'Technology,' McKinsey says, 'makes it possible for companies to manage labor as a variable input.


  • 沃尔玛作为折扣专家以及心动迎宾员杂货包装工声名竞争者本能地战栗

    Competitors naturally trembled, given Wal-Mart's reputation as a discounter and the winning ways of its greeters and grocery packers.


  • 新陈代谢冬眠时大幅降低报道伊利诺卡本代尔大学艾瑞克·赫尔格伦(EricHellgren)很兴奋,承认自己“作为类生物学家的偏见”。

    Reports of respectable drops in bear metabolic rates during hibernation cheer Eric Hellgren of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, who admits toa biased viewpoint as a bear biologist.


  • 尽管身体的健康状况斯蒂夫 乔布斯多次不得不暂时的离开苹果公司,但是这些似乎不能影响到本周三仍然作为苹果产品的推销员出现在新产品的说明会现场,而且他看上去依然聪颖。

    Whatever health concerns prompted Steve Jobs' leave didn't seem to affect his flair Wednesday as an Apple pitchman.


  • 1679年签署人身保护法,作为赋予普通法法定效力一次尝试矛盾,正是这项法人生保护逐渐腐蚀铺平道路

    Paradoxically, it was the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, an attempt to give statutory force to the common-law writ, which paved the way for its gradual erosion.


  • 重要的是,如果将业绩平庸甚至糟糕银行考虑进去的话,全体投行业支付一半营业收入作为职员报酬这做法显然远远不能股东们舒坦。

    More importantly, the industry-wide practice of paying out about half of net revenues to employees looks a lot less palatable for shareholders once mediocre or bad banks are taken into account.


  • 公众演讲那么重要能力同时又那么多人害怕,然而惊讶的是,作为一门必修课的学校之又少。

    Considering how important a skill it is and how it scares so many people, it is amazing how few schools make it a course requirement.


  • 有了这么失败项目作为前车之鉴,相信,还不错的应用足以大多数管理层甘心掏腰包了。

    So many projects fail that, I believe, most managers would gladly pay for an average application.


  • 这个想法可以追溯到一个半世纪以前理论的一部分,建议作为一种推进数据比率的机制时,并不能所有的人信服

    The idea is a part of the theory of light going back a century and a half, but when it was proposed as a mechanism for boosting data rates, not everyone was convinced.


  • 福特公司一直以产品质量排名作为一个关键卖点,因此排名的下降福特深感苦恼。

    Ford, which has made its product quality ranking a key selling point, is chagrined.


  • 选择python作为两种补充因为Perl一样,它已经出现段时间并且拥有一些认为perl如此流行的特性这些特性现在我们Ruby中也看得到

    I've chosen Python to complement these two because it, like Perl, has been around for a while and has some of the features that I think made Perl so popular and which we now see in Ruby.


  • 苏格兰电力公司(ScottishPower)作为一家能源公司,希望借此发现技术从而一家上规模捕捉基地2014年底前步入正轨

    Energy company ScottishPower wants to test technology which could lead to a full scale carbon capture plant becoming operational by 2014.


  • 增加系统安全性扩展性采用下一代互联网络核心协议SIP作为控制信协议。

    To increase the security and the expansionary of the system, it uses SIP as a core protocol.


  • 作为心灵共通之可以唤起憩息之意,身材发生安神感化的化学物资

    As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming.


  • 作为心灵共通之可以唤起休憩之意,身体产生安神作用的化学物质。

    As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming.


  • 可能受青睐的XSLT 1.0xslvalue - of,用于作为字符串放到输出中。

    Possibly the favorite XSLT 1.0 instruction is XSL: value-of, which can be used to push a value onto the output as a string.


  • 近日股市急升投资者黄金著迷程度消减,但前景依然不明朗,普遍认为黄金作为避险所的需求增加。

    The stock rally has dampened demand for gold over the past couple of sessions, as investors saw risk appetite starting to kick in again.


  • 他们没有得到搜查,所以,结果只能柜子里的一切都不得作为呈堂证据

    They didn't get that warrant, as a result, everything in that closet is inadmissible as evidence.


  • 战略简直所向无敌,战无不胜,无数人折服,作为公司建立的基础,作用巨大,几乎所有自视甚高的企业各自的公司战略。

    Strategy has triumphed, the installed base is huge, no self-respecting company would be without one.


  • 然后天行者马上力克平静下来,角斗场陷入混乱时,他将力克作为自己的坐骑

    Skywalker was able to momentarily calm the reek, and used the massive horned creature as a mount while chaos reigned within the arena.


  • 喜欢科比因为作为科迷,我机会看到摸索自己跌入低谷,我们看到了他可怕地成长作为一个球员普通人

    I like Kobe because, as a fan, I've had the opportunity to watch him fumble, pick himself back up and we've watched him grow tremendously as a player and as a person.


  • 利用豆粕水解液作为氨基酸来源,制备复合氨基酸物,作为新型的油脂氧化剂。

    Micromineral iron chelate of compound amino acids made from soya-cake hydrolysate of acid could be used as a kind of antioxidation for soya oil .


  • 利用豆粕水解液作为氨基酸来源,制备复合氨基酸物,作为新型的油脂氧化剂。

    Micromineral iron chelate of compound amino acids made from soya-cake hydrolysate of acid could be used as a kind of antioxidation for soya oil .


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