• 大多数人都沉默不语,时不时一个狼一样地嘘气

    Most fell silent, although now and then one would start huffing like a Wolf.


  • 在场外机械交易不会那么差,时不时类似的冲动

    Nothing like that exists when you're trading mechanically off the floor, but you'll still feel similar impulses every now and then.


  • 这个事情已经回忆多年,”Zalar父亲一个看起来像是黑白电影中的办公室里销毁文件的景象描写到: “我不知道意味着什么但时不时地会起来,虽然和我现在的生活没有任何关联,它似乎暗示着什么,又似乎也什么意义。

    I’ve had this memory for years, ” he writes, describing the sight of his father removing files from an office that looks like a film-noir set. “I don’t know what it means.


  • 时不时地会打一会瞌睡,每次都静脉破裂输液液体漏出引起难忍痛苦弄醒。

    I occasionally doze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids.


  • 并不意味着不想时不时地吃个甜甜圈了。

    But that doesn't mean you don't want a doughnut every now and again.


  • 三分之一都有演讲恐惧症是每个人都时不时事情。

    But fear of public speaking, which everyone must do from time to time, afflicts one-third of the population.


  • 只是大段空话,除了化作鬼魂时不时出现一下之外,什么也没干。

    But it’s largely an empty boast: after his death, Obi-Wan does nothing more than appear as a sort of ghost from time to time.


  • 看着比自己孩子们达芙妮时不时微笑着大多数时侯看起来受了惊吓

    Daphne smiled occasionally as she watched the younger children, but mostly she looked stunned.


  • 即使中间时不时声称自己占了上风至今双方并没有获得决定性胜利

    So far neither side has scored a decisive victory, though each will occasionally claim one.


  • 诗歌暗涵着韵律,通常只是平常演说时不时出现那样

    There were rhyme schemes in his work, but usually just the sort that cropped up in ordinary speech.


  • 开始写《漫步者瑞德里》时,采用简练的英语人物不买账,他们坚持时不时蹦出长长的词汇,用他们自己方言语法句法发音

    I started Riddley Walker in straight English but my characters wouldn't wear it, they insisted on breaking up long words and imposing their own grammar, syntax and pronunciation on their vernacular.


  • 时不时女人知道是爱她的,说出这些感觉爱是确确实实存在的。

    Many women live with men that assume that they know this already. Speaking the words will help your wife to feel loved.


  • 总会愤愤不平的抱怨女人会花你想想那些花约会还有时不时的礼尚往来上的开销,这些算什么呢。

    You cynics out there gripe about the money women cost you, but the money you'd spend on dinner dates and the occasional gift is dwarfed by the prospect of having an extra income in the household.


  • 需要应对时不时而来冲动这种冲动会很微弱,所以我有足够信心克服

    I just had to deal with an occasional strong urge, but the rest of the urges were light, and I felt confident I could make it through anything.


  • 这位24岁的俄罗斯红粉2009年一直处在伤病带来的痛疾之中。虽然新的发球姿势娴熟去年秋季还是表现得不错(尽管时不时地还会走点老路)。

    The 24-year-old Russian struggled with injuries in 2009 and couldn't master a new service motion, but she played better in the fall (and also reverted to her old service motion).


  • 去年百货超市里忽然感到一阵无法抑制的恐慌痛苦,自从母亲去世,这种突如其来的感受总是时不时的出现。我当时拿着一件裙子就出了商店门,这仅仅是因为我当时无法思考、异常痛苦。

    Then last year I had a panic attack in a department store - I started having them when my mother died - and walked out with a dress because I wasn't thinking straight.


  • 去年12月份解雇,依旧时不时看望孩子们

    She was dismissed for a final time last December but still visited the children.


  • 好像已经清楚自己梦想经常地,你也会时不时怀疑这些梦想不会结果些假梦。

    You seem to have known your own dreams but often occasionally doubt if they may turn out to be pseudo ones.


  • 今天主题mall购物商场,商业街)。并非购物狂人,总得时不时商业街些什么

    The podictionary word for today ismall”: I’m not a mall person, but of course every now and then I need to go to the mall to buy something.


  • 几乎所有人都会时不时嘴馋研究显示,女性嘴馋的频率多于男性年轻人年纪较大者渴望甜食

    Nearly everyone has food cravings occasionally, but women report having them more often than men, and younger people crave sweets more than older people do.


  • 应该一个古老很有活力高校时不时学校大礼堂举行个人演唱会迎新晚会十大歌手比赛等等

    That should be an old but energetic colleges and universities, from time to time be held in the school's auditorium concert, New Year parties, games and so on ten singers.


  • 请你时不时我记起。

    But please promise me that sometimes, you will think of me.


  • 水牛城临终关怀中心研究人员表示虽然参与研究患者时不时地陷入谵妄依据定义来看,临终梦境并非这种状态产物

    But the Hospice Buffalo researchers say that while some study patients slipped in and out of delirium, their end-of-life dreams were not, by definition, the product of such a state.


  • 防虫剂可以减少蚊虫叮咬次数,最多能降低70%。这样效果也算很不错了,时不时地被上一口。

    Repellents reduce the number of bites by as much as 70 percent. That's all well and good, but you'll still get bitten once in a while.


  • 每个人都会时不时感到劳累如果一直感到筋疲力竭严重可能更多严重健康问题标志

    Everyone gets tired now and then but if you constantly feel worn out or your tiredness is severe, it could be a sign of a more serious health problem.


  • 每个人都会时不时感到劳累如果一直感到筋疲力竭严重可能更多严重健康问题标志

    Everyone gets tired now and then but if you constantly feel worn out or your tiredness is severe, it could be a sign of a more serious health problem.


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