• 哥伦布获得发现美洲殊荣,对于是否真的发现美洲,人们仍然争论不休。

    Columbus gets the glory of discovering America, but it's up to debate if he did discover it.


  • 对于来说没有真正快乐结局

    But there's no real happy ending for him.


  • 一切尽管世界上好玩的,对于也还是巡回游艺团演出那样并不真实。

    It had all seemed to him, though the greatest fun in the world, as unreal as a carnival.


  • 对于合同情况问题西汉姆联手注册,霍拉布钦拥有经济权。

    But there remains an issue with his contractual situation with West Ham holding his registration, and Kia Joorabchian his economic rights.


  • 并非仁慈,而且不起曾经厉声呵斥过,对于敬畏已经成为我习惯

    He was never unkind, and I cannot remember that he ever spoke harshly to me, but it was the custom to fear and admire him.


  • 没有绝望境地,不得已地相信上帝存在对于什么没有观念

    But I am not reduced to the desperate situation in which I should have to say that I believe God exists, but have no notion at all of what he is.


  • 尽管抗生素类固醇供应减轻病情,对于来说最佳治疗移除腋窝所有长出毛发的地方

    Although antibiotics and steroids can provide relief, for this young man the only treatment that proved successful was the removal of all hair-bearing areas of his axilla.


  • 是这位法国中场第50代表阿森纳出战。尽管阿森纳主场负于切尔西对于个人而言,这是个不错的开始

    The French international made his 50th appearance for Arsenal in that disappointing defeat against Chelsea at Emirates Stadium and, according to the man himself, he is just getting started.


  • 这位老师名字呀、相貌呀、脾性什么的,没有任何记忆了。对于分量极重的忠告分量更重的手掌的印象现在仍然还消失

    I have no recollection of the name, features or disposition of this tutor of ours, but the impression of his weighty advice and weightier hand has not yet faded.


  • 虽然没有目睹死刑执行对于她的难脱干系

    He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.


  • 认为上帝阿加比看来,基督教基础对于厄洛斯认为圣奥古斯丁所说自私的。

    He thought that God was agape. For him, that was the basis of Christianity. But Eros thought of the matter what St.Augustine said is selfish.


  • 制裁只是问题一个方面,,“它们目标是防患于未然,对于正在发生的危机如何处理得不多。”

    They aim to deal with issues before they happen, but they do not say much about how to deal with a crisis when it is happening.


  • 对于来说那些以前地方已经不是职业生涯目的地了。

    But for her those places aren't the career destinations they used to be.


  • 读者建议用巧妙命名约定选择样式对于解决方案最好提议来自一位同事提醒使用xml - stylesheet处理指令

    Readers suggested clever naming conventions that would select a style sheet, but the best suggestion for a solution came from a colleague who reminded me of the xml-stylesheet processing instruction.


  • 对于社会运动不少支持者

    But he still has supporters in the social movements.


  • 尽管没有用处对于一个条件更好更悠闲研究者来说,清楚牛顿与传统以及时代确切关系有时可能一个有趣的命题。

    Some time it might be interesting, but not useful, for some student better equipped and more idle than I to work out Newton’s exact relationship to the tradition and MSS. of his time.


  • 发现虽然女人面对更多不利因素对于不要孩子两性给出同样原因

    He found that while women face more stigma, both genders give the same reasons for not having kids.


  • 对于日记一无所知虽然读一下。

    But he knew nothing of the journal being sent to me, though he wanted to read it.


  • 制裁只是问题一个方面,“它们目标是防患于未然对于正在发生的危机如何处理得不多。”

    "Sanctions are only one side of the problem," he says. "they aim to deal with issues before they happen, but they do not say much about how to deal with a crisis when it is happening."


  • 最早作品最后工作,人们对批评纷至沓来对于有着自己真知灼见的学者而言,此无异为一种标志

    From his earliest writings to his last works, he has drawn vociferous critics, but that is the mark of a scholar who has important and fundamental things to say.


  • :“这一研究可能会那些正在寻找爱情感到沮丧,对于单身汉来说却是个好消息就是单身不一定是问题!”

    He said: "the research may sound depressing to people looking for love, but the good news for singles is, it's probably not your fault!"


  • 结论美元能否继续占据主导货币的地位,主要取决于美国人自己。对于好事还是坏事似乎不置可否

    Whether the dollar continues as top currency rests in American hands, he concludes, sounding ambivalent about whether that is good news or bad.


  • 对于约翰•博伦来说则并不尽然,保伦就读于布鲁明印第安纳大学收集本条以及那天更新推特。

    Not so, according to Johan Bollen, of Indiana University Bloomington, who collected the tweet, along with plenty of others sent that day.


  • 对于高速铁路持悲观态度表示收益未经证实可能也太昂贵大臣们谨防重大项目所诱惑

    He took a dim view of high-speed trains, saying that their benefits were unproven and they were likely to be too expensive: ministers should beware of being "seduced by grands projets".


  • 伤口已经完全闭合还有神经痛对于这种神经伤害来讲正常的。

    The wounds are completely closed, he still complains about some neuropathic pain but that is normal for that kind of damage that he had in his nerves and so on.


  • 伤口已经完全闭合还有神经痛对于这种神经伤害来讲正常的。

    The wounds are completely closed, he still complains about some neuropathic pain but that is normal for that kind of damage that he had in his nerves and so on.


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