• 太阳有点光芒就给乌云挡住

    But the sun had no sooner started to shine than it was clouded over a gain.


  • 祈求光明太阳没入了云层

    I prayed for light; the sun went down in clouds.


  • 夜幕时分了,太阳没落下。

    It's evening, but the sun is still up.


  • 乌云密布,太阳最终还是钻出云层。

    It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through.


  • 太阳特别我们因为最近恒星

    But the sun is special to us because it is the closest star;


  • 时间也许停滞不前太阳依旧缓缓西移

    Time may have stopped, but the sun still moved.


  • 今天下午寒风凛冽,太阳还是露了两个小时的脸。

    There was a cold wind this afternoon, but the sun shone for an hour or two.


  • 月亮天黑挂在天空太阳白天谁也不需要时挂在天空。

    The moon is in the sky when it's dark, but the sun is in the sky in the daytime when nobody needs it.


  • 太阳如此但太阳能的应用比风能10,比地热20年。

    The same could happen to solar energy, which is ten years behind wind, and geothermal, with a 20-year lag.


  • 早晨阳光草上我们站着扶着自己门窗,门太阳明亮的

    In the morning, the sun shines on the grass. We stand and hold our doors and Windows, doors are very low, but the sun is bright.


  • 当然月亮。月亮天黑挂在天空太阳是在白天谁也不需要时挂在天空。

    Of course the moon is. The moon is in the sky when it's dark, but the sun is in the sky in the daytime when nobody needs it.


  • 尽管白天天气非常的暖和,太阳一下山很快变得很冷了,于是我们添加了外套

    Though it was nice and warm during the day, it quickly got cool after the sun went down. Thus wearing the jackets.


  • 虽然如此,但太阳地球150,000,000公里一段长的距离。

    Still, it is a big distance about 150,000,000 km away from us - the Earth .


  • 虽然目前全球能源只有不到0.04%来自太阳电池板但太阳普及程度正在提高。

    While currently less than 0.04% of global energy production comes from solar panels, the popularity of solar energy is increasing.


  • 走出帐篷虽然头顶天都已经太阳被埋背后山谷朦胧阴影笼罩着。

    Out of the tent, although the head on the bright days have been great, but the sun still buried in the mountains behind the shadow of the valley was shrouded in obscurity.


  • 启明星月亮哀求太阳留下太阳最好还是草原,既然她天上已经不再开心了。

    Morning Star and the Moon pleaded with the Sun to let her remain, but the Sun said that it was better that she should go back to the prairies, for she would no longer be happy in the sky.


  • 虽然已经深秋太阳仍旧天天上班给予植物足够使它们能够寒冷的深秋依然得很好

    Though already late autumn, but the sun still go to work every day to give plants enough light and heat, so that they can remain in the cold of late autumn are alive and well.


  • 有着一头天生黑发已经太阳晒得变淡了

    He has hair which is naturally black but which has been bleached by the sun.


  • 地球太阳风暴三个阶段不是所有的阶段都发生特定风暴中。

    Solar storms aimed at Earth come in three stages, not all of which occur in any given storm.


  • 尽管向天文学家证明了金星厚厚的气体所包围,层气体使太阳在金星周围发生折射效应都使精确时间控制成为不可能。

    While this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.


  • 前一天下了——年中几乎没有黑暗的时候,会一种奇怪感觉——周日太阳照耀着湖面

    It snowed the day before — giving a strange feeling at a time of year when there is virtually no darknessbut on Sunday the sun blazed across the water.


  • 我们看到太阳的后面,实际上,船是朝着日落的方向行驶的。

    We also see the sun setting behind the ship, but in fact, the ship travelled towards the sunset.


  • 基本上太阳每天地球提供几乎无限能源问题一直我们如何利用能源。

    The sun basically provides Earth with virtually unlimited source of energy everyday, but the problem has always been how do we tap this source of energy.


  • 很多认为地球绕太阳轨道完美圆形就像在一块制作精良的手表上移动那样平滑、有规则,事实并非如此

    A lot of people think of earth's orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands move on a well-made watch, but it just doesn't work that way.


  • 地球之所以能够维持生命是因为相对太阳位置提供足够的热量热量没有可以早期的细菌进化

    Earth has been able to support life because its position relative to the Sun provided it with enough heat, but not too much heat for early bacteria to evolve.


  • 地球之所以能够维持生命是因为相对太阳位置提供足够的热量热量没有可以早期的细菌进化

    Earth has been able to support life because its position relative to the Sun provided it with enough heat, but not too much heat for early bacteria to evolve.


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