• 或许我们会拖着身体本地各种朋友约会,吃吃喝喝看看电视新闻或许希望这种疲惫会烟消云散,这些都是徒增自己压力

    Maybe we drag ourselves to the local bar to hang out with some friends and eat, drink, and watch the news on TVwhich adds its own layer of stresshoping our feelings will just disappear.


  • 不错,在这个世界金钱使推磨也还是从作家那里知道的这个道理

    Money may make the world go round, but the only reason you know that is because a writer told you it did.


  • 也许真正问题称职严重——因为如果只是人员不称职你可以更换真正的问题系统的。

    Perhaps, but the problem inside the commission is far worsebecause inept people can be replaced. The problem is systemic.


  • 实际,人们甚至A是不是A疑问肯定不是我们都知道这点,而从语法角度来看,并没有暗喻一样的神秘化

    B in fact, it's even a question whether a is a, but it's certainly not b, right? This much we know. In the grammatical sense there is no sort of mystification about the metaphor.


  • 对付詹姆斯韦德的办法基本总是一样尽力他们远离篮圈如果他们投的话,那祈求保佑因为根本阻止不了他们。

    The book on James and Wade has always been roughly the same: Do your best to keep them away from the rim, but if they're making their jump shots, pray for mercy, because you're not going to stop them.


  • 也许这么处理还远谈不完美。

    Maybe. But it's far from perfect.


  • 飓风不会强烈小心行事,我们还是窗户胶带

    The typhoon is not supposed to be very severe, but to be on the safe side, let’s put tape on the windows.


  • 人们记得2014索契冬奥会开幕式壮观场面以及俄罗斯文化完美展现大多数人(面对事实)只会记得雪花状五环打开出现故障

    Sochi 2014's opening ceremony will be remembered for its spectacle and beautiful presentation of Russian culture, but most of all (let's face it) for the glitch during the show's opening moments.


  • 事实我俩从未订过婚所以也从未违背婚约

    But the truth is that we were never engaged, so she never broke off the engagement, you see.


  • 训练中和电话跟其他人交流了很多带来些许压力最后已经可以比赛了。 周六敬请期待

    I've done a lot of speaking on the phone and training, so it was a little bit stressful, but in the end I'm ready to play, so we'll see.


  • 如果经过深思熟虑之后感觉自己一定会被裁员在你在位时候采取行动

    But, if after careful consideration, you feel like your demise is inevitable and you are about to be cut, take action to make a change while you are still employed.


  • 海豚回答道:“朋友不要责怪,责怪老天,他一方面让我成为海洋同志者,同时又不陆地生存力量。”

    The dolphin replied, "No, my friend, do not blame me, but Nature, which, while giving me the sovereignty of the sea, has quite denied me the power of living upon the land."


  • 不用这些事,说明了赛季打不错所以不错

    I could have done without all the speculation, but it obviously showed I was doing something right at the back end of last season, so it was nice.


  • 我们那么时间改变这个世界,事实我们只能改变自己。天要下雨就让它下;太阳要落就让它落

    We spend so much time trying to change our world, but in reality we can only change ourselves.


  • 大家好!今天再次持续两次雅思口语考题精析,挑了长沙。虽然有几个问题是去年有提问过的,这不意味说大家靠‘背’就可以。

    Continuing what I previously shared in the past two weeks -this time I selected a couple of IELTS test questions from Shanghai and Changsha.


  • 多多年级了,就算不能放映室朋友

    Toto: Now that I am older and to to fifth grade, I don't say I should come in the booth, but can't we at least be friends?


  • 多多年级了,就算不能放映室朋友

    Toto: Now that I am older and to to fifth grade, I don't say I should come in the booth, but can't we at least be friends?


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