• 一次又一次,在涉密网络公共网络之间这个空气间隙桥接上其中很大一部分是通过使用光盘可移动存储设备。

    But time and time again, the so-called "air gaps" between classified and public networks have been bridged, largely through the use of discs and removable drives.


  • 一切都消失了灯光一次又一次闪亮起来,祭祀神祗无休无止的天使们随时开始高歌起来

    Everything disappears, but again and again the lights flash on, the fete is endless, and any minute now the angels will begin to sing.


  • 我们身处全世界年轻的人群之中,一次一次,我们大胆探索、充满活力,走出了前进道路

    We are among the world's youngest of peoples, but time and again, we have boldly and resiliently led the way forward.


  • 一次经过基督山小岛,一共经过了二十多次始终找到一个机会上去

    He had passed and re-passed his Island of Monte Cristo twenty times, but not once had he found an opportunity of landing there.


  • 辛普森戈弗雷以及他们朋友同意每个迪斯尼乐园将次又一次参与太空旋转茶杯的游乐项目,绝不重复

    Simpson, Godfrey and their friends agree that doing Space Mountain and spinning teacups over and over again at every Disney park is anything but repetitive.


  • 可怜阳光不知所措,一次又一次着想帮雪球这种悲伤的状态中解脱出来,都遭拒绝。

    Poor Sunshine didn’t know what to make of it. He kept trying to push Snowball away from her sad station, but she refused to budge.


  • 父亲平生低调,那时异常清醒唤着我们名字有多么我们拼命地亲吻我们,直到一次又一次耗尽精力而昏迷过去。

    My father, so self-effacing in normal life, would wake up, call our names, say how much he loved us and blow kisses, before succumbing once more to the exhaustion that was pulling him away from us.


  • 事实上执法领域里一次又地被证明一个非常有价值打击犯罪工具

    But indeed, it has worked time and time again and has proven to be a really valuable tool in the - in crime fighting, in the law enforcement arena.


  • 他们渴望持续一致性最终成功眼前”或“触手可及”,但一次又一次眼前消失了

    It seems as if the consistency or ultimate success they desire is "at hand," or "within their grasp," just before it slips away or evaporates before their eyes, time and time again.


  • 后来那个男孩似乎忘记了什么珍惜一次犯下了很多不可原谅错误

    But later, the boy seems to have forgotten what it meant to treasure time and again committed many unpardonable errors.


  • 如果朋友总是假装一次又一次的这样做,可能进入到习惯性学习阶段这时不再退缩因为认识到仅仅是个假象。

    However, if your friend pretends over and over again to try and hit you, you can also enter a habituation learning phase, where you stop flinching, since you realize that it's all just a ploy.


  • 还有一些病人依然神秘症状困扰一次一次回去医生担心自己可能得了什么医生没有发现的恶疾。

    But some patients remain bothered by the mystery symptoms, returning to the doctor again and again worrying that they are missing some dire illness.


  • 基普·达伦一次面对难以想象困难虽然并非毫发无伤,每次经历都让他变得强大。

    Time and again Kyp Durron has faced incredible hardship, and has emerged stronger from the experience, yet not unscathed.


  • 不会迟到了,一次又一次的做了同样事情

    You say you aren't going to be late again. Yet, you repeat the same behavior over and over.


  • 虽然他们依然遗世独立,还是有人经常目睹爆破者一次飞越莫哈韦荒原的天空。

    The Boomers remained isolated but have been seen flying over the Mojave Desert from time to time.


  • 一次一次失败失望之后打算认输继续坚持最终给他带来了成功

    After repeated failures and disappointments he was tempted to throw up the sponge, but continued perseverance finally brought success.


  • 常规帝国设计哲学不会生产tie防御者”,同盟星际战斗机飞行员一次又一次胜利迫使帝国这么做。

    Conventional Imperial design philosophies would not have produced the TIE defender, but the repeated successes of Alliance starfighter pilots forced the Empire's hand.


  • 反对提高人们工资水平的人展开了一一年的辩论但一次,时间证明他们了。我们再次证明他们真的错了,让我们提高美国的工资标准。

    The opponents of raising folks' wages have deployed the same old arguments for years, and time and again, they've been proven wrong.


  • 如果按照美国标准,欧元区的GDP增速差强人意(很大程度上是由于人口数量增长更慢一些)。不是问题重点,重点在于,今年欧元区一次一次地让预言家感到惊讶

    That its GDP growth is modest by American standards, largely because of its slower population growth, is not the point: what matters is that this year it has surprised the soothsayers time and again.


  • 可怜阳光不知所措一次又一次着想帮雪球这种悲伤的状态中解脱出来,都遭拒绝。

    Poor Sunshine didn't know what to make of it. He kept trying to push Snowball away from her sad station, but she refused to budge.


  • 手指搜寻着可以抓手裂缝但一次一次波浪推开。

    My fingers, questing for a crevice, were again and again pulled off.


  • 试图10倍以上一次一次结果总是相同的。

    I tried it for more than 10 times again and again, but the result is always the same.


  • 同时马来西亚官员坚持认为,经过一次又一次调查,所有数据已经掌握,原始数据十分复杂,很难解释

    Meanwhile, Malaysian officials have insisted time and time again that the investigation has been completely own and that the raw data is complex and difficult to explain.


  • 贝蒂一直男友尔格出版小说发现了佐尔格的一部小说稿,并用打字机寄出一次一次遭到拒绝。

    Betty has always wanted to help her boyfriend Sorge publication of his novel, one day, she found a novel Sorge draft, and sent with a typewriter fight, but was rejected again and again.


  • 这样出现的字眼也许经过一次推敲,也许还会发现更好的字眼。

    It may be a very good one; and yet a better may present itself on reflection or from time to time.


  • 并不情愿不得不一次又一次再见每个人都会这么

    I'd rather not have to, but had to stop again and again to say goodbye, but everybody says so.


  • 尽管失败挫折等待着人们一次夺走青春容颜,同时它也生命增添尊严任何一帆风顺的成功不能做到的。

    The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.


  • 尽管失败挫折等待着人们一次夺走青春容颜,同时它也生命增添尊严任何一帆风顺的成功不能做到的。

    The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.


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