• 会议上普遍意见反对这个决定

    The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision.


  • 会议令人兴奋来自不同学科之间交流

    What made the meeting exciting was the interchange of ideas from different disciplines.


  • 布鲁斯•怀亚特下月会议上特邀发言人

    Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting.


  • 委员会有望下次会议上正式通过这项政策

    The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.


  • 委员会同意他们下次会议上重新讨论这个问题

    The committee agreed to revisit the issue at their next meeting.


  • 会议出了个大洋相—起来忘了要问问题

    I made an ass of myself at the meetingstanding up and then forgetting the question.


  • 然而,拉特雷亲自出现会议试图挫败他们计划

    Rattray, however, personally showed up at the meeting to try and put the kibosh on their plans.


  • 讨论的问题还有很多所以我们下次会议上讨论这项议题

    There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting.


  • 阿瑟建议明天下午拟定召开特别会议上董事会提出

    Arthur has made a recommendation, which he wants her to put before the board at a special meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.


  • 会议提出的还是那些掉了牙的话题:宏观经济政策第三世界债务环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment.


  • 天他在会议上展示了一个错误的演示文档。

    Today he showed a wrong PPT at the meeting.


  • 决定了人们会议上互动方式

    This determines both people interact in meetings.


  • 此次会议上计划学习/探索什么

    What do you plan to learn /explore at this conference?


  • 会议讨论工资晋升来年工作计划

    Salary, promotion and plans for the coming year will also be discussed at the meeting.


  • 没有完整个年度报告无法会议作出评论

    Not having read the entire annual report, I couldn't give comments at the meeting.


  • 环保会议提出这些建议影响力重要性都存在着差异

    These suggestions which were put forward in the environmental conference vary in influence and importance.


  • 一次英国商界高层人士大型会议上了起来解释了他成功秘诀

    At a big meeting of top British businesspeople, he stood up and explained the secret of his success.


  • 有些喜欢深入讨论重要问题之前在会议上闲聊,有些人则直截了当

    Some people like small talk in a meeting before digging into important matters, while others are more straightforward.


  • 今年的 CHIRP会议上Twitter透露尝试解决这些问题

    At this year's CHIRP Conference, Twitter revealed that it's attempting to address some of these very issues.


  • 每当有人进来需要指导时,经常佛教学生小组会议上给出的建议,都简单

    The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction is pretty simple.


  • 去年10月举行一次重要会议上生物学家其他科学家他们注意力转向了植物和动物。

    Biologists and other scientists turn their attention to plants and animals at an important meeting that took place last October.


  • 1938年,政府召开全国卫生会议上有组织劳工成为立法主要支持者保证美国全民医疗保健

    In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference, organized labor emerged as a major proponent of legislation to guarantee universal health care in the United States.


  • 然而,最近一些会议上我们未能做出重要决定因为委员会成员提出愚蠢反对意见他们甚至不是橡树居民

    At some of our recent meetings we failed to make important decisions because of the foolish objections raised by committee members who are not even residents of Oak City.


  • 昨天美国化学协会会议上DrNeilDaCosta 发表关于血腥玛丽研究:“一种复杂饮料。”

    Dr Neil Da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday, said, "It's a very complicated drink."


  • 下周一个人权会议发言。

    He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.


  • 那次会议差点睡着了。

    I was practically nodding off in that meeting.


  • 会议犯了一个尴尬的错误。

    He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.


  • 几乎没有人伦敦会议注意警告

    But few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning.


  • 昨天的会议上,我控制了说话的速度,让大家听得很清楚。

    At yesterday's meeting, I controlled the speed of speaking and made myself heard clearly.


  • 昨天的会议上,我控制了说话的速度,让大家听得很清楚。

    At yesterday's meeting, I controlled the speed of speaking and made myself heard clearly.


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