• 学术活动以及诗歌创作分别声律对偶、名句锤炼方面诗歌的律化产生重大影响

    His academic activities and poetry writing had a significant impact on poetic composition rules in the aspects of tonal pattern, antithesis and famous lines creation.


  • 本文通过列举不同观点分析背后理论根据以及诗歌翻译历史实践证明诗歌可译性

    By enumerating various opinions, analyzing their background theories and putting forth the historical practice of poetry translation, it proves that poetry is translatable.


  • 是否代表叶芝自己早期文化民族主义以及风中芦苇》其他早期诗歌代表作品

    Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work represented in The Wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?


  • 诗歌以便唱歌曲为模式古希腊诗歌具有三部分结构包括向左舞动时诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分。

    A classical greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe and an epode.


  • 本文探讨三音节诗歌兴衰,以及音节诗歌密切关系

    This article ferrets the rise and decline of the trisyllabic verse and the close relation to the heptasyllabic verse.


  • 晚餐时刻,以及晚餐之后都会为诗歌祝福这个家庭

    At the evening meal, and afterwards, he sang songs to the family.


  • 的非小说类作品——写过诗歌以及短篇小说——思维缜密逻辑清晰。

    Indeed, all his non-fictionhe also wrote novels, short stories and poetry—was rigorously analytical.


  • 朱迪·凯丽评审团主义,这个故事表现出作者“出众的才华少有成熟以及敏锐又让人印象深刻诗歌天分”。

    Jude Kelly, chair of the judges, said the story showed "a sharp talent, a rare maturity and a poetic intelligence that is both subtle and deeply effective".


  • 阅读材料会展示西方文化包括了戏剧诗歌圣歌传说故事以及小说

    The readings reveal the culture of the West. Included are plays, poetry, hymns, legends, short stories, and novels.


  • 可是,南非卡鲁干燥大地却未能激发他的灵感,直到他偶遇其旧日的学友之后才亚当诗歌灵感——以及故事情节——开始顺畅地得以进展。

    However, the dry-baked landscape of the Karoo fails to inspire, and it is not until a chance encounter with an old school friend that both Adam's poetic juices, and the plot, start to flow.


  • 通过修辞语法知识构成诗歌对话——易于插话质疑以及转移话题

    By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialoguesubject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.


  • 与其说它是博客不如说是创意发电机。 只要在“点子盒子”里输入任何一个单词这个网站就会联想一系列相关音乐图片诗歌色彩推文以及更多的甚至让果汁流动起来的东西。

    More a creativity generator than a blog, type any word into the Ideas box and this site coughs up a wealth of related music, images, poetry, colors, tweets and much more to get your juices flowing.


  • 你们可以联想很多诗歌比如,兰斯顿·休斯以及很多其他诗人哈莱姆文艺复兴时的作品,就是第三阶段亲属

    You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.


  • 诗歌有着其显著特点——那平易近人且时而诙谐口气以及当代理念象征手法融合

    His poetry is characterized by its familiar, sometimes humorous tone and its integration of contemporary ideas and images.


  • 阅读材料展示西方文化包括了戏剧诗歌圣歌传说故事以及小说。

    The readings reveal the culture ofthe West. Included are plays, poetry, hymns, legends, short stories, andnovels.


  • 瑞士文化主要通过音乐舞蹈诗歌木刻刺绣以及每年各个时期全国或地区习俗,仪式。

    Swiss culture is mostly expressed in music, dance, poetry, wood carving and embroidery. There are also a great number of regional and local rites demarcating times of the year.


  • 丘吉尔讲话海明威写作风格以及戈尔丁诗歌电脑阅卷系统并不买他们的帐,这系统用来定评英语A

    Churchill's speeches, Hemingway's style and Golding's prose would not have been appreciated by a new computerised marking system used to assess a level English.


  • 亚当斯今年已经66了,更能从哲学或者是诗歌的角度来看待追求以及条河流意义所在

    Mr MacAdams, aged 66, seems philosophical, or poetic, about his quest and the meaning of the river.


  • 偶尔有来自部落音乐家歌曲以及本地诗人诗歌

    Occasional songs by tribal musicians and the verses of local poets also liven up the mix.


  • 通过它们收集字谜字游戏、回文测验、诗歌谜题以及更多追溯到1893年以前的游戏,大脑会得到很好的开拓。

    Stretch your brain with their vast collection of anagrams, crosswords, palindromes, verse puzzles and more that stretches back to 1893.


  • 课程帮助形成发现形象化语言敏锐眼光以及培养故事细节诗歌词汇欣赏水平

    This class will help you develop a keen eye for figurative language, as well as an appreciation for story details, poetry, and vocabulary.


  • 为了使你们明了目前问题想法附加了一最近关于查理·卓别林以及现代诗歌如何应用源于电影的意象手法。

    To give you a sense of my current thinking on these issues, I append a recent essay (by me) on Charlie Chaplin and how modernism poetry USES image-techniques derived from film.


  • 没有油画雕塑音乐诗歌以及各种自然美引起情感人生乐趣失掉一半。——斯宾塞

    No oil painting, sculpture, music, poetry, and all kinds of natural beauty caused by emotion, the joy of life will lose half. - Spencer.


  • 本文试图文化角度探讨中国古典诗歌力求析出其中的文化因素以及寻求翻译其适当的处理方法

    This thesis attempts to explore the translation of classical Chinese poetry from a cultural perspective, with a view to identifying the cultural factors and the ways to deal with them in translation.


  • 作品以其犀利的文笔、诗歌般的叙述风格以及人性的深刻洞察而著称。

    What impresses most in Goldings work is his trenchant pen, his poetic narrative style, and his keen insight into human nature.


  • 诗歌形式普遍性诗歌形式内容的特殊性以及翻译活动本身局限性决定的。

    The mistranslation of form is caused by the special form and content of poetry and the limitations of translation activity.


  • 元稹被江陵原因直接影响到在江陵后的心态转变以及他之后的诗歌创作

    The reason of Yuan Zhen's demoting to Jiangling, directly affected his mentality change and his composition of poems.


  • 元稹被江陵原因直接影响到在江陵后的心态转变以及他之后的诗歌创作

    The reason of Yuan Zhen's demoting to Jiangling, directly affected his mentality change and his composition of poems.


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