• 请参阅Autonomiccomputingjustgotalittlewiser了解wsdm自主计算技术关系其带来的价值

    Learn the relationship and value that the new WSDM standard brings to autonomic computing technology in autonomic computing just got a little wiser.


  • 他们风险价值电脑模型产生过度的信赖,这些模型似乎令人释然的严格计算他们风险敞口

    They develop an excessive faith in "value at risk" computer models, which seem to calculate their exposure in soothingly rigorous terms.


  • 教程第1部分第2部分第3部分内容为基础,将向介绍自主计算管理价值

    This tutorial takes you beyond the basics you learned in Parts 1, 2, and 3, and introduces the autonomic computing management value chain.


  • 人民消费能力依赖工薪收入”,实际价值计算,该项收入正在每年大约10%的速度增长,葛先生表示

    "People's ability to consume depends on their wages," which have been rising by about 10 percent a year in real terms, Mr. Kroeber says.


  • 此外系统负载随着时间而变化时缓存也会重新计算保留最有价值资源

    Furthermore, as the character of the system load changes over time, the cache rebalances, retaining resources that are currently most valuable.


  • 瑞士银行计算以价值日本对华出口产品有45%经过加工后发其他地区

    UBS calculates that 45% of Japan's exports to China by value are processed and shipped elsewhere.


  • 价值非常巨大,目前货币计算大约为10万亿美元。

    They're vast - about $10 trillion in today's money.


  • 后备列表中的每个项目都赋予业务价值点数,这会能够计算“业务速率”,例如每个Sprint中实现多少业务价值(点数计算)。

    Putting a business value in points against every item on the backlog allows you to calculate 'business Velocity', i.e. how much business value (in points) was delivered in each Sprint.


  • 价值ROI(投资收益)形式直接计算如下方式决定了偿还时间。

    Value can be directly calculated in terms of ROI (return on investment), which determines time-to-payback, as follows.


  • 较短迭代周期开发的,天和计算不是计算更关注于时间的价值

    Developed in short, iterative cycles measured in days or weeks rather than months or years, focusing on time-to-value.


  • 只要美国舰队加仑汽油航行里程增加1英里,每年就会节省61亿加仑汽油,今天价格计算价值170亿美元。

    Simply improving the mileage of the U.S. fleet by one mile per gallon would save 6.1 billion gallons of gas per year, or $17 billion at today's prices.


  • 他们发现影响全美15-35%人口场世界性大规模疫病流行造成的损失达到713-1665亿美元之间1999年的美元价值计算)。

    They found that a pandemic affecting 15-35% of the population would have cost between $71.3 billion and $166.5 billion (in 1999 dollars).


  • 美国证券交易委员会周二公布大公开市场内部收购名单美元价值计算

    Below are lists of the top 10 open-market insider purchases and sales filed at the Securities and Exchange Commission Tuesday as ranked by dollar value.


  • 计算资本价值某种方式将价格变动排除在外。

    Variations in prices can be excluded from the calculation of capital values, in one way or another.


  • 文中算式自位缸体结构为基本计算模型,对于其他类型轴向柱塞泵亦有很大参考应用价值

    The formulae in this paper are founded for axial piston pump whose rotor's structure is straight axis and auto-location type, but other type of pump can reference it.


  • 这种方法预测基础计算评估时应考虑货币时间价值

    This kind of method takes the forecast as its foundation and should consider currency time value in calculating evaluation value.


  • 股票期权价格康公司美国股票交易所上市当天市场价值计算

    The option price is to be based on a market cap valuation on the day Huikang is listed on one of the US stock exchanges.


  • 生命长短时间计算,生命的价值贡献计算

    The length of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by its contribution.


  • 同意结论指出,韩国和另一个大宗商品净进口国印度都是成品油出口国美元计算,这些成品油的价值今年会上升

    Mr Baweja agrees with this conclusion, noting that both South Korea and India, another net commodity importer, are exporters of refined oil products, the dollar value of which should rise this year.


  • 根据企业资产负债表计算出来净资产并未精确反映企业真实价值净资产作为股权收购价格基准并不妥当

    The net assets calculated out by the balance sheet don ot accurately reveal the true values of an enterprise, and taking net assets as the price benchmark in the stock purchase is not appropriate.


  • 兴趣计算资产价值相同的方式上的

    The interest is calculated upon the value of the assets in the same manner as upon money.


  • 生命价值定义为基础给出人力资本计算方法及其优缺点;认为支付意愿方法为生命价值评估的主流方法。

    The calculation of human capital approach and its advantages and disadvantages are presented based on the concept of the value of a statistical life (VSL).


  • 面对迅猛发展计算网络技术,作者主张人文学者需要冷静理性沉浸观念考辨,廓清负载的人文价值加速文化

    Facing the rapid development of computer network technique, humanists should be calm and rational in order to realize the humanities value and promote its culture form.


  • 预测范围3增长率固定值,我们固定增长公式进行调整计算预测时间段所有自由现金流量价值,并预测时间段内。

    Growth is constant after the horizon (3 years), so we can modify the constant growth formula to find the value of all free cash flows beyond the horizon, discounted back to the horizon.


  • 美国宣布中国制造管道产品征收10.36%15.78%的反倾销税之后,中国商务部对于美国不合理方法计算中国管道产品市场价值的做法提出了指责

    The Commerce Ministry accused Washington of improperly calculating the market value of the Chinese pipes when it announced Tuesday it would impose duties ranging from 10.36 percent to 15.78 percent.


  • 美国宣布中国制造管道产品征收10.36%15.78%的反倾销税之后,中国商务部对于美国不合理方法计算中国管道产品市场价值的做法提出了指责

    The Commerce Ministry accused Washington of improperly calculating the market value of the Chinese pipes when it announced Tuesday it would impose duties ranging from 10.36 percent to 15.78 percent.


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