• 这位独唱家感人歌声博得全场喝彩

    The soloist brought the house down with encore for his impressive voice.


  • 律师富有感染力辩护说服了陪审团。

    A defense lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime.


  • 赫索格以他特有的出其不意抛开了话题

    Herzog abandoned this theme with characteristic abruptness.


  • 如果软弱身心的整个力量她八年,也抵不上天的爱。

    If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years as I could in a day.


  • 彼得桑普拉斯彼得桑普拉斯离开曾奋斗的网坛,谦逊,随和,一贯杰出的风格

    A great One Goes Out in Style, His Own StyleBy Sally JenkinsPete Sampras will leave the game as he played it, a modest, easy, all-time great.


  • 著名物理学家霍金乐观而顽强精神活跃宇宙学最前沿,宇宙哲学思想十分丰富

    Stephen Hawking is working actively with an optimistic indomitable spirit in the frontier research of cosmology. His philosophical thought of the universe is in great plenty.


  • 老人然而的说话里一种自吹自擂口吻仿佛仍旧以他那诅咒的魔力自豪哩。

    This the old man said. But there was a tone of bragging in his words, and it seems that he is still proud of the power of his curse.


  • 最喜欢的电影明星男孩式的迷人魅力使得整个银幕沸腾起来,更别提他那迷人的酒窝了。

    My favorite movie star steams up the screen with his boyish charm, not to mention his killer dimples.


  • 使得任何时候随意退出,或者威胁进行另一次测试获得更多自由。

    That leaves him free to stomp out at any time, or threaten another test, to get more of his way.


  • 小鸟结束最后一轮时,严肃气氛也烟消云散

    When he finished with a final birdie, any seriousness of the incident gave way to levity.


  • 夫妇满怀感激,把口袋所有了出来报答诚实

    The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.


  • 既然容忍任何人任何方式决定自己的人生为什么还要催促着大家学习呢?

    Since I can tolerate anyone, in any way to decide his own life, that why I also urged everyone to learn?


  • 是个危险的敌人呢,还是密切关注着我们确保我们安全朋友呢?下定决心弄清一切决不离开小屋

    Or was he a friend who was watching us to make sure we were safe? I decided I would not leave the hut until I knew.


  • 热烈温柔爱情更好世界热望,来回忆她;毫不怀疑更好的世界了。

    He recalled her memory with ardent, tender love, and hopeful aspiring to the better world; where he doubted not she was gone.


  • 曾到芝加哥大学攻读人类学硕士学位,学位论文通过,直至最后代小说摇篮》(1963),但已是25年后的事情了。

    He also studied for a master's in anthropology at the University of Chicago.His thesis was rejected, but his novel "Cat's Cradle" (1963) was accepted instead, almost 25 years late.


  • 曾到芝加哥大学攻读人类学硕士学位,学位论文通过,直至最后代小说摇篮》(1963),但已是25年后的事情了。

    He also studied for a master's in anthropology at the University of Chicago. His thesis was rejected, but his novel "Cat's Cradle" (1963) was accepted instead, almost 25 years late.


  • 如果坚持自我自己生活方式不会金钱地位权利所动,也不会人们种族肤色社会地位评价

    If what one is and how one meets life are of first importance, one is not impressed by another's money, status, or power, nor does one judge people by their race, color, or social position.


  • 如果一个销售人员过于关注最终成交的销售结果,不会重视顾客感受,因此也就不会全心全意服务满足客户的需求

    If a sales person focuses on finalizing the sale he is not paying attention to the customer and therefore will not serve the customer according to their needs.


  • 耶和华的,国是有的。所拣选自己产业的,有福的。

    Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.


  • 无赖父亲还紧些,而且贬得更些;因为的野蛮而自负

    I've got him faster than his scoundrel of a father secured me, and lower; for he takes a pride in his brutishness.


  • 太斯水手枚金币,答谢提供的情况,然后继续向前走去。走出几步远,听到又追上了

    Giving the sailor a piece of money in return for his civility, dantes proceeded onwards; but ere he had gone many steps he heard the man loudly calling him to stop.


  • 是否坚持有可能性必需多少视为是一项失败如果对话失败结束我们又能从中学到什么

    Does he hold it out as a real possibility? Or must it be considered a failure in some way or that if the dialogue does end in failure? What can we learn from that?


  • 重点奥司使用问题,预防重症疾病死亡降低住院必要性缩短住院时间。

    Emphasis was placed on the use of oseltamivir and zanamivir to prevent severe illness and deaths, reduce the need for hospitalization, and reduce the duration of hospital stays.


  • 耶和华的,国是有的。拣选自己产业的,有福的。

    Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.


  • 感谢,便是荣耀按正路而行的,必使得着我的恩。

    He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.


  • 白先生女儿不再卢森堡公园出现。 马吕斯无精打采地胡思乱想,不敢白天张望扇大门,只好晚上仰望窗口玻璃片上带点红色灯光满足自己。

    Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows.


  • 赢得青睐后,伊塔经过一系列梦幻般的冒险如愿偿,其中包括寻求赐予愿望的奇效植物

    Having earned her favor, Etana accomplishes this goal through a series of fantastic adventures, including a trip to the heavens in order to find a potent plant that will grant his wishes.


  • 赢得青睐后,伊塔经过一系列梦幻般的冒险如愿偿,其中包括寻求赐予愿望的奇效植物

    Having earned her favor, Etana accomplishes this goal through a series of fantastic adventures, including a trip to the heavens in order to find a potent plant that will grant his wishes.


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