• 随着岁月流逝感到受困某些婚姻现实情况

    As the years passed he felt trapped by certain realities of marriage.


  • 随着时间的流逝越发了。

    I love him more with each passing day.


  • 随着时间流逝变得成熟了

    As time goes by, he became mature.


  • 时光流逝治愈悲伤

    Time cured him of his grief.


  • 宁愿一步一步地享受生活,也不愿看着它匆匆流逝

    He would rather enjoy life step by step than watch it go by in such a hurry.


  • 晨的太阳升起来了,随着时间的流逝越来越虚弱。

    The morning sun rose and with every passing minute he lost more strength.


  • 随着时间流逝男孩长大了。不再树旁玩耍了

    Time went by... the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree.


  • 施托克·森的音乐基于数学原理构思但是随着年月流逝又喜欢上作品中注入更多元素,如旋律的变自由度机遇

    Stockhausen's music was constructed on mathematical principles; but, as the years passed, he liked to throw in more elements of motion, freedom and chance.


  • 但是随着年月流逝喜欢上了作品中注入更多元素,如旋律的变自由度机遇

    But, as the years passed, he liked to throw in more elements of motion, freedom and chance.


  • 时间眼中没有流逝而是自己同在。感觉自己岁数越来越大,体力也渐渐衰弱,但心灵力量却越来越强大。

    Thus time goeth not from him, but with him, and he feels age more by the strength of his soul than by the weakness of his body.


  • 为什么时光流逝如此? 为什么能将更多时光用来陪伴

    Why had it passed so quickly, and why hadn't he spent more of it with her?


  • 随着时间流逝相信我们保持优势地位,但是我们保持优势的时间越来越短”,表示

    "Over time I believe we will still maintain an advantage, but I think our advantage will be a shorter period of time," he said.


  • 时间在一点一滴的流逝,就像百米赛需要作出选择:是继续追寻的梦想还是挽救生命

    So the clock was ticking, the meter was running, and I had a choice to make; pursue my own needs, or save his life.


  • 如何——随着时间流逝——弟弟还有我会意识我们足够多共同点我们感激自己出现彼此生命里

    He talked about how, with time, my brother and I would realise that we had enough in common to want to be in each other's lives.


  • 要是真让戈尔说中了,并且也许就是正确的话,时间流逝之快就确实超出全世界大多数人想象了。

    If Mr Gore should happen to be right, and he may be, time is running out faster than most of the world thinks.


  • 画画我们逃离日常生活一种健康方式所有艺术形式一样,绘画深深地滋养爱好者忘记时间流逝

    Drawing is a healthy way to escape from everyday life. Like all other art forms, it deeply nourishes its followers by allowing them to forget the passing of time.


  • 认为奴隶制错误的,而且认为,奴隶制应该随着时间流逝自然地消亡,而且外人应该强迫南方人结束奴隶制度。

    But he believed that slavery was wrong. Yet he thought that slavery would die out naturally over time — and that outsiders should not force southerners to end slavery.


  • 说服,告诉有那种感觉很正常的,所有的爱情都会随着时间流逝褪色而变平淡,不要在意。

    He tried to convince me that my feelings were enough-that over time those "in love" feelings fade anyway, so maybe they weren't so important.


  • 曾经把这个标志挖很久以前事了。寂静的荒野地,随着时间流逝逐渐忘记了。

    He had once thought to gouge it out, but that had been a long time ago, and as time passed in the silence of the Waste, he had forgotten.


  • 死去四十之后格瓦拉反而成了一个代表着“激情”、“理想主义”、“永不懈怠的进取”的符号随着时间流逝,对的纪念不减反增。

    Four decades after his death, the visage of Che Guevara survives him as a symbol of passion, idealism, and restless discontent with the status quo. In fact, as time passes, his celebrity grows.


  • 随着时间流逝这种期望逐渐消失公司也会不得不开始训练,产生更加适合工作的人才。”

    Over time that expectation will fade, and companies will have to take a roll in making talent more employable," he says.


  • 表明,奥西里斯也许是个先知,传达信息或许因为时间流逝遭到修改

    This suggests that Osiris might have been a prophet of God, and his original message was not preserved and corrupted by time.


  • 书中任何人类社会中,随着时间流逝,小型卡特尔游说集团有积聚增多的趋势直到它们开始使一国经济活力丧失殆尽为止。

    In any human society, he said, parochial cartels and lobbies tend to accumulate over time, until they begin to SAP a country's economic vitality.


  • 随着时间流逝这些自己的力量创办的公司成功了——皮克斯公司现已归属特•迪斯尼公司,成为成功动画片制作公司,其它部分公司也是如此。

    Over time, these succeeded in their own right—Pixar, now owned by Walt Disney, became the most successful animated-film company—or as part of something else.


  • 时间正在流逝不管由于什么原因如果Boehner不能自己的方案通过随着8月2截至日期邻近,最可能的方案的可能性正在增加。

    Time is running out, of course, and if Boehner can't pass his own plan, for whatever reason, then the chances of a plan Z no deal by August 2 gets closer.


  • 于是我也就像别人一样,没多少时日就把遗忘了。时光流逝,在奥斯顿站台再度见到有些陌生感,尤其是现在如此地阔气殷实。

    It was strange to see him, after all these years, here on the platform of Euston, looking so prosperous and solid.


  • Faraway绰号“黑人”,班加西许多拉普说唱乐歌手一样,绰号知名Madaniaka MadaniLion组成了“音乐大师核心班底,但是表演组合的人员随着时间流逝而不断变化

    Faraway, who like many rappers in Benghazi is known by his nickname, "Dark man," and Madani, aka "Madani Lion," form the core of Music Masters, but the composition of the group has changed over time.


  • 相信记忆永不消退的,也许人们觉得似乎随着时间流逝而被人们遗忘,但是因为它是人们心灵深处的记忆而不是脑中的记忆,因此是永不消退的。

    Morning Edition, April 9, 2007 ·I believe that memory is never lost, even when it seems to be, because it has more to do with the heart than the mind.


  • 相信记忆永不消退的,也许人们觉得似乎随着时间流逝而被人们遗忘,但是因为它是人们心灵深处的记忆而不是脑中的记忆,因此是永不消退的。

    Morning Edition, April 9, 2007 ·I believe that memory is never lost, even when it seems to be, because it has more to do with the heart than the mind.


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