• 人类意志力量

    That's the strength of human will.


  • 既是身手检验,又是人类意志的检验。

    It is a test of human spirit as much as physical prowess.


  • 就是人类意志力量

    That is the strength of the human will.


  • 一张简单又有意义图片人类意志象征

    This is a simple but meaningful picture. It's a symbol for the human will.


  • 首先,有人担心基因决定论会使人类意志力量的价值降低。

    The first involves the fear that genetic determinism cheapens human volition.


  • 人类自然矛盾表现为人类意志自然意志较量

    The contradiction between human and nature represents that the human will struggles with the natural will.


  • 思考话语理解到,感情其实相差多,爱一种人类意志体现

    Meditating his words, I understand that so far away from sentiment, love is actually a manifestation of the human will.


  • 毫无疑问,最大风险就是赋予了天使人类意志自由,包括拒绝的自由——只是一次而是一天

    No doubt the biggest risk of all was when he gave angels and men free will, including the freedom to reject him - not just once, but every single day.


  • 往往一种极端看法,其反对自由人类意志,也反对将所有人类的决策权寄托上帝手中类似全能力量的说法。

    It is usually an extreme, religiously held view that argues against free human will and places all human decisions in the hands of God or a similarly omnipotent force.


  • 传统观点认为,教育目的教育主体对于希望达成的结果的设定,教育目的是人类意志主观外在决定的。

    It is the traditional opinion that the aim of education is the design of educational subject for its desiring end and it is determined outside and subjectively by human will.


  • 如果我们某事充满激情,足够自信,开始向着目标前进,那么我们就能够唤醒实现伟大梦想所必需人类意志潜能

    When we are passionate about something and believe in ourselves enough to move in the direction of our goals, we can wake up the human will and potential necessary to achieve our greatest dreams.


  • 意志观念平淡结合导致极权主义;完美的世外桃源降低人类天赋休眠状态

    A bland union of wills and ideas led to totalitarianism; a perfect Arcadia would reduce human talents to a dormant state.


  • 意志力:重新发现人类最伟大的力量》这本畅销书表明意志力是做决定的能力,从长远而非短期来看对我们更有益。

    A bestseller Willpower: Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength, suggests that willpower (意志力) is the ability to make decisions that are better for us in the long term, rather than in the short term.


  • 关于上帝存在与否历史悠久争论,传说上帝凭想象创造了人类然后人类注入了道德意识作为一种遵循忽视自由意志放在那儿

    This is a time-honored argument for the existence of a God who created human beings in his image and imbued them with a moral sense, as well as the free will to follow, or ignore, it.


  • 我们生活经历大多发生于美国(句不太会),我们作为具有自由意志人类能力作出决定

    Experiencing the most out of life comes down to US.We, as free-willed human beings, have the ability to make decisions.


  • 我们生活经历大多发生于美国(这句不太会翻),我们作为具有自由意志人类能力作出决定

    Experiencing the most out of life comes down to US. We, as free-willed human beings, have the ability to make decisions.


  • 其他传统激进目标——比如说消灭贫穷”,这个目标完全不同,是真正乌托邦因为人类自己意志,是不可能消灭贫穷的。

    Other traditional radical goals - such as the "abolition of poverty" - are, in contrast to this one, truly utopian, for man, simply by exerting his will, cannot abolish poverty.


  • 我们以为我们自由意志然而神经系统科学深深接触人类大脑秘密时候,错觉变得更加难以证明是合理的。

    We think we have free will, yet as neuroscience digs ever deeper into the mystery of the human brain, that delusion becomes harder to justify.


  • 作为人类我们宁愿相信我们决定处于意识控制之下的—我们拥有自由意志

    As humans we like to think that our decisions are under our conscious control - that we have free will.


  • 这个神秘完全不可解释性质使伊壁主张人类自由意志对抗早期原子批评家们

    This mysterious and wholly unaccounted for property allowed Epicurus to maintain a concept of human free will against the critics of earlier atomic theories.


  • 我们认为,简言之,如果人类自由意志那么基本粒子享有这项小小的权利。

    It asserts, roughly, that if indeed we humans have free will, then elementary particles already have their own small share of this valuable commodity.


  • 人类自由意志似乎是最难以处理哲学课题远非数学证明所能表达

    Human free will might seem like the squishiest of philosophical subjects, way beyond the realm of mathematical demonstration.


  • 但是结束英国压迫目标——却能够人类行动意志即刻完成——英国只需简单的作出撤军决定就行了。

    But the goal of ending English oppression - that could have been done by the instantaneous action of men's will: by the English simply deciding to pull out of the country.


  • 不是我们哲学问题交给了一个盖洛普调查。(“好吧投票结果65%35%,那么答案是……人类确实拥有自由意志!”)

    The idea is not that we subject philosophical questions to some kind of Gallup poll. " Well, the vote came out 65 percent to 35 percent, so I guess the answer is... human beings do have free will!"


  • (“好吧投票结果65%35%,那么答案是……人类确实拥有自由意志!”)

    " Well, the vote came out 65 percent to 35 percent, so I guess the answer is... human beings do have free will!"


  • 佛朗哥教授在接受意大利报纸LaStampsa采访时说:“每一幅画作中的人物都我们展示人类敏感和脆弱特征,而这些都不依赖画家本身的意志感知。”

    Franco told the Italian newspaper, La Stampsa: "The people depicted [in art] tell us about their vulnerable humanity, independently of the awareness of the artist."


  • 躯干我们个人意志联系在一起同时也由一个远超人类境界意志联接——就是基督以及他的工作

    It's a body, bound together by our individual decisions but also bound together by far more than human decision-the person and work of Christ.


  • 正义田野上,人类意志就是一切人类可以移山倒海如果人类这样决定的话

    In the field of justice, man's will is all; men can move mountains, if only men so decide.


  • 酿成苦楚忧伤人类力量意志无法估量的。

    The suffering and desolation that he wrought was beyond human power or fortitude to compute.


  • 酿成苦楚忧伤人类力量意志无法估量的。

    The suffering and desolation that he wrought was beyond human power or fortitude to compute.


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