• 因此大战之间开始

    Thus the second Great War between the two nations began.


  • 问我爷爷二次大战英雄吗?

    When he said: Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?


  • 日本安全系于美日联盟之上,次大战之后一直如此

    S. -Japanese alliance, and it has been that way since the end of the war.


  • 地区描述第一二次大战中黑石塔部落军事中心。

    Description: Blackrock Spire was the capital of Horde operations during the First and Second Wars.


  • 依据模型二次大战著名肉馅计划进行分析并得出结果

    In particular, we successful forecast the result of "meat pie" plan that is the famous battle of WWII using the model.


  • 市中心比起来这里很少,有时能看见二次大战时那种带边斗摩托车

    It’s lonely compared with downtown. There is an occasional tricycle (read Second World War-style motorbike and sidecar), the odd open-top truck packed with squealing goats, legs tied together.


  • 二次大战结束维护世界和平建立新的国际秩序成为人们共同愿望

    In order to keep the world's peace, building a new international order became the people's common wish after the world II.


  • 一点显而易见被遗忘由于卖弄博学的侵犯自从二次大战以来,一直沉重地压法国文学里

    This is obviously forgotten owing to the invasion of pedantry that has weighed on French letters since W. W. II.


  • 日本还记得上次侵略中国发生什么吗?这次想变得像二次大战结束一样的臭名昭彰吗?

    LMPE: Hey Japan. Remember what happened the last time that you colonized China? D 'you really want to end up with the same reputation that you got in WWII?


  • 二次大战之后重建日本城市规划所依据的仍传统勤奋工作道德观念没有娱乐活动留下空间

    Designing cities according to the traditional concept that hard work is a moral duty, those who rebuilt Japan after World War II left almost no room for recreation.


  • 20世纪80年代甚至二次大战结束时,经济基本问题达到保持水平的产出就业率

    In the 1980s and even at the close of the war, the principal problem was to achieve and maintain high levels of output and employment.


  • 二次大战以后经过众多学者努力形成较为完整自动控制系统设计频率理论轨迹法理论。

    The relatively complete theory of frequency method and root locus method for the design of automatic control system was set up through the efforts of numerous scholars after world war II.


  • 即使在近代史次大战日本进行核弹轰炸,地心地球出现了一个光明时期做反平衡

    Even as of the recent history of WWII and the nuclear fallout over Japan there was an emerging era of light and love playing out in counterbalance in the inner earth.


  • 二次大战结束一年霍珀艾肯(还有usnr)使用MarkI帮助海军制作用于火炮瞄准的计算

    Hopper and Aiken (also USNR) used the Mark I to help the Navy produce tables for aiming artillery shells and bombs in the closing year of World War II.


  • 全球经济展望》更新版指出预计全球经济今年收缩1.7%,次大战以来世界产出首度出现下降。

    The global Economic Prospects update also notes that global growth is expected to contract by 1.7 percent this year. This would be the first decline in world output since world War II.


  • 全球经济展望》更新版指出预计全球经济今年将会收缩1.7%,次大战以来世界产出首度出现下降。

    The new Global Economic Prospects update also notes that global growth is expected to contract by 1.7 percent this year. This would be the first decline in world output since World War II.


  • 这种作法20世纪后半叶可以说运作得很好,使得日本二次大战惨败恢复,并且成为全世界技术领先大国

    That worked well in the last half of the 20th century when Japan managed to recover from its devastating defeat in World War II to become a global technological leader.


  • 格拉叙提原本能与瑞士匹敌钟表制造重镇,直到欧洲大战终战日,俄国轰炸使此地大型制表毁于一旦

    Glashuette was at the heart of a watchmaking industry that rivalled Switzerland's until Russian bombers destroyed its main workshops on the day World War Two ended in Europe.


  • 以历史二次大战时,我们布里斯班为一条线,把汤斯维尔凯恩斯达尔文伯斯基本上看作二级防卫

    So historically for example, in World War II with the Brisbane line we saw that places like Townsville and Cairns, Darwin and Perth were essentially secondary defense areas, "he said."


  • 个Millena设法击退进一步攻击怪物不久,建交两国从而结束400

    Both Millena and Rain managed to repel further attacks by the monsters and soon after, diplomatic ties were established between the two nations thus ending the Second Great War after almost 400 years.


  • 南美坚果打造成的果实,早于二次大战制作军服采用,当时主要是就地取材,成本低,而且硬度非常够;

    Made from South American nuts, corozo has been used in military uniforms ever since World War II. At that time, corozo was used because it was local, cheap and tough for the purpose.


  • 次大战之前普鲁士曾经拥有两百万以上居民,而战后留下几千名幸存者中,最后一批已于1948年全部驱逐出境。

    Before the war, East Prussia was home to over two million people. The last of the few thousand survivors were all expelled by 1948.


  • 亨利福特世自大战以后几十年中掌管着福特汽车公司,直到二十世纪八十年代仍然不屑一顾地将日本汽车称作“纸马桶”。

    Henry Ford II, who ran the Ford Motor Company for decades after the second world war, continued into the 1980s to dismiss Japanese cars as “those little shitboxes”.


  • 二次大战结束不久美国加拿大空前繁荣此相呼应,新的娱乐设施过度地涌娱乐行业,迎合游客味而见长大量社团便应用而生。

    Shortly after World War II, prosperity in the USA and Canada, coupled with excess supply of new, to recreation, equipment led to significant growth in communities catering primarily to tourists.


  • 本片讲述在二次大战期间,美军训练印第安纳瓦族人,利用他们的土语密码,防止日军偷听解码。片中首先交代尔坎纳尔岛战事。

    Telling the story of a group of Navajo Indians whose language was used to create a code that was impossible for the Japanese to decode, it takes us first of all to the battle of Guadalcanal.


  • 理查德·希拉里的《最后之敌人这本参加世界大战英国所写的遗嘱—为那些时常深情回忆起二次大战人们写的一遗嘱。

    Hillary's book the Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World war-for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply.


  • 理查德·希拉里的《最后之敌人这本参加世界大战英国所写的遗嘱—为那些时常深情回忆起二次大战人们写的一遗嘱。

    Hillary's book the Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World war-for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply.


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