• 越来越金融机构争取客户营销手段越来越强化

    Customers have been marketed more intensely by an increasing number of financial institutions.


  • 世潼人更高热情客户服务争取客户最高赞誉

    We will be more enthusiastic for customer services, and for customers' highest praise.


  • 好的CEO明白必须争取客户员工投资者整个行业尊重

    A good CEO knows that respect is something you earn: from the customer, employees, investors and, eventually, the industry at large.


  • 荒谬的是,我们可能最终会看到这种情形:批发银行免费提供咨询意见争取客户

    Paradoxically, we could eventually see a situation where wholesale banks give advice for free in return for getting a flow of customers.


  • 市场分析需要了解的市场,客户需求客户什么,怎样争取客户

    Market Analysis: you need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.


  • 随着通讯工具日益普及电信行业之间争取客户扩大市场份额竞争日益激烈

    It is becoming fiercer and fiercer that the competition of telecom enterprises in abstracting customers and expanding market, with the growing popularity of communication terminals.


  • 这些服务提供专业性亲密感可以用于争取客户要是知道某人位置音乐喜好基本成功一半了

    The professional intimacy these services create--hey, if you know someone's whereabouts and musical tastes, you're halfway home--can also win you clients.


  • 1997年开始,全球呼叫中心市场一直处于爆炸性快速增长之中,企业重视争取客户保持客户,是市场增长的原因

    The global Call Center market has been in volatile increase since 1997. The reason of this kind of increase is that enterprises attach importance to creating and keeping relationship with customers.


  • 争取客户反馈KarenWoon说,任职于总部位于旧金山prophet公司营销总监,是一个品牌顾问公司在世界个地设有办事处。

    Enlist customer feedback, says Karen Woon, San Francisco-based director of marketing for Prophet, a brand consultancy that has offices worldwide.


  • 经济危机LinkedIn,一次较弱对手那里争取客户机会公司财务总监SteveSordello如是解释道。公司2007年就已经开始盈利

    To LinkedIn the downturn is an opportunity to pinch business from weaker rivals, explains Steve Sordello, the chief financial officer of the company, which has been profitable since 2007.


  • 如果没有忠诚于事业的精神,如何争取同事对信心客户信任

    How can you gain the confidence of your colleagues and win the trust of your clients if you are not committed?


  • 比起专注于不加筛选的争取尽可能多的各类型客户来说,某个特定众领域里起步要稍一些。

    It can be a little harder to get started in a niche than just focusing on getting as many clients as possible of any kind.


  • 苏珊娜·瑞斯曼就是位帮助客户争取这项权益律师曾经民权法律师,现在伦敦中部菲尔私人客户律师。

    One lawyer fighting for her clients' right to do so is Suzanne Reisman, a former civil rights lawyer, who is now a private-client lawyer in Mayfair, central London.


  • 许多创业新手争取最开始几个客户的时候都会遇到挫折。

    Many novice entrepreneurs stumble when trying to win over their first few clients.


  • 这个企业已经一个极致的步速争取客户即便这次丑闻出现之前股票已经2007年牛市下跌超过一半

    The firm has been wooing new customers at a terrific pace, but even before the scandal broke its shares had fallen by more than half from the bubbly days of 2007.


  • 团队公司彼此竞争争取认同利润新的客户

    Teams, or companies, compete against each other, trying to win recognition, profits, or new clients.


  • 不仅不应游说反对移动钱包,而一个充分利用电信企业巨大的零售网络发挥强大的品牌效应争取客户机会

    Instead of lobbying against mobile money, Banks should see it as an exciting chance to exploit telecoms firms' vast retail networks and powerful brands to reach new customers.


  • 争取这些市场正在崛起的中产阶层客户技巧在于不要其兜售西方模式下的高价专利,而本地仿制药公司诅咒冒牌艺术家

    The trick to winning over the rising middle classes in such markets is not to peddle over-priced patented drugs on the Western model, cursing the local generics firms as rip-off artists.


  • 家公司状况不佳的客户争取时间,寄希望经济好转之后它们需要之前订购飞机

    Both companies aim to buy time for their weaker customers, on the hope they will still need the planes when economic conditions improve.


  • 摩斯·塔菲应于昨天抵达挪威流亡生活并且继续客户争取支持,包括米迪。

    Mostafaei was due to arrive in Norway yesterday to begin a life in exile while continuing his campaigns on behalf of his clients, including Hamidi.


  • 博客没有必要要争取完美的客户更好工作可以带来更好印象,一个潜在客户走向

    Your blog doesn't have to be perfect to win over a new client, although the better shape you can get your own work in, the better impression a prospective client will have of you.


  • 另外宣布我们来自Zoomerang (MarketTools分公司)的客户争取到了一张免费会议通行证

    Besides, I get to announce that one of our clients from Zoomerang (MarketTools), won a free conference pass!


  • 每当我们争取一个客户,我们就鼓励我们团队那个客户变成二个

    Whenever we sold a new client we encouraged our team to turn that one client into two.


  • 我们只需接触其中几个获得他们推荐,然后我们可以这些推荐争取客户

    We needed to reach out to several of our clients for testimonials, which we could then use to sell new clients.


  • 他们需要——没错容易做起来难——就是制作容易查找的搜索广告争取10%的潜在客户——那些希望快速找到过得去’的酒店人。

    All they have to - and yes, it's easier said than done - is create easy-to-find search ads to pursue this 10% of potential guests... the ones who want to find an 'ok' hotel quickly.


  • 无论是争取客户签约网站设计或是说服用户你联络合作我们需要知道如何令人信服

    Whether you are getting a client to sign off on a website's design or persuade a user to complete a call to action, we all need to know how to be convincing.


  • 争取用户的同时,留住原有客户具有头等重要意义。

    Keeping customers, along with acquiring new ones, is of paramount importance.


  • 卖方来说,争取到一个客户有效方法提供竞争者低的价格更好的服务

    The most effective tools for a seller to gain a customer are to offer a lower price and better services than his competitor.


  • 卖方来说,争取到一个客户有效方法提供竞争者低的价格更好的服务

    The most effective tools for a seller to gain a customer are to offer a lower price and better services than his competitor.


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