• 科技双刃剑。 它人类舒适便利也让人类受到了伤害

    Improvement in science and technology is a double-edged sword, offering comfort and convenience to life, while simultaneously bringing harm and pain to people.


  • 注意一点: 请观察这个机器人如何根据人类演奏即兴发挥, 也让人类知道,这个机器人知道在做什么。

    And notice one thing -- how the robot is really showing us the beat it's picking up from the human.


  • 然而早期人类第一次开始反思周围事物本质他们发现只是为了思维保持有序需要有数字概念

    However, when early humans first began to reflect on the nature of things around them, they discovered that they needed an idea of number simply to keep their thoughts in order.


  • 好奇人类是否会有相同的举动。

    This led her to wonder if people might be doing the same thing.


  • 勒说:“对我们来说,最有可能的解释似乎是,这一现象的根源在于它们与人类生活在一起,这它们接触了大量人类的面部表情。”而这种接触为它们提供了很多机会来学习区分它们。

    "To us, the most likely explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans, which gives them a lot of exposure to human facial expressions," and this exposure has provided them with many chances to learn to distinguish between them, Muller said.


  • 部分需要有一些行动活化一直用来寻找人类灵魂能量它得以实行。

    But they also require action on your part to activate the energy of enablement that is being made available to the seeking souls of humanity.


  • 作为人类真正朋友这些动物善于人们发笑

    As the true friends of humans, these animals are also good at making real fun.


  • 美国科学家一项最新研究显示使鲨鱼具有第六它们能够检测电流信号的基因人类头部面部特征发育起著重要作用。

    The same genes that give sharks their sixth sense and allow them to detect electrical signals are also responsible for the development of head and facial features in humans, a new study suggests.


  • 华硕优化了平板电脑界面使可以使用标准指示笔同时成为触摸屏,以便响应人类手势动作。

    ASUS has tweaked the tablet interface so that you can use a standard stylus but also made it a touch screen that responds to human hand gestures.


  • 小组称为“国际机器人武装控制委员会”,它战争进程自动化系统加快,同时该系统没法人类做出负责任决定

    The group, known as the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, said warfare was accelerated by automated systems, undermining the capacity of human beings to make responsible decisions.


  • 虽然现在时候算算账了,人类确实很多物种濒临灭绝但是我们已经采取措施濒临灭绝的物种消失边缘了回来

    It is also time to take stock, though. Human activities are causing a mass extinction, but the right action now could pull life back from the brink.


  • 研究动物智能想知道如果动物有机会的话它们会对人类进行何种实验

    Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would13on humans if they had the chance.


  • 现在很少文章能够思维这么大的飞跃。”Baltimore,这位曾经荣膺生理学医学诺贝尔奖的学者现在研究HIV人类T细胞互相作用

    Rarely does one read a paper that stretches the mind so surprisingly far, ” says Baltimore, a Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine who now studies HIV and human T cell interactions.


  • 另外,刺的尾部还有根锋利有毒的尾刺,可以用来恫吓潜在的威胁者,其致命的能力甚至人类感到胆寒,不过这种攻击案例极为罕见,它们的性格相当温顺,只有挑衅时才会进行反击。

    The barb can deliver a lethal blow even to humans, but incidents are extremely rare. Stingrays are fairly docile and typically strike only when provoked.


  • 如果人类不经意中能够整个星球变暖的话,那么人类是不是肯定同样有智慧降温

    IF MAN is inadvertently capable of heating the entire planet, surely it is not beyond his wit to cool it down as well?


  • 塞缪尔·约翰逊雪莱诗人才是人类真正立法者如果认同这种说法,那么乡村令人精神振奋的河流山川其他美景应该乡村加分

    And if Dr Johnson and Shelley were right to say that poets are the true legislators of mankind, then all those hills and lakes and other rural delights must be given credit for inspiring them.


  • 因为我们知道人类什么,不能什么,知道人类构造怎样人类身体极限在哪里,所以,这些图像的确是对人智力挑战它们产生不可思议的幻觉

    We all know what people can and can't do, how they are built, what the limits of the human body are, yet some images challenge the brain and create illusions.


  • 揭示人类年龄不仅仅皱纹美国罗切斯特大学医学中心研究人员发现面部骨骼结构变化看起来更老

    It's not just wrinkles that reveal age, changes in facial bone structure make faces look older, too, according to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center.


  • 如果碰到是个上帝信仰者,那么可以这么,一个仁慈的上帝可能让人类快乐那么道德上帝所做的一切一定人们更加快乐。

    Some may object by insisting that morality must ultimately betraced back to God. But our theory is perfectly happy (so to speak) with doingthat, if you happen to believe in God.


  • 基因而言人和老鼠非常相近所以同样组合适用人类不会吃惊。

    And mice and men being pretty similar at the genetic level, it is not too surprising that the same set works in people.


  • 面对这样人惊叹的美丽图画,还会责怪到访此地的人类学家忽视了那些同样刻在墙壁上的半圆形、流线形字形的线条标记呢?

    When faced with such spectacular beauty, who could blame the visiting anthropologists for largely ignoring the modest semicircles, lines and zigzags also marked on the walls?


  • 不是可以随意自己变形魔术师他们从未任何方式欺骗人类

    The gods are not magicians who transform themselves, neither do they deceive mankind in any way.


  • 布鲁看到熊猫妈妈耐心照顾小宝宝一幅很迷人的画面,张照完成了他任务:“人类明白保护这些动物栖息地非常重要的事情。”

    Blooms says it was enchanting to see the mother bears with their cubs, and this photo serves his mission: "It's important to make them aware of how important it is to protect these animals' habitats."


  • 打嗝智齿产生,人类进化留下许多人惊叹的变化,然而人类并非已进化得完美无缺

    From hiccups to wisdom teeth, the evolution of homo sapiens has left behind some glaring, yet innately human, imperfections.


  • 当然并不意味着同样的道理适用人类:30亿时间足以二者产生差异

    That does not, of course, mean the same thing is true in people: 300m years is quite a long time for differences to emerge.


  • 如果你碰到是个上帝信仰者那么可以这么说,一个仁慈的上帝可能人类快乐,那么道德上帝所的一切一定人们更加快乐

    For presumably a benevolent God wouldwant human beings to be happy, so whatever morality God provides would increasehuman happiness.


  • 如果你碰到是个上帝信仰者那么可以这么说,一个仁慈的上帝可能人类快乐,那么道德上帝所的一切一定人们更加快乐

    For presumably a benevolent God wouldwant human beings to be happy, so whatever morality God provides would increasehuman happiness.


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