• 我们希望每个出去一次这些事,”,“不过可能频繁些。”

    "We hope to get out and do these once a month," he says, "but it could happen far more frequently."


  • 消极嫉妒可能会驱使毁灭成功积极的嫉妒鼓舞努力工作,你升职。

    Negative envy might drive you to destroy his success, but positive envy would inspire you to work harder and get promoted, too.


  • 取决于夫妻如何应对这些情况可能产生坚定的平等关系可能会产生新的不安因素

    Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.


  • 迁徙动物对于宏大的使命保持高度专注,这一使命它们诱惑分散注意力,挑战吓倒,这些挑战可能会其他动物转变方向。

    Migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission, which keeps them undistracted by temptations and undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals aside.


  • 没有检验使用敏捷宣言背后12原则作为衡量标准,那些可能易于适于衡量

    David didn't examine using the 12 principles behind the Agile Manifesto as a basis for measurement, which might be easier and more useful to measure.


  • 如果我们其中加入一些现实的元素,人们可能会喜欢,我们自己会更喜欢。

    We felt that people would like it more, and we would like it more, if there was some-reality.


  • 一些公司同时认为这种新的电池传统电池安全——传统电池在短路的时候可能燃烧

    Some companies also think the new cells could be safer than batteries, which can burst into flame if short-circuited.


  • 但是增加油脂并不一定导致粉刺青春痘可能疖子皮肤变得油。

    However, increase in oil does not always lead to pimples and zits; you can also get boils or just have oilier skin.


  • 快速食品汽水可能小朋友变得然而他们高兴起来

    Fast food and soft drinks may be making children fatter but they also make them happy.


  • 如果借款者认为公司很有可能会倒闭的话,众多借款人之间发生争吵甚至公司债权人的排序中争取靠前的位置。

    Squabbles may even break outbetween different lenders as they see the company heading for possiblebankruptcy and jostle for a better place in the queue of creditors.


  • 可能会失败就算失败了。没什么大不了的:这样接近目标呢。。。。

    Icould have failed, but even if I had, it wouldn’t really have mattered:I’d probably still have got close to my goal.


  • 喜欢法律可能继续深造,比起那些只是为了好的生活而学习法律的人来说,他们活力,取得的成就会更开心。

    The person who loves the law will go further, they will have more ENERGY, they will accomplish more, they will be happier.


  • 不管开心还是悲伤,不管你是年轻还是苍老,不管你是无聊还是充实可以上网,但是你可能会感到孤独,网络可以让很开心很悲伤,让开心的人开心,可以让悲伤的人悲伤和孤独。

    Regardless of your happy or sad emotions, your old and young age, your feeling of bore or enrichment, you can get online.but maybe you will feel lonely.Internet can render us happy or sad.


  • 辩论这么是不是可以写一个返回x坐标y坐标的方法,这么可能清楚一点,很棒的缩写,好。

    So I don't know don't, John, I would argue if I'd written this better, I would have had a method that returned the x- and the y- value, and it would be cleaner to go after it that way.


  • 即使当公共数据集提供了充分说明Web命名空间事情可能一种松散耦合方式发生。

    When public datasets provide fully articulated web namespaces, though, things can happen in a more loosely coupled way.


  • 研究人员可能会解释为什么压力导致色素沉着使皮肤显得

    The researchers said this could explain why stress can also cause pigmentation which makes the skin appear darker.


  • 这样功能可能危险的可能会造成混乱,所以视觉它们必须那些温和工具分开。

    Functions like these can be dangerous or dislocating, so they must be visually set off from the more benign tools available.


  • 如果离开这里我们生活可能开心,这些这么多的怨言。

    If I left here, our life could be happier and I would have no words about this.


  • 气候可能可能会干旱可能会潮湿可能会变暖

    It could be colder, it could be drier, it could be wetter, it could be warmer.


  • 当前信用吃紧消费者们倾向重建资产负债表的情况下,即使人们的信心有所回升可能大幅度增加私人支出。

    Nor, with credit tight and consumers keen to rebuild their balance-sheets, is it likely that greater confidence will boost private spending much.


  • 如果他们认为别人可能挖走他们可能会努力迅速地说服你,他们需要相信他们有机让你成为他们的员工

    It might make them push harder and faster for you if they think someone else might scoop you up, but they also need to believe that they have a real chance at hiring you.


  • 为了这些新的治疗提供充分心血管风险数据研究因此可能耗时昂贵

    Studies, however, will likely be longer and more expensive, in order to provide sufficient data on cardiovascular risk for these new therapies.


  • 调查指出来自双语家庭孩子掌握两种语文,脑部活动可能会活跃

    It also claims that children in bilingual homes are more likely to develop their minds more vigorously, after they have attained proficiency in both languages.


  • 调查指出来自双语家庭孩子掌握两种语文,脑部活动可能会活跃

    It also claims that children in bilingual homes are more likely to develop their minds more vigorously, after they have attained proficiency in both languages.


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