• 他们的媒体得到名声乏味无聊

    Their media have earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting.


  • Productive Flourishing (生产力的飞舞):生产力看上去有些无聊乏味不过Charlie创造性方法结合就不会了。

    Productive Flourishing. Productivity can seem a little boring and dull but not when you combine it with Charlie’s creative approach.


  • 百万富翁可能会享用Ryvita饼干组成的早餐;一个失业不会饱、疲倦无聊痛苦的时候,你不会想乏味健康食物

    millionaire may enjoy breakfasting off orange juice and Ryvita biscuits; an unemployed man does notWhen you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don’t want to eat dull wholesome food.


  • 这种事其实人们做,成败关键在于你是否有意识地狠下决心强迫自己科技每次浪潮互动不管看起来有多乏味无聊

    People do it all the time. It only takes a grim determination to force yourself consciously to interact with each new wave of technology, no matter how insipid it seems.


  • 正如单调乏味几年厌倦一生价值的预备因此发掘无聊乏味之外存在的奢华悲惨世界是有裨益的。

    Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life, so is finding out that there's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium.


  • 具备主要特质不是某种神秘天赋开发一种有意为之千辛万苦无聊乏味训练惯例能力

    The primary trait she possesses is not some mysterious genius. It's the ability to develop a deliberate, strenuous and boring practice routine.


  • 无聊移动缓慢时候,比如开车匀速驶过片单调乏味景致时,时间似乎又像冰川挪动速度一样慢。

    When we're bored, or moving slowly -for example, driving at constant speed across a monotonous landscape -it seems to pass at glacial speed.


  • 曾经整天什么也不能只是床上收音机——如此单调乏味生活觉得无精打采、百无聊赖,同时他还遭受褥疮之苦。

    He used to do nothing but lie in bed, listening to the radio — a static life that left him bored, listless and suffering from bed sores.


  • 离开可以事情包括:做一些沉闷的事情,阅读乏味论文无聊电视

    Some ideas of what to do once you've got out of bed include: do something dull. Read a boring book, a work paper, or watch something mindless on TV.


  • 对于那些没有头部扫描仪来说,一个简单办法也可以帮助分辨你们夫妻间感情在加深还是变得无聊乏味

    But for those of us without a brain scanner, there are simple ways to find out if your relationship is growing or vexed by boredom.


  • 如果拍摄时恰好天空景色乏味无聊的话不要天空的部分主宰照片可以地平线位置放在三分之一以上的地方。

    If you have a bland, boring sky - don't let it dominate your shot and place the horizon in the upper third of your shot (however you'll want to make sure your foreground is interesting).


  • 看法如果感到无聊是因为你的生活很乏味所以你无法充分利用这些多出来的时间。

    My opinion is that if you're bored, it's because you're boring. You'll fill up the extra time with more of who you are.


  • 本文所有篇幅讨论无聊乏味任务几乎为讨论一切如何影响到Web站点实际外观

    This whole article has focused (by most accounts) on boring, tedious tasks—and very little of what you've done should have affected how a Web site actually looks.


  • 正如无法信任一个体重五百跑步机推销员一样twitter陈旧乏味信息可能让你的客户觉得无聊

    Just as it's difficult to trust a 500lb treadmill salesperson, it may be unsettling for clients to find your personal Twitter stream outdated and uninteresting.


  • 但是有人故意组织场会议全然无趣乏味事物,那就是每年伦敦举办的“无聊大会”。

    But there is one event that is deliberately dedicated to all things dull and tediousthe 'Boring Conference' hosted every year at London.


  • 列出服务清单有效市场实用必要的一部分,本质来说,清单是乏味无聊的。

    Services are listed in the list of effective marketing push in the practical and necessary, but in essence, the list is tedious and boring.


  • 多数无所事事阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之,但代价是莫名其妙无聊

    Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.


  • 不过即使乏味无聊伤感段落,无与伦比的表演挽救这部电影。

    Still, even at its most blandly sentimental, the film is saved by its extraordinary performances.


  • 多数情况下赌博针对无聊冷漠无害的药方,它让人在黯淡乏味的环境下仍保持好的心态耐心和乐观的情绪。

    Gambling is in most cases a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy and may well preserve good temper, patience and optimism in dreary circumstances.


  • 无聊移动缓慢时候比如开车匀速驶过片单调乏味景致时,时间似乎又像冰川挪动速度一样慢。

    When we're bored, or moving slowly - for example, driving at constant speed across a monotonous landscape - it seems to pass at glacial speed.


  • 暑假来了大多数学生来说既是一个令人愉悦放松的时光,但同时又是无聊乏味的日子

    Summer holiday is coming again. It is a pleased and relaxing period for most of students while it is also a boring and dull days.


  • 一切伟大著作令人生厌章节一切伟人生活无聊乏味的时候。——《幸福之路》。

    All great books have boring chapters, every great man's life is boring sometimes.


  • 如果图片手表乏味无聊工具可以作为一个计时设备,那么见过斯沃琪手表。

    If your image of a watch is a bland, boring tool which only functions as a timekeeping device, then you haven't seen a Swatch watch.


  • 很多无聊评论乏味那里发出来的。

    Lots of dull comments (from dull people?) along the lines of 'been there, done that'.


  • 但是有人故意组织场会议,说的全然乏味事物就是每年伦敦举办的“无聊大会”。

    But there is one event that is deliberately2 dedicated3 to all things dull and tedious - the 'Boring Conference' hosted every year at London.


  • 会议精神紊乱症”不得已去参加一些必须出席会议出现无聊乏味状态,出现这种状态的会议多数都是人讲众人听的那种

    Meeting Affective Disorder refers to a form of boredom that occurs in relation to mandatory meetings, most commonly those centered around a presentation.


  • 他们回答中有超过70对于无聊乏味的不同表达方式。 。

    Thee answers included nearly 70 varying descriptions of boredom.


  • 他们回答中有超过70对于无聊乏味的不同表达方式。 。

    Thee answers included nearly 70 varying descriptions of boredom.


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