• 千百年前人类就已经开始选择聪颖者伴侣

    Hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans started selecting partners who were more intelligent.


  • 如果伴侣好消息感到振奋,你会拥有更好婚姻

    If you get excited for your partner's good news, you'll have a better relationship.


  • 故意选择独处拒绝别人陪伴并非为伴侣所抛弃,正是他们一个共同特点

    Choose to be alone on purpose, having rejected company rather than been cast out by it, is one common characteristic of them.


  • 千百年前人类就已经开始选择聪颖伴侣结果我们人类便开始越来越聪明

    Hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans started selecting partners who were more intelligent. As a result, intelligence began to grow in our species.


  • 53%未婚同居者愿意超过100伴侣购买圣诞礼物,而已婚伴侣打算花这么多钱的则只有31%。

    While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds for their partner on Christmas gifts, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much.


  • 进化的角度来说这个年龄段正处于这样一个阶段他们可以父母分开、自谋生计的同时,寻找伴侣组建自己家庭准备。

    Evolutionarily speaking, people in this age group are at a stage in which they can prepare to find a mate and start their own family while separating from parents and striking out on their own.


  • 如果我们分钟例子例,要是害怕伴侣就是相互矛盾的。

    If we take our example from a minute ago, if the bird is afraid of its mate, it's conflicted.


  • 但是假如至少努力考虑一下配偶伴侣而且同样这么您考虑的话,您将会走在前面

    But if you at least try to put your spouse or partner first, and he does the same for you, you'll be a step ahead.


  • 这种田鼠终生寻找伴侣它们自己伴侣共度时光而不与其他任何田鼠分享时光。

    This vole mates for life and prefers spending time with its mate over spending time with any other voles.


  • 对于许多人来说拥有一位理想伴侣”的念头正是他们之不停寻觅因由所在。

    For many people, this idea that they have one "ideal mate" is a concept they struggle with.


  • 如果这种“后门揖客”的经历很是好奇的话,一下一些注意事项也许伴侣探索的路上有所帮助

    If you're curious about experimenting with ‘the backdoor’ then these dos and don’ts should help you and your partner on your way.


  • 动物利用声音找到食物伴侣避免食肉动物沟通

    The animals use sound to find food and mates, to avoid predators, and to communicate.


  • 从男人一方来讲,他们鼓起勇气放下套以自我中心,傲慢无礼的架子,伴侣一起寻找真正亲密无间

    Men, for their part, need to develop the courage to drop the defense mechanisms that bolster their egos and pride, and search for true intimacy with their mates.


  • 怀孕嬉皮士或者是她们的伴侣,可以准备手工制作的产钳。

    For pregnant hippies, or pregnant hippies' life partners, there's the hand-crafted birth knife.


  • 另一些则是通过计算现有用户识别合适的潜在伴侣收取订阅费。

    Others, including eHarmony, which presents users with potential partners using algorithms designed to identify compatibility, charge a subscription.


  • 阿什利·麦迪逊约会服务广告语,这家网站专门欺骗伴侣人们而开设

    That's the slogan of the Ashley Madison dating service, a website for people who want to cheat on their partners.


  • 容易忘记伴侣情人节礼物也是德国人,法国人最舍得爱人花钱

    Germans were also the most likely to forget to give their partners a present while the French spent the most on their loved ones.


  • 白宫周四晚上备忘录形式宣布这项新规定便于同性恋男女伴侣作出医疗方面的决定

    The White House announced the rule changes, which will also make it easier for gay men and lesbians to make medical decisions on behalf of their partners, in a memorandum released Thursday night.


  • 相对而言,女性不会凭借外表判断对方是否合适伴侣

    Women, on the other hand, do not decide whether men will be a good partner on looks.


  • 我们开展一段短暂恋情追求伴侣的时候,我们到底在意外貌多一些呢,还是身材更多一些?

    So take this little test: if you were interested in pursuing a partner for a short-term relationship which would you be most interested in... their face or their body?


  • 思科的LGBT员工伴侣支付健康保险而导致其推算收入增加、由此产生需要支付的额外税金,思科会代承担。

    Cisco Systems covers the tax on imputed income that LGBT employees pay when they extend their health insurance to cover their partners.


  • 大卫就此设定心灵伴侣墨菲弗兰科却将其塑造一个自吹自擂波西米亚人

    David is supposed to be her soul mate, but Murphy and Franco render him a self-dramatizing Bohemian.


  • 无论如何,在明确规定未婚居者的权利义务前提下又拒绝给予他们(四分之一年龄25到34岁)民事伴侣关系的认可,这样做似乎目光短浅

    In any case, denying unmarried cohabiters (over a quarter of people aged 25-34) a shot at civil partnership, with its defined rights and responsibilities, seems myopic.


  • 想得到太多财产时,律师费和法庭判定要付给他们伴侣的钱,一方肯定陷入欠债的境地。

    When one party demands too much, the other will be forced to go into debt to pay for attorneys as well as what their partner deems necessary as part of the settlement.


  • 选择三明治焦虑时间长于选择职业伴侣而焦虑时间——看之下,这二者似乎应该反过来

    I have spent infinitely more time flapping over my choice of sandwich than over my choice of career, or of spouse - which at first sight seems rather upside down.


  • 项目特别关注家庭基础治疗这种治疗将母亲及其伴侣子女提供抗逆转病毒关怀支持

    Particular attention will be given to family based treatment, which will provide antiretroviral care and support for the mother, her partner and her children.


  • 尽管内心深处明知并不理智可以寻得伴侣希望这些决定找到了合理性。

    You know deep down inside that such decisions are not rational, but you justify them with the hopes that you might end up finding someone.


  • 尽管内心深处明知并不理智可以寻得伴侣希望这些决定找到了合理性。

    You know deep down inside that such decisions are not rational, but you justify them with the hopes that you might end up finding someone.


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