• 受害许多窒息

    Many of the victims died of suffocation.


  • 28名参赛只有8人跑完了全程

    Only 8 of the 28 starters completed the course.


  • 他们一直是这场冲突挑衅

    They have been the aggressors in this conflict.


  • 难以接受的遇难很多孩子

    It's a sad fact that many of those killed were children.


  • 那个行业佼佼

    She was at the very top of her profession.


  • 矗立着纪念碑战争死难纪念

    The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.


  • 反叛许多被捕遭受到秘密警察酷刑

    Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.


  • 这些早期访问很多人都赞同社会主义实验

    Many of these early visitors were sympathetic to the Chinese socialist experiment.


  • 放弃工作放弃原则二择其一。他选择了

    He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.


  • 消防队员建筑物搜寻幸存

    Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors.


  • 考试拼写语法出色受到表扬

    Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar.


  • 最近的一次竞选巡回演讲诘问打断了。

    During a recent speech on the campaign trail, he was interrupted by hecklers.


  • 43名示威血腥冲突丧命

    Forty-three demonstrators were killed in bloody clashes.


  • 电视采访反驳了那些批评

    In a TV interview she hit back at her critics.


  • 公司已经成为艺术市场重要参与

    Big business has become a major player in the art market.


  • 德国环保运动力量已经使该国成了循环利用更多废料运动的领先

    The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.


  • 我们来假设一下这样个情景,卡罗尔,一个正在康复嗜酒情去参加一场聚会。

    Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering alcoholic, gets invited to a party.


  • 一天可能那么几次吸烟特别想叼上烟

    There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.


  • 执政党的资深官员们深谙安抚批评之道。

    The ruling party's veterans know how to calm their critics.


  • 去年美国全国篮球协会联赛波特兰开拓最好战绩

    The Portland Trail Blazers had the best record in the NBA last year.


  • 工作看作奇迹缔造冒了不少风险从未失败。

    At work he was regarded as a miracle worker, the man who took risks and could not lose.


  • 大教堂战争的死难

    The Abbey bell tolled for those killed in the war.


  • 其他三个缺席至少个人合理的缺席理由

    At least two of the three other absentees also had justifiable reasons for being away.


  • 刑事司法制度总是出现焦点小组投票关注事项之首

    The criminal judicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.


  • 废墟扒出了几个幸存

    A few survivors were pulled from the wreckage.


  • 公众人物的同性恋如今逐步亮相

    Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet.


  • 这次总统选举领先都不是主流政客

    Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician.


  • 选举他们似乎不想投身居要职

    They appear to be in a mood to vote against office-holders in the elections.


  • 选举他们似乎不想投身居要职

    They appear to be in a mood to vote against office-holders in the elections.


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