• 一月Cuadrilla兰开夏郡发生的轻微地震停止钻探

    But in the same month, Cuadrilla stopped drilling after two tiny earthquakes were recorded in Lancashire;


  • 悬疑片向来是达蒙拿手好戏,《影重重》三部曲《无间行者》已然明示,但是提请观众注意本片上映日期已经两次发生变动。

    Damon usually excels in suspense, as seen in the Jason Bourne trilogy and the Departed, but buyer beware: Bureau's release date has been bumped twice.


  • 地震之后一系列猛烈余震,范围凡省以北包括次发生地震后不久震级为5.6级的余震周日晚一些时候一次6.0级余震。

    It was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks, also centred north of Van, including two of magnitude 5.6 soon after the quake and one of 6.0 late on Sunday.


  • 公元4 ~7世纪间,古城上游河段曾先后两次发生河岸滑坡堵塞河水形成堰塞湖,导致孔雀河改道,从而彻底断绝了维系楼兰古城生命唯一水源,古城不得不废弃而且无法复兴。

    In the 4 ~ 7 century, the water resources from Kongqiu river was cut off because of old Kongqiu river changed channel resulted from landslip on upper reaches. The old city had to discard.


  • 两次世界大战之间发生很多变化

    Many changes took place between the two world wars.


  • 这种“生平仅见”的事件实际上有可能一些人的生活中发生两次

    This "once in a lifetime" event actually may take place twice in some folks' lives.


  • 去过两次战场观察战场的时候,发生了一些不同的事情。

    I've twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening.


  • 我们执行每个负载测试两次确定是否发生相同结果

    We conducted each load test twice to determine whether the same results would occur.


  • 后面出现,看不到背影,抢劫者意识发生什么之前已经攻击了我头部两次

    Coming up from behind me, out of the shadows, the mugger managed to hid me twice the back of the head before I knew what was happening.


  • 某些地方上闯过两次祸之后,他们就制定出易于执行的例防止类似事件再次发生然后发誓永远拥护

    After getting burned once or twice for failing to cover some base, they develop a fool-proof routine to prevent that from happening again, then swear their eternal allegiance to it.


  • 这种情况在身上已经发生两次

    I have had this happen twice now.


  • 两次24小时运行中没有发生不成功连接包括连接失败先前服务器关闭请求失败超时

    No unsuccessful connections, including failed connection, early server closes, request write failures, and timeouts, occurred during either of the two 24-hour runs.


  • 主震不到小时时间里,又发生余震,次5.0,一次5.2级。

    Within an hour after the main shock, two aftershocks, one of magnitude 5.0 and the other 5.2, occurred.


  • 监视工人代表协助下,股东们裁撤德国巨型企业的总裁,这种情况一周发生两次

    TWICE in one week bosses at giant German corporations have been ousted by their shareholders, with help from workers' representatives on the supervisory board.


  • 大多数海滩度假时候,都会那么,因为最近发生一些,或是卷入什么争执,以致分心懊丧

    Most of us, I dare say, have spent a vacation or two at the beach rueful and distracted by something we've recently done, some conflict we've gotten ourselves involved in.


  • 俄罗斯紧急情况部部长谢尔盖伊·索伊古是在这座西伯利亚煤矿周末发生爆炸并且救援人员能够进入部分爆炸区之后发布的上述讯息。

    The emergency minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced the news after rescue workers were able to go down into parts of the Siberian mine hit by two blasts over the weekend.


  • 第一次地震后几分钟,又发生两次震级分别里氏5.9级5.5级余震

    Within minutes of the original tremor, two aftershocks rolled through the area, measuring 5.9 and 5.5 on the Richter scale.


  • 问题4月7号24号发生结果导致飞机全面停飞

    The first time the problem occurred was on April 7. The second incident, on April 24, resulted in grounding all of the aircraft.


  • 首先,历史两次最大撞击发生时间相距不到30万——这是一个地质盲区

    First, two of the biggest impacts in history happened within 300, 000 years of each other—a geological eyeblink.


  • 地质学家认为,魔鬼湖湖水溢出流入耶里河,过去四千至少发生两次

    Geologists suspect that the overflow into the Sheyenne has occurred at least twice in the last 4,000 years.


  • 地质学家认为,魔鬼湖水溢出流入雪耶里河,过去四千至少发生两次

    Geologists suspect that the overflow into the Sheyenne has occurred at least twice in the last 4, 000 years.


  • 历史至少发生两次类似情况

    Twice before in history a country has, under similar circumstances, run up foreign reserves of the same magnitude.


  • 我们必须继续执行两次程序发生这种情况但是只要断点设置一个条件可以使gdb "value" 与 "div"真正相等时暂停。

    We had to continue program execution twice to get to this point, however by setting a condition on the breakpoint we can make gdb halt only when "value" actually equals "div".


  • 作为回应首尔方面靠近段有争端海岸线地区部署导弹舰艇,这里过去发生严重的冲突。

    Seoul has responded by deploying a guided-missile naval vessel to the area, close to a disputed maritime border that has been the backdrop for two deadly skirmishes in the past 10 years.


  • Espenak说,明年发生6月15日1210日。

    Next year, says Espenak, will see two: on June 15 and Dec. 10.


  • 这种情况每年平均发生不是每月发生因为月球地球公转轨道稍稍有点

    This happens about once or twice a year, on the average, but not each month since the Moon's orbit around the Earth is slightly tilted.


  • 带着道具备不时之需,比如突然进行没有幻灯片演说。是的已经发生这样情况了。

    I often bring some props to use in case I have to do a sudden version of my talk without slides and yes, I have had to do this in one or two cases.


  • 协商SSL连接请求时,至少发生次(有可能)证书交换

    The certificate exchange occurs at least once (and potentially twice) while the SSL connection request is negotiated.


  • 协商SSL连接请求时,至少发生次(有可能)证书交换

    The certificate exchange occurs at least once (and potentially twice) while the SSL connection request is negotiated.


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