• 加百利公司160位120离开公司

    Of the 160 people involved in the Cadbury corporate entity some 120 have left the business.


  • 东里猪脚选用优质泰国香米煮饭,饭软滑富于弹性入口香气四溢

    East Village pig selection of high-quality Thai rice cooking rice, rice and Ruanhua flexible, aroma entrance to overflowing.


  • 东里猪脚至上世纪80年代初走上规模化经营之路正式登上大雅之堂。

    East of pig meal in the supremacy of the early 1980s to embark on large-scale operation of the road, the official Taiyazhitang board.


  • 开灯黄阁四大(大井村、大塘东里村、莲溪村)特有的习俗严肃认真隆重

    Kaideng is Huangge Town, the four villages (large Tseng Tsuen, Tai village, in the East village, Lianxi village of) the unique customs, serious and solemn.


  • 纽约公寓楼5层的一间没有电梯直达的狭小公寓里。

    She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York's East Village.


  • 第一个主演角色伊甸》里。

    His first starring role was in East of Eden.


  • 读到有关于东村事情又使觉得应该里德(丝绒乐队主唱)好,至少在服装上要有所表现。

    But everything he'd read about the east Village made him think you should look as much like Lou Reed as possible, at least clothing-wise.


  • 没有变化没有为之抗争的东 西,生活极其乏味地沟里的水一样。

    No changes would be made and you would have nothing to fight against. Life would be as dull as ditchwater.


  • 跑过俄亥俄州乡野时,意识到这次穿越美国长跑剩下最后的500英里了。

    Passing through the rolling countryside of East Ohio, I realised there is now only about 500 miles left in my run across America.


  • 公园空中63英里(101公里),从西54英里(87公里)。

    The park is 63 miles (101 km) north to south, and 54 miles (87 km) west to east by air.


  • 分析地面低压中心位于中(尺度)气旋8公里处

    The analyzed low-pressure center at the surface was located ~8 km east of the mesocyclone.


  • 塞浦路斯于东地中海地区的一个岛国土耳其南部113公里(70),叙利亚西部120公里

    Cyprus is an island nation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, 113 kilometres (70 miles) south of Turkey and around 120 km west of the Syrian coast.


  • 东电解释,进行测量技术人员没有进行第二次测量就吓得了出去,他测量地点是反应堆地下室发电机组建筑一个水池

    Tepco said at first that the worker who took the measurement, of a pool of water in the reactor's basement turbine building, had fled before taking a second reading.


  • 之后十二月台东市65英里方位东-南东发生里氏6.4地震破坏伤亡报道

    Last December, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit 65 miles east-southeast of Taitung, but no damage or fatalities were reported.


  • 伦敦长大的狂野热情塑造了斯坦这一角色,他多年酒吧俱乐部和各色圈子里摸爬滚打,这位片中的搞笑情节提供了大量素材(而今不复存在)。

    Mr Varney endowed Stan with all the lip and ebullience of his East End upbringing, and all the comic timing acquired from his years on the pub, club and variety circuit, which has now vanished.


  • 石炭纪有着茂盛沼泽地和森林,这是最适合的地形”,英国诺里奇英吉利大学的蒂姆·莱顿表示

    "The Carboniferous had lush swampy forests, perfect for burying carbon" says Tim Lenton of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK.


  • 皇家园林华清池坐落西安都市35公里

    Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi 'an.


  • 挂上外衣,脱鞋子,在房间走来走去收拾东酉。 她把报纸垃圾桶里。

    She hung up her coat and stepped out of her shoes and walked around the room picking up things She stuck the newspaper in the wastebasket .


  • 得无聊的那些摄影师就在那东照照西拍拍,记者们就一个劲地在手机抱怨

    Bored cameramen record wallpaper while they wait, as reporters complain into their mobiles.


  • 三百里,丘之山……

    Three hundred ii farther east is a mountain called Green Hill... .


  • ,从西,从,从有人国里坐席

    And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.


  • 英国一名渔民最近距离东约克郡布里德灵顿大约10英里海域捕到极其罕见双色龙虾,它一半身体红色另一半身体呈黑色

    According to the Xinhua News Agency on July 26, a Britain fisherman caught a very rare double-colored lobster with half body in red and half in black on the sea off 10 miles of Bridlington, UK.


  • 陨石坑在Flagstaff40公里对于那些没有太多想象力人来说一个世外桃源。

    Meteor Crater, 40 miles east of Flagstaff, is an out-of-this-world site for those with a thimbleful of imagination.


  • 具化石当地一位收集侏罗纪海岸(Jurassic海岸)发现,绵延95英里的侏罗纪海岸线上有多塞特得文(East Devon),地质长达1.85亿

    The fossil was found by a local collector on the Jurassic Coast, a 95 mile stretch of coastline covering Dorset and East Devon that spans 185m years of geological history.


  • 爪哇iswahyudi空军基地6.5公里准备着路坠毁起火燃烧,包括2地面人员在内的98死亡

    And crew crashes and bursts into flames 6.5 km (4 miles) from the Iswahyudi air force base in East Java while preparing to land, killing 98 people including two on the ground.


  • 、从西、从、从有人国里坐席

    29people will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.


  • 筷子盘菜里东翻西戳,还拿不定主意不要吃

    She poked among the dish with her chopsticks unable to make up her mind to eat.


  • 拇指手上又粗那个手指可以其他四个手指里的一 个东两。

    The thumb is the short, thick finger of the hand. It can be moved against one of the other four fingers to grasp things.


  • 拇指手上又粗那个手指可以其他四个手指里的一 个东两。

    The thumb is the short, thick finger of the hand. It can be moved against one of the other four fingers to grasp things.


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