• 作为一个作家无法鲁迅比较

    As a writer, he can't compare with Luxun.


  • 文章鲁迅翻译加以比较更加完整地体现了林语堂文化身份文化认同

    Compared to Lu Xun's translation texts, Lin's more completely show his cultural identity and cultural alternative.


  • 张承志这种偏执文化极端主义鲁迅文化悖论中的现代理性,有着貌似之下的根本区别

    Modern reason in such bigoted culture extremism of Zhang Chengzhi and Lu Xun' s cultural paradox, there are fundamental differences.


  • 茅盾鲁迅屡屡地绝望希望之间徘徊,绝望希望对抗在鲁迅茅盾的作品中形成了一巨大的张力

    Maodun and Luxun lingered between despair and hope on many occasions. The conflict about despair and hope forms a group of great tension in their works.


  • 通过巴金忏悔意识分别鲁迅托尔斯泰忏悔意识比较审视巴金忏悔意识哲学方面优越性局限性

    Ba Jin confessions through awareness with Lu Xun and Tolstoy's sense of remorse to look at Ba Jin awareness of the Philosophy of the superiority and limitations.


  • 贾平凹同名中篇小说中的主人公,其性格特征鲁迅笔下的q颇多相似之处,可以说是一个阿q式人物

    An JI is the hero of JIA Ping-wa's novelette of the same name who is quite similar in personality to Ah q, the leading character in LU Xun's Literary work "the True Story of Ah q".


  • 此外文章蚂蚁苍蝇象征意义做了分析将本文的构思写作风格鲁迅另一文章《智识罪恶》进行了比较。

    Moreover, this paper also analyzes the symbolic meanings of the ant and the fly and compares After Death with another article of Lu Xun-Intelligence is Evil-in terms of their conception and style.


  • 鲁迅人学思想辩证地论述个体群体科学人文关系,新颁布的《国家语文课程标准》的基本理念形成了鲁迅人学思想的世纪对话。

    His dialectic discussions on the relations between individual and group and between science and humanity are echoed by the recently promulgated National Curriculum Standards for Chinese.


  • 或者为了少年鲁迅悲观的反省引向有朝气活力自信

    Or perhaps to redirect their impressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.


  • 通过对比鲁迅死亡意识可以更加深入了解他们对待态度。

    A better understanding of Luxun and Dostoyevsky's attitude towards life can be achieved by a contrastive study of their consciousness of death.


  • 综上所述,本文鲁迅翻译的研究企图一个新的角度探讨鲁迅的翻译思想,为对翻译文化社会复杂关系讨论做新的补充

    In all, this research tends to explore to Lu Xun's translation theories from a new Angle, reinforcing the discussion of the sophisticated relations between translation, culture and society etc.


  • 鲁迅《伤逝》史铁生的《礼拜日》爱情困境思考就是对自由一悖论的思考

    The reflection on love dilemma in Lu Xun's story Regret for the Past and Shi Tiesheng's story Sunday are the thinking with regard to love and freedom.


  • 同为大翻译家鲁迅傅雷也是如此

    So did Luxun and Fulei, who were great translators too.


  • 鲁迅人格心理的形成及其在创作中的表现精神分析理论有着天然的契合关系

    The development of Lu Xuns personality and mentality and works also have natural relation with the theory of Psyc.


  • 本文正是以个体人格这个单位观念、单位意象作为切入点来研究鲁迅个体“理想人格”思想渊源形成

    The present thesis tends to probe into the roots and formation of Lu Xun's "ideal Personality " thought through analyzing the concept of his idividual Personality.


  • 基础之上,鲁迅个人众数”的紧张关系中,必然选择个人”的态度。

    Based on this, in the excluded tense relations between "Personal" and "Plural", we are sure that Lu Xun would choose "Advocated Individuals".


  • 叙事结构、叙事时间、叙事角度等叙事学角度来看,东西方文化碰撞交汇鲁迅小说的叙事模式接受新知转化传统并重的。

    As the view of structure of narrating time of narrating and perspective, the narrating mode of Lu xun's novel is to accepts the new information and conversion the tradition equal.


  • 对于鲁迅的喜爱主要还是品格精神力量

    For Lu Xun 's favorite, mainly because his character and mental strength.


  • 同时代思想家比较鲁迅的思想具有超越时空的穿透性,显现出预言般的深邃

    Compared with his contemporary thinkers, Luxun looked beyond his time and showed his brilliant ideation to prediction.


  • 看客鲁迅小说常见人物群像,由此衍生出的结构是其基本主题模式

    The group portrait of "play-looker" is the common character in Lu Xun's novel, and the dual structure of "looks" and "being looked" which deduced by them is the basic subject pattern.


  • “文本性思想“非文本性思想”组概念提出缘于鲁迅关于传统文化论述

    The concepts of textual and non-textual thoughts came into being as a fruit of Luxun s discussion on the traditional culture.


  • 鲁迅周作人新诗创作共性异质性更为明显

    Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren s new poem creation have the generality, but the heterogeneity is more obvious.


  • 鲁迅传统西方现代文化参照下,思索传统的现代意义

    Under the reference of the great traditional and western modern culture,. Lu Xun thinks deeply about the modern significance of the little tradition.


  • 鲁迅杂文思想艺术成就很大程度上代表现代中国散文已经达到的最高境界

    The achievements in arts and the idea of Lu Xun's essay, can be understood, in a quite great degree, represent the highest realms of the development of contemporary Chinese essays.


  • 全文第一论述鲁迅魏晋南北朝小说整理评论

    The article is divided into four chapters: the first chapter elaborated the reorganization and commentary which Lu Xun to the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties 'novel.


  • 鲁迅卡夫卡东西方一代文学宗师。

    Both Luxun and Kafka are great masters of Oriental and Occidental literature.


  • 传统审美继承超越中,鲁迅创造了个性化的美的语言

    After the inheritance and transcendence of traditional beauty, Lu Hsun found his unique beautiful language.


  • 鲁迅钱玄同分道扬镳,则由于他们后期思想差异人脉关系纠葛所造成。

    Lu Xu and Qian Xuantong went their own way because they had different thoughts and were trapped in the imbroglio of personal connections.


  • 鲁迅钱玄同分道扬镳,则由于他们后期思想差异人脉关系纠葛所造成。

    Lu Xu and Qian Xuantong went their own way because they had different thoughts and were trapped in the imbroglio of personal connections.


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