• 不能刻意追求样式风格,风格长期写生过程中形成的,是画家经历性格修养自然流露

    We can't go to pursue design and style specifically, for it takes shape in long-term painting, and is the painter's natural revealment of experience, personality, accomplishment.


  • 这本可能小心刻意避免学院派官样文章复杂方程序不能它说消遣读物

    The Stern book may be careful to avoid academic gobbledygook and complex equations, but it cannot be described as a light read.


  • 虽然并不清楚到底愿意还是不能开口爱丽丝仍旧感到他是在刻意地保持距离。

    Whether he is unwilling or unable to speak about what happened there is unclear, but it makes Alice feel shut out.


  • 显然一做法刻意为之的:宁可倒掉,不能这些食物留给流浪汉们食用。

    It appeared that the food was thrown away from deliberate policy, rather than that it should be given to the tramps.


  • 当然了,这状似可靠的虚幻感甚至不能长久解雇或者下岗的时候,你就会立识到这份幻觉多么不堪一击

    But of course, even convincing illusions don't last. If you're ever fired or laid off, you quickly realize how flimsy the illusion really was.


  • 刻意讲出关于事实可以让人接受的一部分,而对于不能让人接受的另一半,他会蓄意的避而不谈。

    He will say the acceptable part of the truth and very conveniently "forget" about the unacceptable part of it.


  • 如果不能确定输入图像大小或者并不是刻意地要得到确切大小的新图像,那么这种方法比较方便。

    This can be convenient if you're not sure of the size of the input image, or if you're not concerned with having the new image be an exact size. Here's an example of how to use percentages.


  • 这种观点下对于不能帽子里变兔子或者从空口袋出金币(或者刻意去中彩票)而感到沮丧是很蠢的。

    And with such a perspective, it's silly to be upset that you cannot literally pull rabbits out of hats, or gold COINS from your empty pockets (or deliberately win the lottery).


  • 提供屏幕截图已经刻意修饰不能准确地代表软件提供图像质量

    The screenshots provided have been deliberately modified and do not accurately represent the quality of the images that the Movie Covers provides.


  • 刻意去发现牵制道德神经确切部位不能回答我们这里面的所以然然而可以帮助人们如何正确去思考问题

    Pinning down the location of this part of morality does not answer the more fundamental question of why it evolved the way it did. It does, however, assist the process of thinking about that question.


  • 唯一有力传导不能任何有条件的方法来传达——语言刻意沉默两者都不能传达

    The only Forceful Communication is That Which cannot be Communicated by any conditional means-neither by purposive silence nor by speech.


  • 那些不曾刻意寻觅成功诀窍的人来说,花大代价,也学不来这个窍门。 这个公式不能免费奉送,也不能金钱买卖因为这个秘诀分为两个部分

    It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it . it cannot be given away , it cannot be purchased for money , for the reason that it comes in two parts .


  • 那些不曾刻意寻觅成功诀窍的人来说,花大代价,也学不来这个窍门。 这个公式不能免费奉送,也不能金钱买卖因为这个秘诀分为两个部分

    It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it . it cannot be given away , it cannot be purchased for money , for the reason that it comes in two parts .


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定