• 无人相信丈夫的无端指责。

    No one believed her wild accusations against her husband.


  • 拒不允许展出丈夫作品

    She refused to allow the exhibition of her husband's work.


  • 要对其丈夫遇刺进行调查

    She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.


  • 这份保险单是否保丈夫驾车险?

    Does this policy cover my husband to drive?


  • 关于丈夫活动一直蒙在鼓里。

    She was kept in ignorance of her husband's activities.


  • 工作参加丈夫竞选活动

    She gave up her job to join her husband's campaign.


  • 背景丈夫截然不同

    Her background is markedly different from her husband's.


  • 常常遭到酗酒丈夫毒打

    She was often beaten by her drunken husband.


  • 已故丈夫灵魂祈祷

    She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.


  • 整天装作模范丈夫样子。

    He's been acting the devoted husband all day.


  • 声称自己丈夫生意一无所知。

    She disclaims any knowledge of her husband's business.


  • 丈夫过错毫无察觉

    She is blind to her husband's faults.


  • 丈夫到来惊得不由自主了起来。

    The shock of her husband's arrival brought her to her feet.


  • 否认知道丈夫下落

    She disclaimed any knowledge of her husband's whereabouts.


  • 丈夫去世而悲伤。

    She grieved the death of her husband.


  • 已婚妇女传统上认为是依附丈夫

    Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.


  • 当地墓地里,长眠在她丈夫

    She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery.


  • 说话的时候,目光停留丈夫脸上

    As she spoke, her eyes rested on her husband's face.


  • 丈夫代表。

    She is acting as proxy for her husband.


  • 根据全面健康检查丈夫身体非常棒。

    Her husband's health is excellent, according to a full medical workup just completed.


  • 重视丈夫意见而且我们大多数事情看法一致

    I value the opinion of my husband and we agree on most things.


  • 丈夫工作周后开始

    My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few weeks.


  • 露丝·恩德桑乔随了第二任丈夫

    Ruth Nidesand took the surname of her second husband.


  • 坐在丈夫身边度过一个漫漫长夜。

    She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.


  • 丈夫去世使她生活中感到茫然空虚。

    The death of her husband left a big blank in her life.


  • 丈夫名字很多问题

    He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions.


  • 确切地说丈夫医生一个不可思议白血病

    To be exactmy husband's doctor uttered an unthinkable word: leukaemia.


  • 吧,”麻雀,“出于丈夫好意两个选择。”

    Alright," said the sparrow, "for your husband's kindness, I offer you two choices."


  • 妇人自己家里准备食物在家吃然后丈夫那份拿到男人家里

    Women prepare and eat their food in their own houses and take the husband's portion to the men's house.


  • 小说讲述的女性寻找完美的丈夫故事,同时探讨了有关婚姻友谊家庭问题

    Her novels are about women trying to find a perfect husband, but also explore issues surrounding marriage, friendship and the family.


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