• 一般人们认为所有这样它们后腿地起跳,一旦升空后肢前摆,前肢摆,接着前肢先落地。

    It was thought that all frogs moved this way. They'd push off with their back legs, and then once in flight, rotate the limbs forward.


  • 接着回忆滑向温情有趣苦乐参半画面,一切恰如其分的汇集,就阿尔弗雷多眨眼一般淘气,让人不可抗拒的受到震撼。

    Then the recollections steal in on him, an irresistible tumble of warm, funny, bittersweet vignettes, all fitted together and as sly as one of Alfredo's winks.


  • 或者糟糕的是,先是个拥堵的队伍心烦意乱、踉踉跄跄另一个接着盲人摸象一般自己鞋子皮带包包电脑别的零碎东西

    Or worse, a stressful stumble from one bottlenecked queue to another, and then the dreary fumble to collect one's shoes, belt, bags, computer and other detritus.


  • 一旅程——暴风雨骤起,接着一般的沉寂,延缓航程。

    The journey was a minor catastrophestorms broke out followed by a dead calm that slowed the ship’s progress.


  • 一般情况可以这样艾伦。”接着,“可是除非也下手,不然,不管希刺克厉夫遭到多大不幸,我不会满足。”

    In general I'll allow that it would be, Ellen, 'she continued;' but what misery laid on Heathcliff could content me, unless I have a hand in it?


  • 接着又一程蜗牛一般、鸣着喇叭公车小时一个小时的浪费掉了,在此期间,除了脑袋里细数失败,我无事可

    There began an interminable series of slow, traffic-snarled bus trips, a waste of hours and hours, during which there was nothing to do but run each successive failure through my head.


  • 一般来说死亡来自段时间衰弱意识模糊接着昏迷

    Death normally comes after a period of weakness and confusion, followed by a coma.


  • 直到观察之前恒星还是一个振幅震动器,接着就谜一般变成了小振幅震动器。

    The star was a high-amplitude pulsator until right before the observing run started, when it mysteriously became a small-amplitude pulsator.


  • 文档一般一个使用哪个版本HTML定义开始然后跟着标记接着,最后是。

    The document generally starts with a declaration of which version of HTML has been used, and is then followed by an tag followed by and at the very end by.


  • 路由器缓存接着前面的查询请求路由器,一般自己DNS缓存。

    Router cache - The request continues on to your router, which typically has its own DNS cache.


  • 一般来说。NET会尽快线程池中分配最少数量的线程,接着秒钟创建最多2个线程,直到达到最大线程数量。

    Normally.net allocates up to the minimum thread count in threads as soon as needed. From them on, no more than 2 threads per second are created until you reach the maximum thread count.


  • 接着小一点子集一般为300勇士)会收到对立组织简明材料

    Then a smaller subset (normally around 300-strong) receives briefing materials from the opposing advocacy groups.


  • 接着开始奔跑好像有什么东西后面紧追不舍一般

    Then he began to run, to run as if something were chasing him.


  • 接着依据作业成本系统操作一般程序设计原则,设计了卷烟厂设备维修实施作业成本核算程序

    Then based costing system operation principle of the general programming designed cigarette factory equipment maintenance procedures for the implementation of operating cost accounting.


  • 说话很少,一般还需要什么然后感谢留下来做事,接着慢慢地去了。

    We never talked much, he would just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for home.


  • 威尔逊接着表示,所有调查不会针对动物园男孩的母亲中的任何方,警方进行“一般调查在此后检察官办公室进行讨论。

    Wilson added that any investigation would not be directed at either the zoo or the mother, but that it would be a "general" inquiry by the police, who would then confer with the prosecutor's office.


  • 一般情况,弱电施工在线缆敷设完毕即可高一段落接着安装设备支架安装设备。

    In general, the construction of the line can be completed in a small paragraph. Then install the equipment bracket, installation equipment.


  • 接着鬼脸,猴子一般活蹦乱跳。

    Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey.


  • 这本大众在读,权威接着全世界人民在读,直到电影公司在读畅销书成为电影之前并非现在一般出众

    The public at the time, then the authority of the time, people all over the world at the time, until the film also read the best-seller before becoming a movie is not, as is now generally excellent.


  • 接着分析需要一般特点即需要具有对象性社会历史性驱动性和周期性

    Then the paper analyzes the general characteristics of need: objectivity, sociality and historicity, driven, periodicity.


  • 接着生产劳动本身进行分析,区分生产一般生产特殊二者之间关系

    Then the production of labor itself, the general distinction between production and production of special, and the relationship between them.


  • 接着介绍了全息存储有关理论简要地描述一般耦合理论的有关理论结果

    Then the relevant volume holographic principles were briefly illustrated, followed by results of general coupled-wave theory which are useful for volume holographic storage.


  • 一般寂静,查利·德鲁接着试图摆脱这种想法

    As quiet as death, thought Charlie Drew; then he immediately tried to force the thought from his mind.


  • 接着介绍数据模型一般概念,包括域数据模型的描述、域关系表示运算基于域数据模型的访问控制方法等。

    Then, the theories of DDM is fully explained in the paper, including the description of DDM, the denotation and operation of domain relation, and the access control method based on DDM.


  • 第一论述了对话教学理念对话教学内涵接着四个方面分析了对话教学的一般原则

    The first chapter discusses the concept and connotation of the Dialogue Teaching, and then analyses the general principles of the Dialogue Teaching from the four aspects of it.


  • 突然传来了一阵扭打接着亚伯拉罕·葛雷一侧面颊刀伤冲了出来,像条狗听到哨声一般船长

    There was a sudden scuffle, a sound of blows, and out burst Abraham Gray with a knife cut on the side of the cheek, and came running to the captain like a dog to the whistle.


  • 突然传来了一阵扭打接着亚伯拉罕·葛雷一侧面颊刀伤冲了出来,像条狗听到哨声一般船长

    There was a sudden scuffle, a sound of blows, and out burst Abraham Gray with a knife cut on the side of the cheek, and came running to the captain like a dog to the whistle.


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