• Barely three days later, just when I had finished the usual chores and was about to key in the prospects, the power went off - at 0900.

    BBC: Frustrated by Pakistan power cuts

  • The letter was a triumph of bad taste, and when I had finished it I wondered whether or not I should send it, but in the end I did.

    NEWYORKER: Clara

  • Then, when I had finished that, I poured myself more tea, and because I was still hungry, and because I really did feel happy, sitting there in the quiet, watching the snow, I sneaked first one slice, then another, then all of the toast I had made for Marie, and ate it with the jam while it was still warm.

    NEWYORKER: Something Like Happy

  • When I had just finished my senior year in high school, I scored a summer internship at Viacom.

    FORBES: How to Find Your Confidence, 'Lean In' Style

  • "I came in three days later to do my exam, then when I finished exams I had the summer off and carried on with my A-levels after the break, " she added.

    BBC: George Shopland

  • Just when I thought the buyer had finished his inspection, he went over the selection again, lingering on one in particular a white dress with a large rhinestone butterfly on the front.

    FORBES: Successful Start-Ups Use Bold Strategies to Kick Start Sales

  • And when we'd finished our snacks and I had hold of little pieces of Joey Buckley's life, we'd race our wheelchairs down the steep paved hill where on Saturday afternoons the stretchers and wheelchairs wound their way down the path between the buildings from the courtyard to the movie theater.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Warm Springs'

  • When I was finished I wanted to go home, but we couldn't before he had done 50 more shots (at goal).


  • And I have to tell you, we had barely even finished announcing this campaign when we were inundated with offers to help.

    WHITEHOUSE: Improving Educational Opportunities for Service Members, Veterans and Their Families | The White House

  • So when I finished Goblet of Fire, I said to - there were only two publishers who had bought the next book - and I said to both of them, I want to repay my advance.

    BBC: JK Rowling

  • "We had just finished putting the wedding invitations in envelopes and were just about to post them when I got the email, " she said.

    BBC: The Inn at Stonehall

  • When we finally got the picture done and finished, we had a kind of premiere opening in Washington, and I actually carried--took the print with me to Washington for the showing in Washington, DC.

    NPR: A Robert Wise Reprise

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