• He reiterated that his priorities lay in decentralising power, democratising the party, building local leaders.

    BBC: Is Rahul Gandhi reluctant to become PM?

  • And another former Labour Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has warned the party against building a "politics built on grievance".

    BBC: Labour must offer voters solutions, says Lord Reid

  • It exploded just 65 feet away from the Baath Party building and damaged it, a resident named Mohammed told CNN.


  • The car bomb exploded just 65 feet away from the Baath Party building and damaged it, a resident named Mohammed said.


  • The explosion shattered windows on the seventh floor of the AK Party building where Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has an office.

    BBC: Turkish capital Ankara hit by twin explosions

  • David Stitt says contacts with the party have been building over the past four years.

    BBC: Flags protest: UDA speaks out

  • She finished the project by 2007, creating a separate upstairs entrance into the party area and building a staircase to connect the spaces.

    WSJ: Jane Friedman's New York Apartment: A Home That Books Built

  • Shortly afterwards, the Nazi Party took over the building and turned it into a central administrative office.

    BBC: Authorities shut Berlin's iconic Tacheles arts squat

  • The opposition Labour Party has agreed the building was not fit for purpose but said getting out of existing leases could bring "hidden costs".

    BBC: County Hall, Norwich

  • In both instances, there was an effort to have the material appear to be non-partisan on its face yet serve as a partisan political message for the purpose of building the Republican Party.


  • Now unionists at Stormont are calling for the Union flag to be flown 365 days a year over Parliament Buildings - a proposal that seems destined to divide the cross-party commission that manages the Assembly building.

    BBC: No mainstream party can wash its hands of flag dispute

  • In 1972, in the United States, five men were arrested for attempting to place bugging equipment at the Democratic Party National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington.

    CNN: Wednesday,

  • It was the Democratic party that had the most to gain by building the interracial coalition that was possible in the aftermath of Katrina, and instead, they moved onto other topics.

    NPR: Study on Race and Rebuilding New Orleans

  • As the Queen and her royal party made their way through the university building there was shouting and one student was later charged by the university authorities with drinking from a bottle "which act was abusive and discourteous to the Queen and her accompanying party".

    BBC: Day Queen booed at Stirling university remembered

  • Leanne Wood said although the party's policy is against building new nuclear power stations, Plaid would work to create jobs on the island.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • But the interpretation of "party-building activities" has been stretched to include massive television advertising and other activities that have directly helped elect specific candidates.

    CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton To Ask FEC To Ban Soft Money

  • The five-party coalition had entered office on the back of a series of confidence-building initiatives agreed by the previous interim government, which included a cross-party agreement on the 2008 budget and a modest package of devolution measures.

    ECONOMIST: The woeful state of Belgian politics

  • Earlier this week the DUP published a document called "Building on Success" which defended the party's track record and said that "now is the time to take the next step forward".

    BBC: DUP meet for annual conference

  • However, the allegations raise ethical questions about the Popular Party's dealings during the period of Spain's building boom, when politicians granted large numbers of development contracts.

    BBC: Spain ruling Popular Party denies slush fund allegations

  • The party may suspend its past manifesto, which calls for the building of a Hindu temple in Ayodhya, where Hindu zealots tore down a mosque in 1992, and other inflammatory measures.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • Gold and glory are the real drivers of personal empire building and not the sole property of either party.

    FORBES: 'The Economist' Endorses Obama For President

  • But it has much deeper roots: the Republicans are now much more interested than the Democrats in building up their party.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • The reform legislation still contains a controversial ban on so-called "soft money, " the money raised by national, state and local parties and purportedly used only for party-building and get-out-the-vote drives, rather than direct help for candidates.

    CNN: Jump-Starting Finance Reform

  • What amuses is that the people who are most likely to be upset about this are the staunchly republican Green Party who are the people most insistent that we should be building the windmills in the first place.

    FORBES: Who Makes Money From Windmills?

  • These Kurds, members of the outlawed Yakiti party, had held non-violent demonstrations outside the Syrian parliament building demanding political freedoms early last week.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roadmap to perdition

  • In his 1996 speech to the Labour Party he artfully elided Britain's achievement in building an empire with its achievement in dismantling the empire peacefully.

    ECONOMIST: The British empire

  • The DNC spots were funded with so-called "soft money" -- funds intended for party-building or get-out-the-vote drives, not for specific campaigns.

    CNN: Clinton interviewed by Justice investigators

  • On Sunday, Kim Jong Un led a high-level meeting of party officials who declared building the economy and "nuclear armed forces" as the nation's priorities.

    NPR: SKorea: North Korea Moved Missile To East Coast

  • "That timing is very important for the People's Party because they are building their campaign on this, " said Hussain Yasar, a senior energy analyst at KASB Securities in Karachi.

    NPR: Pakistan Leader To Break Ground On Iran Pipeline

  • Mr Cameron earlier brushed aside suggestions his party was not building up the sort of opinion poll lead it will need to be confident of victory at the next general election.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron in 'family friendly' push

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