• But already businessmen in Hong Kong are warning that the passage of the trade bill won't lead to overnight changes.

    BBC: Hong Kong hopes for trade boost

  • Boneheadly, one Chinese government legislator demanded last week that the passage of the bill should go ahead as planned, oblivious to political reality.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong and China

  • Mr Paterson argued that the passage of time, a supportive family and ill health would point to a reduction in the risk of re-offending.

    BBC: Child rapist Michael McNeill has 14-year jail term cut

  • Ridge later backed away from the assertion in the book, saying he wasn't questioning his colleagues' motives and that the passage could have been clearer.

    CNN: Experts question U.S. terror alert system

  • The House speaker's reasoning was that the passage of Plan B and the spending bill would put the onus on Obama and Senate Democrats to accept them or offer a compromise.


  • Yet it could well be that the passage of the Dodd-Frank bill, which seems so misconceived at so many levels, could have made things in the financial sector far worse than they were before.

    FORBES: U.S. Government: Too Big To Succeed?

  • Prof Carl Devos of Ghent University said that the passage of the speech should have been dropped, while monarchy expert Prof Mark Van den Wijngaert said a comparison with the 30s was "a bridge too far".

    BBC: Europe

  • Major General Robert Scales, a retired commandant of the US Army War College, argues that the passage of large numbers of the best and brightest Egyptian officers through American war colleges has suffused the army with American values.

    ECONOMIST: Military-to-military relationships: The ties that bind | The

  • But after the 2010-11 season, the worst of his career (he finished with a losing record for the first time, and the Devils missed the playoffs), Brodeur acknowledged that the passage of time had dulled his quickness and athleticism.

    WSJ: Don't Tell Martin Brodeur It's His Swan Song

  • In fact as I made my way from the frozen lawn in front of the U.S. Capitol, past the parade route and eventually to one of the evening's balls, it was clear to me that the passage in Obama's speech was more than a memorable line.

    CNN: Bob Schieffer must be straight

  • It was New Komeito, many of whose members are pacifists, which also pressured the government to shorten the Diet session so that the passage of this year's mission in the Indian Ocean was certain not to pass, since the time allotted was not enough for the government to use its supermajority.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • Here, too, I suspect that the passage of time has worked against Ms. Edson, if only because so many of the baby boomers who saw "Wit" the first time around have since learned from personal experience that the last part of the play only begins to suggest the ugly horrors of a painful death.

    WSJ: Wit | The Motherf**cker With the Hat | Into the (Spot)light | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout

  • Moreover, the member firm may assert that with the passage of time it realized that its earlier allegations were erroneous and promptly corrected the record.

    FORBES: FINRA Arbitration Claimant Stipulates to Defaming Former Employee

  • The Vice President spoke movingly about the changes that have occurred since the passage of the Violence Against Women Act but also reminded us that three women a day still die as a result of domestic violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Taking Action to Prevent Domestic Violence Homicide

  • There are probably even more women inventors than most people are aware of, given that until the passage of the Married Women's Property Act, everything owned or invented by a woman was legally her husband's possession.

    BBC: Women look to shape the future

  • The roasting must be even, and the grinding process must be finely calibrated so that the resulting coffee allows smooth passage of the hot water that extracts the flavour.

    ECONOMIST: Espresso coffee

  • Or the cost of parenting a child born with a congenital illness that will result in health care expenditures that would easily have taken the child over the lifetime maximums that existed prior to the passage of the ACA?

    FORBES: Uber-Conservative AEI Fellow Defends Obamacare-Hell Officially Freezes Over

  • It is no coincidence, she believes, that the fire was set just two days before thousands gathered to commemorate the Selma demonstrations that led to passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    CNN: Playing with Fire

  • That was the case in passage of some other bills earlier this year that the President was able to sign into law.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "More than the monetary compensation, the bill represents the only formal, written document that martial law violated the human rights of Filipinos and that there were courageous people who fought the dictatorship, " said a statement from SELDA, an organization of former political prisoners that campaigned for the passage of the bill.

    NPR: Compensation For Philippine Dictatorship Victims

  • Business leaders urged voters to choose a weaker plan put forward by the government that would have given shareholders a nonbinding say on corporate pay, and warned that passage of the Minder Initiative would cost the country jobs.

    WSJ: Swiss Back Executive-Pay Controls

  • In fact, the smart money says that sufficient numbers of Republican legislators will find offensive the idea of throwing good money after bad that they will preclude passage in the Senate this year of any bail-out for Detroit that the Democrats manage to cobble together.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Autos' perfect storm

  • The prime minister appears to have bet that securing passage of the tax would convince the public of his fiscal responsibility and decisive leadership.

    ECONOMIST: An unusual militancy is creeping into mainstream politics

  • Although Mr Wang sought the protection of the Americans, it was made clear to him that passage to the United States and potential asylum there were out of the question.

    ECONOMIST: Shattering the fa?ade

  • So what we know about -- even though there were many at the time in the Republican Party, including some of those who are now leaders of the Republican Party, who predicted with absolute confidence that passage of the Clinton budget in 1993 would lead to massive unemployment and economic recession, and general decline of America -- what we saw was the opposite.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • For the businesses that can make the most of that experience helping the consumer negotiate the passage from cloud to the ground the future belongs to them.

    FORBES: The Power of Place

  • They say that braving the Drake Passage is the price you pay to see the Antarctic.

    FORBES: Go with the Floe

  • Gaps should be limited to official border crossings and small, heavily monitored thruways that allow the safe passage of migratory animals.

    FORBES: A daunting policy problem demands more modest solutions.

  • To ask that question after the passage of two centuries, says Pietro Nivola of the Brookings Institution, is to pose an impossible thought experiment.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Two weeks later, it was announced that the fabled Northwest Passage was navigable for the first time in recorded history, facilitating the new oil frontier.

    CNN: The price of our oil addiction

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