• Its budget deficit is running at an estimated 8% of GDP (including off-budget items).

    ECONOMIST: Asian economies

  • The LOBO administration inherited a difficult fiscal position with off-budget debts accrued in previous administrations and government salaries nearly equivalent to tax collections.

    FORBES: Honduras

  • In 1953 total federal tax receipts were just 18.7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (17.6% On-Budget and 1.1% Off-Budget) while federal outlays were 20.4% of GDP.

    FORBES: Dwight D. Eisenhower on tax cuts and a balanced budget

  • It is difficult enough for policymakers to agree on the benefits of on-budget, spending activities whose costs are fully known (Amtrak, highways, welfare), let alone off-budget regulations.

    FORBES: When Washington Fails a Cost-Benefit Test

  • The deteriorating state of public debt as off-budget spending swelled combined with institutional weaknesses and the rigidities imposed by the pegging of the peso to the US dollar, it found.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | IMF owns up to Argentina errors

  • The party fought tooth and nail to keep Virginia tobacco out of Japan, so that off-budget subsidies could be fed to tobacco-growing farmers from Japan Tobacco, the government-owned cigarette monopoly.

    ECONOMIST: Sunset for the men in suits | The

  • Cloud projects often occur as tactical arrangements, either prompted by IT for greater access to tools and platforms, or by lines of business to acquire services or capabilities as needed, and often off-budget.

    FORBES: Cloud Computing Set to 'Skyrocket,' Driven by Economy: Survey

  • Later, a senior Treasury official said that Labour should have "no time for off-Budget gimmicks" and said it was "foolish and regrettable" that both sides were briefing against each other at the party conference.

    BBC: Blair denies rift with Brown

  • Even while Governor Brown brags of a balanced budget, he ignores the off-budget pension fund deficit which threatens loss of government services and closure of parks and libraries, prompts municipal bankruptcies, and keeps the state deeply in debt.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • For example, the system of off-budget bonuses, the practice of employing (again off-budget) temporary staff, and the habit of leaving budgeted lower-scale jobs unfilled in order to pay for better-qualified staff are all long-established ways of circumventing pay scales and head-counts and the inevitable result is that employers and employees alike have a vested interest in preserving them.

    ECONOMIST: The French state

  • The bipartisan trade-off: implement a budget-neutral carbon tax off-set by lowering income or corporate taxes elsewhere.

    FORBES: Obama Emerges As A Born-Again Climate Hawk. Now What Can He Do?

  • The two sides have been locked in on-again, off-again budget talks since 2011, and the negotiations have routinely broken down or led to piecemeal deals.

    WSJ: Obama Reaches for Middle Ground With New Budget Plan

  • Second, it puts more people back to work, including up to 280, 000 teachers laid off by state-budget cuts, first responders and veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, and construction workers repairing crumbling bridges, roads and more than 35, 000 public schools, with projects chosen by need and impact, not earmarks and politics.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House Blog: The President

  • From the beginning of this Congress, I have held that long-range entitlement reform and balanced budget amendments should be off the table in budget and debt-ceiling discussions.

    FORBES: Rules For Reforming Our Bloated Welfare State

  • Shared computing, it is said, will knock 20% off your data-processing budget.

    FORBES: High Tech's New Deal

  • Yet, the numbers put in front of us through this budget proposal do not lie -- this budget takes us off that path and puts us into new and dangerous territory.

    CNN: Commentary: Budget a 'clear and present danger' to our kids

  • This is a perfect example of what I wrote yesterday about why the big studios really need to focus on blockbusters with lots of spin-off potential even if it means no more mid-budget movies.

    FORBES: Five More Ways Disney Can Mine Profits From 'The Avengers'

  • And most of the hard-currency earnings of doctors working abroad are creamed off by the Cuban government to boost the health-care budget at home.

    ECONOMIST: The flying doctors of Cuba

  • The Bank also has to make up its mind about whether the minimum wage will have a one-off effect like a Budget tax increase, say or will set off a spiral.

    ECONOMIST: The minimum wage

  • It is thought likely that in the coming months the government will make clear that the April 2013 cut-off for GPs to take on the budget is not an absolute deadline.

    BBC: PM seeks to allay fears, but insists change is needed

  • Even the balanced-budget deal was more an item off the President's 1995 and 1996 checklists than a postelection new idea.

    CNN: The White House Adrift

  • So even if Mr Greenspan is right, and the public debt is paid off sooner rather than later, the long-term budget position, properly conceived, still does not require a tax cut now.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Worse trouble has been staved off by seven years of budget restraint, large foreign-exchange reserves and a hefty overseas investment portfolio.

    ECONOMIST: Libya and the bombed airliners

  • Most pundits and the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office have noted that the shock of tumbling over the fiscal cliff could kill off a still-fragile recovery and possibly tip the U.S. economy back into recession.

    FORBES: Will the Fiscal Cliff Get Us the Right Resolution?

  • Surrey are set to make 20 of their off-field staff redundant in an attempt to plug a budget deficit, while Kent have had to deny rumours that they are in danger of going into administration.

    BBC: County schedule for 2011 delayed after disagreement

  • Earlier this year the Pan-American Games went off smoothly albeit way over budget in Rio de Janeiro.

    ECONOMIST: Football comes home to Brazil after 64 years

  • Unveiled on the NAB show floor, the 35, 000-lumen and 25, 000-lumen models display extremely crisp and bright images -- big-budget car commercials and surfing footage basically pop off the screen.


  • The bigger worry for the zombie world is that well-meaning budget cutters might actually succeed in cutting zombies off from their food supplies.

    FORBES: Paul Ryan Picks Up Mantle Of Roman Reformers

  • And, since they did not have vast deficits to swallow up the early windfalls of the boom (all but Vermont have balanced-budget requirements), the governors have been pulling off an impressive feat for years: cutting taxes while increasing both spending and surpluses.

    ECONOMIST: A praline kind of party

  • Historically only 9% of laid-off workers have opted for Cobra (named for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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