• Investor can follow companies to see any news or activity they have, and they can comment on investments or other activity in a Facebook-style news feed.

    FORBES: AngelList Takes Angel Investing To Warp Speed

  • By offering users an option to see all recent activity, Facebook is partially reverting to a feature that it had eliminated years ago, when users could easily toggle back and forth between the news feed and a stream of all activity.

    WSJ: Facebook Unveils Sweeping Changes to News Feed

  • The U.K. market was closed, and activity and news flow elsewhere remained light.

    WSJ: Stock Rally Hits the Wall

  • There is some good economic news for 2011: merger and acquisition activity will rock.

    FORBES: M&A On Track For A Blockbuster Year

  • With spending on a tight leash, the government fell back on the relentless hyping of inconsequential initiatives designed to feed the 24-hour news machine and give an impression of activity.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair is right to be worried about his unpopularity

  • The scandal has reverberated through the British political establishment, led to dozens of arrests on suspicion of criminal activity and forced News Corp. to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation to the victims of phone hacking.

    CNN: James Murdoch blames underlings in phone-hacking inquiry

  • The documents also included sensitive political and military information on Nato and EU activity in Afghanistan and Georgia, reports the AFP news agency.

    BBC: Russian spy Raymond Poeteray jailed by Dutch

  • The outlaw group helped boost the bike's exposure: Its members were hard to miss on highways-and occasionally popped up in the news because of criminal activity.

    FORBES: Cult brands

  • The official said the heads of all the FBI field offices have also been told to "keep in mind the significance of the news" about bin Laden and watch out for any possible activity in their regions.

    CNN: U.S. anticipates al Qaeda 'threats of retaliation'

  • Schools might like to use and adapt this classroom activity to generate ideas for news stories focusing on three key aspects of children's lives: home, school and play.


  • Companies like GE and H-P only ceased such activity after the news media scrutinized their "end around" operations with the Iranians.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The myth of America's 'tough' Iran policy

  • That bit of good news as indicators from general activity, new orders, shipments, and employment suggested that declines this month were more broad-based than in January.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Judge Walton wrote in his opinion, the First Amendment does not protect news reporters or news organizations from producing documents when the news reporters are, themselves, critical to both the indictment and prosecution of criminal activity.

    NPR: Journalists' Documents Sought in CIA Leak Case

  • In this context, an activity under the theme "The challenge of media and water as news and communications campaigns" was held.

    UNESCO: Programa Hidrol��gico Internacional: Journalis workshop

  • Beyond corporate and private VIP applications, helicopter manufacturers have also been able to tap growing demand for emergency medical services, law enforcement support, news gathering and a variety of industrial applications, such as supporting offshore oil and gas activity not to mention defense.

    FORBES: Helicopter Industry's Success Secret: Market Diversity

  • At a point when relations between the news organizations and WikiLeaks were rocky, at least three people associated with this project had inexplicable activity in their e-mail that suggested someone was hacking into their accounts.

    FORBES: NYTimes Editor: Reporters Covering WikiLeaks Had Email Hacked

  • Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said it's "great news" that the city is on track to record the lowest homicide rate in decades and it's "especially good news" that it's happening in the context of reduced NYPD stop-and-frisk activity.

    WSJ: Homicides Down for 2012

  • The nerve center of the Facebook experience, the news feed fills the middle of this home screen with updates, photos, articles and other content and activity from your friends, such as likes and app updates.

    CNN: Facebook revamps site, tweaks mobile apps

  • "After being in piracy for eight years, I have decided to renounce and quit, and from today on I will not be involved in this gang activity, " AFP news agency quotes Afweyneh as saying at a news conference in Adado on Wednesday.

    BBC: Somali pirate 'Big Mouth' quits

  • The good news is that doctors believe health can be restored to young people's arteries with regular physical activity and a healthy diet.

    WSJ: Heart-Attack Risk Starts Younger

  • Click on updates, for instance, and you get top news from LinkedIn Today, as well as recommended jobs that you can then save with a click and other activity.

    FORBES: Live: LinkedIn Revamps Profile in New Product Push

  • "The exact timing of a potential towing activity will depend on weather, tides and operational readiness, " Churchfield told reporters in a news conference.

    CNN: Shell: Grounded drilling rig sound and fit to be towed

  • "He's in perfect shape now to continue full activity and know he's protected from having any serious problems, " he said on Fox News on Sunday.

    CNN: Cheney returns to work after implant

  • Merrill's individual investors business, the Private Client Services division, won't hold back its stock price when investment banking firms like Goldman Sachs (nyse: GS - news - people ) and other institutional broker-dealers snapback amid a pickup in capital markets and merger and acquisition activity.

    FORBES: Be Bullish On Merrill

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