• Mr. DINKINS: No, no, I think he faces a challenge because being governor of New York is one hell of a job, and he's got about three weeks to settle a budget.

    NPR: Spitzer's Fall Helps Write New Chapter in History

  • It guarantees each patron consistent service quality even while munching on vegetable sticks each at 17cm by 1cm with an error margin of 1mm but can make the first few training weeks hell for new recruits.

    FORBES: Taiwan's Wowprime Attracts Eaters and Eager Employees

  • What a pity, thinks the student, that the professor, risen from a fatherless childhood in New York's Hell's Kitchen to become a seemingly permanent star of the Senate, should be intent on retiring in 2000.

    ECONOMIST: The incomparable Daniel Patrick

  • Nothing not the tacky plastic fun park of Canada's family heaven nor the hard-at-the-heels squalor of New York's economic hell can ruin one of the world's prime natural wonders.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Inventing Niagara'

  • When my husband left me, I was just beginning to adjust, or at least trying to, through the ever present counseling, to my new disability and the excruciating, straight from hell pain I was enduring constantly.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • If Netflix simply started offering by-mail rentals of games, that probably would have been something for Gamefly to really fear, but the split of the company between streaming and by-mail makes it a lot less formidable, as now customers have to use a new, separate service for mail rentals, and hell, they might as well sign up for the battle-tested Gamefly at that point, right?

    FORBES: Gamefly Not Afraid of Netflix's New Video Game Venture, Qwikster

  • Like a bat out of hell, Apple has just shuttled a new, unibody MacBook in the gadget world's direction.

    ENGADGET: MacBook goes unibody, available today

  • We think -- nay, we hope -- that we've at long last reached the nadir of Motorola's naming convention and are finally on our way up from the depths of marketing hell now that the company has announced its new Android app store for China.

    ENGADGET: Motorola bringing SHOP4APPS app store 2CHINA, adding workaround for Google spat

  • Much of what is sold under the moniker "bagel" where I live is as bready and dry as toast before being toasted, which it must be to become palatable. (With those words, bagel cognoscenti will understand that I have just condemned these specimens to the same circle of hell reserved for blueberry bagels.) The new trend should be my salvation, but alas, it leaves me cold.

    WSJ: Battle for the Bagel's Soul

  • What is most remarkable about this freakish new money system is that it is always on the road to hell but never seems to get there.

    FORBES: Golden Lessons From Helicopter Ben And Spanish Galleons

  • Not exactly the scene straight out of hell as described by Wayne LaPierre nor one that warranted New Yorkers locking and loading en masse to deal with the horrors that enveloped them.

    FORBES: The Madness Of Wayne LaPierre-Will NRA Members Suffer The Consequences?

  • And so, you know, many of the problems that Africa has now with this new generation of leaders, with this newly energized civil society, with people who are saying - you know, like the movie Network, we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore - I mean, there is a new vibrancy among those who want to see a renaissance in the continent.

    NPR: Gault Book Details 'Africa's Renaissance'

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