• The declaration came one month after the Japanese army occupied Nanking, then the capital of China.

    ECONOMIST: The euro arrives

  • Bale was in China to promote his movie about the Rape of Nanking by Japanese troops in 1937.

    FORBES: Shame on CNN for Its Christian Bale Stunt

  • The international military tribunal held in Tokyo after the Japanese surrender in 1945 put the death toll in Nanking at 140, 000.

    ECONOMIST: Ghosts from China and Japan

  • In 1941, however, a year to the day after leaving Nanking, she had committed suicide, convinced that she had done too little.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary

  • John Rabe (Ulrich Tukur) was a German businessman and Nazi Party member who ran the Siemens plant in Nanking, China, in the thirties.

    NEWYORKER: John Rabe

  • The movie lays special emphasis on the heroic and largely forgotten efforts of Americans and Germans in Nanking to protect as many citizens as they could.

    NEWYORKER: Nanking

  • Now some may argue that it is grossly unfair to say that Japan's refusal to live up to the atrocities in Nanking reflects the true national mood about its wartime past.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Letter from Japan: Past Imperfect?

  • The ultra-nationalists' main bone of contention is that the Rape of Nanking, during which the Chinese claim some 300, 000 men, women and children were slaughtered, was a figment of foreign propaganda.

    ECONOMIST: Ghosts from China and Japan

  • Unlike Germany, where decades of intensive Holocaust-sensitivity education has relegated Nazism to a fringe skinhead culture, in Japan a majority of Japanese are not really sure whether what they did in Nanking was right or wrong.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Letter from Japan: Past Imperfect?

  • People know the horrific history of the Opium Wars (a war that was fought to allow the British to continue drug trafficking), the subsequent colonization of Hong Kong, and the atrocities of the Rape of Nanking.

    FORBES: Give China's New Leadership Time to Implement Needed Reforms

  • An exceptionally well-knit documentary about the horrifying events that took place in Nanking between December, 1937, and March, 1938, when the Japanese Army fell upon the city, then the capital of China, and slaughtered as many as three hundred thousand soldiers and civilians and raped twenty thousand women.

    NEWYORKER: Nanking

  • Ishi-hara Shintaro is best known for being an outspoken nationalist who over the years has denied the Rape of Nanking, vilified the communist government of China, and most recently insulted Chinese and Koreans in Japan by saying sangokujin, a derogatory term for foreigners seldom heard since the early post-war years, could run riot in the wake of an earthquake.

    CNN: The Best Local Administrator

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