• His security detail has come in for harsh criticism for allowing the man to get so close to Mr Klaus.

    BBC: Czech President Vaclav Klaus shot at with replica gun

  • The formation of the prize was announced in October 2011 amidst criticism about the decision by Man Booker judges that year to focus on "readability".

    BBC: Literature Prize secures sponsorship deal

  • The failure of police and deputies to capture the man has sparked controversy and outrage, including criticism of the lack of communication between law enforcement agencies.

    CNN: Police: Manhunt marred by poor communication

  • To be clear, and so as not to fall prey to a counter-"snarkiness, " we will identify this initial criticism as the "shariah Boogey-Man" and deal with it seriously.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • "I want to say that I would have reacted as vehemently if the criticism of Karim Benzema had come from a man, obviously with different words but certainly as colorful, " continued Lacombe.

    CNN: Former France striker apologizes for sexist jibe

  • The review appears, temporarily at least, to ease the pressure on head coach Eddie O'Sullivan and deflect further criticism from the IRFU's three-man committee which gave him a bew four-year contract before the World Cup started.

    BBC: Ireland Cup failure 'collective'

  • Perhaps the criticism is easier to stomach coming from a black man.

    WSJ: 'Right Wing Lice'

  • Given Kidney's focus on man management, his technical coaching ability has occasionally come in for criticism but Kelly says such comments are unfair.

    BBC: Kidney 'right' for Ireland role

  • It was a miserable start for the man starting only his sixth game of the season and subject to criticism in their FA Cup defeat by Stoke but he would have been mighty relieved to see the goal cancelled out seven minutes later.

    BBC: FC Porto 2-1 Arsenal

  • He also shares his predecessor's outspoken criticism of Islam, the recognition of Kosovo and theories of man-made global warming.

    BBC: Czech Republic profile

  • David Weir is an experienced defender Scotland could sorely do with but the Everton man turned his back on his country after being picked out for public criticism from Vogts.

    BBC: Time running out for Vogts?

  • The case of a Saudi man in his 90s who has married a girl of 15 has drawn widespread criticism on Twitter and other social media in the country.

    BBC: Anger online as Saudi in his 90s marries 15-year-old

  • The latest example, which manages quite epically to combine both those forms of snobbery, comes from Sir Peter Stothard, editor of the Times Literary Supplement and Man Booker Prize judge, who has expressed fears that the standard of literary criticism has slipped and that book bloggers are some sort of literary kryptonite that will destroy the industry.

    FORBES: Who Reviews The Reviewers?

  • "When I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about the excess criticism or maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, man, that doesn't do us any good, " Palin told Newsweek magazine in March.

    CNN: Will her gender sway women to Palin?

  • If political man has no access to truth except the truth that no truth exists, there can be no truthful criticism.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: David Yerushalmi on the Geert Wilders Trial

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