• By the start of this one, the intervention of Lord Taylor of Warwick, a black Conservative in the House of Lords, had forced an abrupt change.

    ECONOMIST: Plagued by race

  • Former Football Association chairman Lord Triesman told a House of Commons select committee that the behaviour of Jack Warner, Worawi Makudi, Ricardo Teixeira and Nicolas Leoz was "below what would be ethically acceptable".

    BBC: Fifa: Focus on men at centre of corruption claims

  • The bill, which has been backed by mental health charities and the Royal College of Physicians, builds on the work of Lord Stevenson of Coddenham, who launched a similar bill in the House of Lords in the previous Parliamentary session.

    BBC: Gavin Barwell

  • How can you be a member of the House of Lords if you are not a lord and if all the real ones are excluded?

    ECONOMIST: To sir, with confusion

  • This is the fourth time Lord Steel of Aikwood has tried to introduce a House of Lords reform bill in recent years.

    BBC: House of Lords Reform Bill

  • The session ended on a light-hearted note with Leader of the House Lord Strathclyde telling peers there were no plans afoot to allow Parliament to elect a monarch and that, if they did, the electoral system used would not be proportional representation.

    BBC: Government defends 'stop and account' changes

  • Leader of the House Lord Strathclyde said it was a suggestion to add to the "very many" that had been proposed in recent years.

    BBC: Retire or lose your title, peer recommends

  • At Lords questions on 27 January 2011, Lord Fowler, a former journalist and chairman of the House of Lords communications committee, said the News of the World had been "directly conspiring against the public".

    BBC: Lord Fowler calls for full inquiry into phone hacking

  • He supported a successful amendment from Lord Cobbold, a cross-bencher, which accused the government of altering the upper house for party-political advantage.

    ECONOMIST: Lords reform

  • He fancied being a politician, and being made a lord was a substitute, if a poor one, for not being elected to the House of Commons.

    ECONOMIST: Lord Sainsbury

  • This looks like a continuation of Lord Steel's long guerrilla campaign to bring in a modest reform of the membership of the Upper House.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • Earlier calls by Lord Sharkey for Mr Turing to be granted an official pardon were turned down in February, when Justice Minister Lord McNally dismissed a similar motion in the House of Lords.

    BBC: Alan Turing pardon campaign goes to House of Lords

  • There's simmering discontent at the increasing membership of the House of Lords and the former Liberal leader, Lord Steel of Aikwood, has put down a motion to block any more additions.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • In the spirit of "The Lord of the Rings, " my publishing house put together a fellowship to tackle the mountain.

    WSJ: Tom Rob Smith Climbs Mount Fuji | Traveler's Tale

  • The Royal Commission on the House of Lords is chaired by Lord Wakeham, a former Tory minister.

    ECONOMIST: The new establishment

  • In February a House of Lords committee, chaired by Lord Jauncey, did clear the two men of blame in the crash.

    BBC: Lords reject Chinook appeal

  • In a exchange in the House of Lords, Lord Forsyth said the Scottish move would inevitably lead to extending the franchise to 16-year-olds in all elections throughout the United Kingdom - bringing politics into schools.

    BBC: Votes for 16-year-olds 'not inevitable'

  • Mr Starmer signalled the change in stance in a letter to former West Midlands chief constable Lord Dear, who is seeking the law change in a House of Lords vote that is expected on Wednesday.

    BBC: CPS backs 'insulting' law change

  • In their journey back from the Maze Prison, Lord Elton was at pains to dissuade the duke, a member of the House of Lords, from pursuing his idea of an Anglo-Irish 'condominium' over Northern Ireland.

    BBC: Maze Prison

  • Earlier on, Labour's Lord Grocott asked the government for its estimates of the cost of running a reformed House of Lords in the first transitional year of its operation.

    BBC: No plan for more peers, says Lords leader

  • Lord Lipsey - a member of a cross-party group opposed to an elected House of Lords - believes changes would come at too high a price in an age of spending cuts.

    BBC: Lord Lipsey: Elected House of Lords could cost ?484m

  • Former justice secretary Lord Falconer was committed to bringing a private members' bill in the House of Lords next year, he added.

    BBC: UK

  • Lord Marland has become the second Tory minister in the House of Lords to stand down in a matter of days.

    BBC: Lord Marland stands down as business minister

  • He was given the honour in a ceremony at the Mansion House in the City of London, the Lord Mayor's official residence.

    BBC: Placido Domingo given Freedom of the City of London

  • British Foreign Secretary William Hague will host a reception for foreign dignitaries at Mansion House, the residence of the Lord Mayor of London.

    WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London

  • British Foreign Secretary William Hague is set to host a reception for foreign dignitaries at Mansion House, the residence of the Lord Mayor of London.

    WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London

  • MPs favour Lord Wakeham's proposal for an upper house of great and good people, nominated by a committee of the same, with at most a third of its members elected.

    ECONOMIST: Lords reform

  • The spokesman's comments were echoed in the House of Lords by Home Office Minister Lord Rooker who emphasised that there were a range of legal options available to the UK authorities.

    BBC: UK Taleban fighters face treason charge

  • At question time on 11 January 2010, Security Minister Lord West told the House of Lords that accreditation to the Games would replace the need for a visa, but that the same checks would be made.

    BBC: Oral questions

  • Conservative peer Lord Newton raised the issue of parliamentary scrutiny, arguing that the House of Commons would not accept a secretary of state saying "nothing to do with me, Guv".

    BBC: Peers clash over role of health secretary

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