• Could a nation facing huge trade deficits make its cash cards useless for buying imported products?

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • What the U.S. needs to do now is not to redouble its pursuit of useless and probably counterproductive arms control initiatives.


  • What the U.S. needs to do now is not to redouble its pursuit of useless -- and probably counterproductive -- arms control initiatives.


  • Those gaps exist in part because America has urged its allies to avoid useless duplication.

    ECONOMIST: The future of the transatlantic alliance

  • But a tool is useless without its handle, the thing your customers can grasp.

    FORBES: The Idea CMOs Need Now

  • The transaction had felt flirtatious to him, and the atmosphere of the downtown, beneath its drooping festoon of useless cables, seemed festive.

    NEWYORKER: Outage

  • China deftly employs the same psychology to prevent the United States from defending its interests in the useless six-party talks on North Korea while China's increasing support for North Korea allows Pyongyang's nuclear threat to grow.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • But they are also aware that lecturing the Kremlin about its behaviour at home or abroad is useless.

    ECONOMIST: Russian-American relations

  • China is also worried that its strategic nuclear arsenal could be rendered useless by American efforts to build a missile defence system that includes space-based components.

    ECONOMIST: China admits shooting down a satellite

  • Having that many outfielders who are that useless is a problem in its own right, but also a symptom of something else, like an inability to develop or acquire certain kinds of talent.

    WSJ: The Mets' Abstract Exhibit

  • Out of necessity, India is emerging as a model for tackling these problems, both because its companies have become expert in turning useless graduates into useful ones and because it has allowed industry to take the lead in creating a huge new programme to tackle skills shortages.

    ECONOMIST: The new world of work needs to be fair as well as efficient

  • They argue that a gun separated from its ammunition, disabled or locked away is useless in an emergency.

    WSJ: Why Our Gun Debate Is Off Target

  • In the majority of terrorist attacks in recent years, the relevant information was somewhere in the government's systems, but its significance was lost amid a morass of useless data.

    CNN: Missing the best chance to prevent terror bombing

  • Even media studies, long the butt of every joke about useless academic qualifications, has smartened up its act.

    ECONOMIST: Education: Degrees of choice | The

  • Right now the default Corel FTP site is pretty useless, since it is constantly at its limit of 300 users.

    CNN: Corel Linux 1.0 is praiseworthy but flawed

  • K. is getting, and how much is going to its bank accounts and yet it is almost useless for the purposes the Administration intends.

    NEWYORKER: Preparing the Battlefield

  • As with its little brother, though, the flash was borderline useless -- washing out anything in the foreground and casting the background into almost complete darkness.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Focus S review Mobile

  • What particularly disturbs me here is not the fact that the SEC, which has all sorts of problems with its main mission of uncovering fraud, has unleashed another useless and costly disclosure rule on firms at a time when they struggling to make money and provide jobs.

    FORBES: The SEC, Global Warming and The First Amendment

  • As a reward, the government and its allies are attacked every day in the press for being useless or corrupt, which is encouraging too.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil

  • Useless for pretty much everything except storing wealth (its economic value is social, not industrial), gold acts as inflation-proof money when investors need it most right in the middle of an asset-price deflation.

    FORBES: The Gold Riddle Solved?

  • After several blocks I came across a Wells Fargo bank branch lit in the full blaze of noon, its wide space and swaths of red and yellow bathed in useless light, as it is all through every night when there is power.

    FORBES: After Sandy in Manhattan: Now Comes the Hard Part

  • "It is a message to Bernard Arnault that it will be useless to pursue a takeover attempt because the family has relinquished its right to sell, " says Patrick Albaladejo, executive vice president for strategic development and image and close adviser to Thomas.

    WSJ: The Battle for Herm��s

  • Whatever the cause, the government will try to cover it up, lie to everyone, declare some sort of martial law, and ultimately prove useless in stopping it, despite a willingness to use nuclear weapons on its own citizenry, all of which resonates with Hollywood.

    FORBES: Why Zombies Are Killing Me

  • On its best days, communist economic history is that of commissars ordering quotas of production and the useless stuff piling up outside, the shops empty of things that matter.

    FORBES: China's Yuan Signal Is A Cry For Help

  • Aside from the Dow being price-weighted and therefore near useless as a market barometer the DJIA total return index has also long been above its prior high.

    FORBES: S&P's (Meaningless) Milestone

  • It soaks up its own weight in sweat, which quickly converts to ice, and the resulting solid frost armor is worse than useless when it comes to insulation.

    NPR: Subzero Biker Checks In

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