• Mr Brooks considers entrepreneurship central to American culture, maybe literally a part of its DNA (thanks to all of those immigrants importing the gene that makes you get up and go).

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • It's no secret GM is hemorrhaging money and so the company is making this offer to all its unionized workers: leave and give up your retirement benefits, and we'll pay you between 35 thousand and 140 thousand dollars, depending how long you've been with the company.

    NPR: GM to Shed 30,000 Jobs, Offers Union Buyouts

  • It would have made it into a maze of conversations and challenges and strangeness, but all this does with its vast, multi-tier space and legions of gyrating bodies is have you walk up to a door at the other end.

    FORBES: 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2' And The Wasted Wilds Of Its Beautiful Terrain

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