• "Those are the ones that are dealing right now with the immediate needs, " Bradshaw said.

    NPR: Charities See Influx Of Aid In OK Tornado's Wake

  • Donations will help meet the immediate needs of individuals in Scott, Washington, Clark and Jefferson Counties.

    CNN: Cleanup begins after tornado outbreaks

  • They need medicine, and these are like the immediate needs of the people, right away.

    NPR: Wyclef Jean Describes Haiti's Devastation

  • These are resources, as I said, like housing assistance and to support immediate needs.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Immediate needs apart, both countries face the huge costs of rebuilding their shattered infrastructure.

    ECONOMIST: Debt relief for Central America | The

  • He wants to shape it to serve both the immediate needs and broader philosophical mission of Zappos.

    FORBES: Zappos and the Rise of Corporate Neo-Urbanism

  • It must weigh up the benefits of a more populist foreign policy against those very real and immediate needs.

    BBC: Egypt urges US to back Palestinian state declaration

  • Managing is all about telling, directing, authority, immediate needs, and a specific outcome.

    FORBES: Know When to Manage and When to Coach

  • The money is used for shelter, restoring utilities and meeting other immediate needs.

    WSJ: A closer look at Sandy recovery package

  • But that's one of the reasons why we implemented immediate needs funding, was to preserve funding for the existing disaster.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Immediate needs such as food, clothing for the children, gas and household products are given first priority over paying full price for clothing.

    FORBES: Does the Men's Wear Industry Matter?

  • Even as we work to end the violence against you, this aid will help address some of the immediate needs you face each day.

    CNN: Syrian refugee flood breaches 700,000

  • Immediate needs must be met in order to make schools operational.

    UNESCO: A new school year and building a new Libya

  • The only thing that we have postponed is new projects that are permanent work that had not been started when we go into immediate needs funding.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Truly immediate needs say, to pay for treatment while traveling abroad should be met from money market, checking or savings accounts, or, in a pinch, with a credit card.

    WSJ: Expecting the Unexpected When

  • But beyond meeting the immediate needs of clothing, food, water and medicine, relief program workers were concerned about how the fallout of the war will affect Iraqi civilians.

    CNN: Food, medicine convoys enter Iraq

  • People, I think, are so busy with trying to satisfy their immediate needs that they are not even paying attention to the news of the arrest of Abu Abbas.

    CNN: Rula Amin: Iraqis not thinking of Abu Abbas

  • As attention shifts beyond immediate needs, one of the next steps for surviving spouses should be updating their own estate-planning documents, including their will, power of attorney and health-care proxy.

    WSJ: Money Issues of Surviving Spouses

  • Calibrating your business to respond instantly to changing consumer tastes, rapidly delivering products to fill immediate needs, simultaneously serving the market better while reducing inventory carrying costs, is an extremely compelling business case.

    FORBES: Ash In The Supply Chain

  • It's always tempting to hunker down in our organizational silos and try to hit our numbers, fight for resources and look out for the immediate needs of our own teams and individual careers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • To respond to immediate needs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other federal agencies are using their existing authorities wherever possible to address the hardships arising from the lack of water, feed, and forage.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Robin: Apart from the immediate needs for the people for food to keep them alive today, tomorrow and coming weeks, you also have the problem of how they are going to feed themselves in the months to come.

    BBC: Sudan - should we do more?

  • The consultation was successful in reflecting the perspective of the regional stakeholders of the Groundwater sector, on the current status of groundwater governance and on-going efforts and in clarifying some of the most pressing challenges and presenting some immediate needs.


  • All three fill immediate needs.

    WSJ: Giants take 2 D linemen in 2nd, 3rd rounds

  • In addition, the Roundtable received a most impressive briefing of a study recently completed by the ANSER Corporation that demonstrated conclusively as have myriad previous government and independent analyses that the V-22 is by far the most effective and affordable alternative for meeting the immediate needs of the Marine Corps and Special Operations forces.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The V-22: Exemplar of Transformation

  • In addition, the Roundtable received a most impressive briefing of a study recently completed by the ANSER Corporation that demonstrated conclusively -- as have myriad previous government and independent analyses -- that the V-22 is by far the most effective and affordable alternative for meeting the immediate needs of the Marine Corps and Special Operations forces.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The V-22: Exemplar of Transformation

  • There was too much unknown about Irene, and looking at how many states were going to be impacted, we knew and we had actually -- knew that going into our end of the fiscal year, we were going to get close to the point where we would have to look at immediate needs funding at some point.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Disasters require an immediate response to needs in the immediate aftermath of the storm as well as longer-term recovery efforts that benefit storm survivors.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • "Immediate action needs to be taken to improve manpower, " says a representative of Queen Mary.

    CNN: Tiny Margin for Error

  • If people have severe, immediate material needs -- shelter, food, clothing -- then that is their focus.

    WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall with Students in Mumbai

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