• It's also more likely that high pollution levels will occur because heat creates the conditions for photochemical smog.

    CNN: In-Depth Specials - City Limits

  • Its Ohio River basin water-quality trading project will allow those facing high pollution-control costs to buy reduction credits from those whose costs are lower.

    ECONOMIST: Nutrient pollution

  • Other concerns include potential impacts to groundwater in the event of a spill and high pollution from refineries along the Gulf Coast that would process the bitumen.

    FORBES: If U.S. Says No To Canadian Oil Sands Pipeline, China Will Say Yes

  • But one of the biggest reasons for Phoenix's high pollution levels is actually cattle ranches found south of the city, in Pinal County and vicinity.. "Those cattle ranches are contributing a lot of fine particle pollution to the small communities near them that are part of the Phoenix metro area, but also to the tribe adjacent to it, " says Nolen.

    FORBES: Life

  • Stay indoors as much as possible on high-pollution days.

    CNN: Sore throat

  • These factors include high water temperatures, pollution, sedimentation, high light levels, reduced water levels and changes in salinity.

    CNN: Warmer tropical waters portend climate change

  • Local authorities have recently forbidden bathing and nautical activities due to dangerously high levels of pollution.

    BBC: Where to go while Biarritz battles beach pollution

  • The impact of high air-pollution levels on long-term health weighs on Chinese and foreigners alike.

    WSJ: Why Leave Job in Beijing? To Breathe

  • The Marine Conservation Society also found high levels of pollution at East Bay in Helensburgh, Footabrough in Shetland, and Edinburgh's Cramond Beach.

    BBC: Volunteers scoured beaches for rubbish

  • As chief executive, Mr. Leung will have to confront a raft of issues currently facing the city, including high levels of pollution, an overstretched education system and global economic headwinds.

    WSJ: Leung Chun-Ying Selected as Hong Kong Chief Executive

  • This river and rain runoff, combined with strong onshore winds, has led to high levels of sea pollution.

    BBC: Where to go while Biarritz battles beach pollution

  • The country that immediately springs to mind is Britain, and you might expect any rational government to welcome Microsoft with open arms no pollution, high-paid jobs, significant tax payments with little additional requests for extensive welfare payments and no requests for state subsidies or tax breaks as with the relocation of most other transnational corporations.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Last year's fireworks sent pollution levels as high as 1, 500.

    BBC: Chinese Year of Snake celebrations in Asia

  • The ALA analyzed particle pollution levels two ways: short-term particle pollution, or high spikes in the level of soot and other toxins in the air that last a few hours to a few weeks, and year-round particle pollution, or the annual average of particle pollution levels.

    FORBES: List: America's Most Polluted Cities

  • The heavy smog and haze that enveloped Beijing this weekend pushed the pollution index to a record high.

    FORBES: As Coal Imports Rise, Getting Harder To Breathe In China Cities

  • The country is grappling with high inflation, endemic corruption, growing pollution concerns and a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

    CNN: China's Premier Wen: 'Speak the truth'

  • This, together with Hong Kong's deteriorating English-language skills, still-high costs and ever-thickening air pollution, had led some in the city to wonder whether the good old days would ever return.

    CNN: Making A Magic Kingdom

  • In recent years, problems have fouled acquaculture's reputation: pollution from waste runoff, high disease and parasite rates due to a high density of fish and the uptake of industrial chemicals harmful to humans have combined to make fish less healthy to eat.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Moreover, the government is getting serious about pollution and is shutting down or pressuring high-polluting and high-water-usage industries.


  • In 1972 the Clean Water Act further broadened the law, as Congress became concerned about pollution and water quality, spurred by high-profile incidents such as the Cuyahoga River catching fire in 1969.

    WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record

  • "Fewer fireworks have helped to decrease air pollution in some Chinese cities, but high readings of air pollutants have made many wonder if greater efforts need to be made, " Xinhua news agency comments.

    BBC: China media: New Year haze

  • China Daily says public expectations are running high for the two sessions, especially on corruption, pollution, education, healthcare and social security.

    BBC: China media: Two sessions

  • Contaminated water has been abstracted and treated from the mine since 1992 following an drainage burst which caused visible pollution from mine water coloured orange by the high iron content.

    BBC: An archive picture of Wheal Jane

  • This study suggests that the impact of natural fires at high latitudes must be taken into account in determining the causes of pollution.

    CNN: Canadian forest fires add to U.S. pollution

  • As long as returns on fossil fuel stocks remain high (and subsidized by the lack of a price on carbon pollution), they will remain highly attractive to asset managers who must meet their duty to maximize returns.

    FORBES: Fossil Fuel Divestment Is A Timely Issue For Investors

  • The high-growth countries had less, and faster-declining, water pollution than the other two categories.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus: Quantity and quality | The

  • But his proposals to import more mainland high-tech talent and coordinate with Guangdong province on combating cross-border pollution and developing the Pearl River delta are important first steps.

    CNN: Clean and Creative

  • The fastest growing metropolis in the world, where the pollution is so bad you can barely see the tops of the high rise buildings that are being thrown up every five minutes and some days you can barely breathe.

    BBC: Humphrys in China

  • Unless action is taken now, the consequences of our activities are at a high risk of causing, through the combined effects of climate change, overexploitation, pollution and habitat loss, the next globally significant extinction event in the ocean.

    FORBES: A Call to Arms on Climate Change

  • While a certain amount of mercury in the environment is natural, a growing worldwide pollution, especially of our oceans, appears to be increasing the risk of high mercury levels in some of the fish we eat.

    CNN: Beware of shark meat, FDA warns

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