• President Dwight Eisenhower's politico-in-chief was Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield, ex-GOP national chairman and a legendary fund-raiser and organizer.

    CNN: Clinton Follows A Tradition With Daley's Appointment

  • While the exact meaning of that statement is unclear, an indication of what the general - and his boss, the Commander-in-Chief - have in mind might have been the subject of a report in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.


  • Perhaps the most important of all was the appointment in October of Lieut-General Agus Widjoyo as chief of staff for territorial affairs.

    ECONOMIST: Gus Dur takes charge in Indonesia

  • Major General MICHAEL NARDOTTI JR. (Former Judge Advocate General): The president, as the commander-in-chief, can enter into an agreement.

    NPR: U.S., Iraq Ponder Long-Term Treaty

  • "The iPhone is a big factor in rejuvenating a lot of the NAND market and the flash market in general, " says Alan Niebel, chief executive officer at memory and storage researcher Web-Feet Research in Monterey, Calif.

    FORBES: A Cure For Memory Headaches: The iPhone

  • Fishily, in mid-week, General Sonthi Boonyaratglin, the army chief and junta leader, started mentioning that retired military officers were also civilians.

    ECONOMIST: The junta's stumbling first steps

  • This reality is, of course, contributing to actions being taken by the Commander-in-Chief at the recommendation of General David Petraeus to begin withdrawing 5 brigades from Iraq before it may actually be prudent to do so.


  • He was the first professor-in-residence and chief innovation consultant at General Electric.

    FORBES: Reverse Innovation and the Myth of Cannibalization

  • On a visit to the General Post Office, he gained the support of the Engineer-in-chief, who arranged for Marconi to have an assistant.

    BBC: Profile: Marconi, the wireless pioneer

  • He says the accusations are a plot to stop him taking power and prevent him from presenting new evidence that Malaysia's current police chief and attorney-general helped fabricate evidence against him in 1998.

    ECONOMIST: The opposition leader and another critic arrested

  • In 2012, Russia's then-chief of general staff, Gen.

    WSJ: Eliot Cohen: American Withdrawal and World Disorder

  • General Electric ( GE - news - people ) in September as the new chief, just in time for the banking crisis and a worldwide economic freeze.

    FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

  • But White House officials say the stance toward BP isn't comparable to Mr. Obama's intervention at General Motors in 2009, when he sent an emissary to tell the then-Chief Executive, Rick Wagoner, to step down.

    WSJ: BP Weighs Dividend Cut

  • Writing in the report, Pier Carlo Padoan, deputy secretary-general and chief economist, said the European Central Bank could investigate more non-conventional ways to promote growth and the euro area needed to continue repairing deputy its banking system.


  • The new Obama talks about patriotism in a sea of American flags, praises General David Petraeus, the chief commander in Iraq, raises doubts about partial-birth abortion, agrees with the Supreme Court on gun rights, supports the death penalty for child-rapists and embraces faith-based social work.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • When Labour won in 1997, he rose rapidly to become attorney-general, the government's chief legal adviser.

    ECONOMIST: Gareth Williams

  • That has allowed General Wiranto, Mr Suharto's former adjutant and now defence minister and commander-in-chief, to play a huge role in the negotiations.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • It was well known that in 1973-74, as Richard Nixon crumbled under the weight of Watergate, General Haig, then chief of staff in succession to the disgraced H.

    ECONOMIST: Alexander Haig

  • "I think the global financial community is out of patience with Spain, and frankly, with Europe in general for setting expectations at a certain level and under-delivering, " said Jim Russell, chief equity strategist with US Bank Wealth Management.

    WSJ: Markets Fear End of Stimulus

  • The party's chief backer is the now-retired General Efrain Rios Montt, ruler of the country in the early 1980s a period when thousands of left-wingers, real or suspected, including Catholic priests, were murdered.

    ECONOMIST: Guatemala

  • Baldini, England's general manager, held in-depth talks with four key Football Association board members on Monday - chairman Lord Triesman, chief executive Ian Watmore, director of communications Adrian Bevington and head of development Trevor Brooking.

    BBC: John Terry stripped of England captaincy by Capello

  • General Jack Keane - former vice chief of the US Army and the architect of the "surge strategy" in Iraq - told the BBC that the object of the new offensive was to "take momentum" away from the Taliban.

    BBC: UK forces launch Taliban assault

  • Meeting with Indra Nooyi, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo in Yangon on 9 August, the Director-General expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership, underlining the importance of collaboration between the public and private sector to increase prosperity and promote sustainable growth.


  • An e-mail from the attorney general's chief of staff, Kyle Sampson, recommended firing Lam in March of 2005.

    NPR: How Prosecutor Lam's Case Was Handled

  • Among those given a 15-year term were the leading policeman on trial, General Essam Samak, former chief of security in Port Said, and a second police official, Mohamed Saad, state media said.


  • In 2008, she worked for Vice President Biden in various capacities, travelling with him as his Issues Director during the general election campaign and serving as his Deputy Chief of Staff and Policy Director in the U.S. Senate -- where she managed domestic and economic policy development and legislative initiatives -- as well as his principal domestic policy advisor during his own Presidential campaign.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

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