• It is quite another thing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to promote and support AIG's Shariah businesses-all of which don't just sell Shariah products to the Muslim world, but actively promote Shariah as the best, most ethical way of life.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • By recognizing ourselves in fictional characters sent slaloming through the moral and ethical gates of life, we find our own repertoire of choices widened at those crucial moments when we, too, have to figure out what to do when a parent dies, a spouse deserts us, or the pilot gets on the PA system and advises us all to pray.

    WSJ: Eli Gottlieb on Giving a Voice to Autism | Word Craft

  • Its findings will be given to MSPs before a final vote is taken on the Ethical Standards in Public Life Bill.

    BBC: Group to review sex education material

  • The amendment, by Michael McMahon, Labour MSP for Hamilton North and Bellshill, would have put a clause in the Ethical Standards of Public Life (Scotland) Bill acknowledging the importance of marriage in raising children, while also acknowledging the need to avoid stigmatising children from "alternative family units".

    BBC: Ballot platform

  • Ex-prime minister John Major set up the Committee on Standards in Public Life in 1994 as "an ethical workshop called in to do running repairs" to public life.

    BBC: Sir Christopher Kelly

  • Also emphasized in this strategy is a more robust risk assessment component that incorporates product life cycle analysis and ethical, legal, and societal implications of nanotechnology.

    WHITEHOUSE: Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog

  • Suggesting we should routinely remove a healthy part (foreskin) from newborn males because it potentially decreases the already miniscule risk of them getting penile cancer later in life is a serious ethical issue.

    FORBES: Circumcision Makes You Crazy. So Holland Moves To Stop It.

  • The IBC is entrusted with addressing the main ethical issues related to the progress of medicine, life sciences and associated technologies.


  • Leery of previous moral and ethical debates about whether it is right to manipulate life forms which arose with the advent of cloning, stem-cell technology and genetic engineering some researchers chose neutral terms to describe the experimental cell.

    WSJ: Scientists Create First Synthetic Cell

  • In the church for over 30 years she said Scientology had improved her life, given her a wonderful marriage and was a highly ethical organisation.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • All the rows, all the ethical problems and all the money spent in pursuing the human code for life will have been well worth it if it fulfils even some of its medical promise.

    BBC: What the genome can do for you

  • In this video, Edgar Morin proposes seven inseparable reforms - economic reform, social reform, political reform, ethical reform, reform of knowledge, of education, and of the way of life - in order to explore ways to reach for a new kind of society.

    UNESCO: Social Sciences

  • The late-pope's gradual decline raised a host of ethical questions about how much physical suffering the pontiff had to endure at the end of his life while also remaining in the public spotlight.

    WSJ: Pope Benedict XVI to Resign

  • It sets forth fundamental ethical principles for protecting the environment, building a strong community locally and globally, and a sustainable way of life.

    CNN: Earth Charter sets course for sustainable living

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