• In terms of does that constitute -- it certainly constitutes more fairness.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

  • Here a magistrate judge ruled that producing the passphrase for the encrypted hard drive would constitute self-incrimination, but on appeal the District Court overturned that decision, holding that decrypting and producing the complete contents would not constitute self-incrimination since Boucher initially cooperated in showing some of the computer files to border agents.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Resolution 1441, which we lingered over so long last fall, clearly states that false statements and omissions in the declaration and a failure by Iraq at any time to comply with and cooperate fully in the implementation of this resolution shall constitute -- the facts speak for themselves --shall constitute a further material breach of its obligation.

    CNN: Transcript of Powell's U.N. presentation

  • "The fact that they're not prepared to send a witness either means they are totally incompetent and they don't have anything to tell us -- which would constitute incompetence -- or they're refusing to allow us to fulfill our constitutional responsibility, " said Biden, who supported the resolution that gave Bush the authority to go to war.

    CNN: Bush Iraq policy faces tough questions?on Capitol Hill

  • Gender gap is also evident in the overall literacy scenario of the country as women constitute two-third of the total illiterate people.

    UNESCO: Office in Islamabad

  • The Taliban, mainly ethnic Pathans who constitute two-fifths of the population and have traditionally ruled Afghanistan, are unlikely to concede so much.

    ECONOMIST: Afghanistan

  • While the Mehsuds constitute two-thirds of the population of South Waziristan, they are just a small offshoot of the Wazir tribe in the wider Waziristan region.

    BBC: Profile: South Waziristan

  • Defenders of drones say they minimise civilian casualties, but opponents say drone strikes can constitute extra-judicial killing and point to data suggesting hundreds of civilians have died in such strikes.

    BBC: MQ-1 Predator unmanned aircraft

  • Concussions constitute 4-6 percent of cheerleading injuries.

    FORBES: Why Pediatricians Want Cheerleading To Be Called A Sport

  • The Canal Hotel blast, however, was a much deadlier attack than these incidents, or the usual hit-and-run ambushes and roadside bomb detonations that constitute the bread-and-butter of anti-coalition activity in Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: The Iraqi bombs

  • But while in the 1960s most emigrants went to France, today they are more likely to head for Switzerland - where Portuguese now constitute the largest foreign community - or Angola.

    BBC: Portuguese flee economic crisis

  • Muslims constitute the third-largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka and they have been caught in the crossfire.

    ECONOMIST: Don't mention God

  • Yet for a Social Democratic party traditionally wedded to fortifying the welfare state, they constitute a mini-revolution.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s age-old problem

  • These constitute the top-ranking ulama, deemed to have the authority to issue opinions on matters facing Islam and Muslims.


  • These elaborate vocabularies also constitute particularly fine-grained and high-resolution conceptual frameworks for observing ice environments and noting subtle transitions and trends.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • The government has argued that she cannot get married as it would constitute a same-sex marriage, which is not legal in Hong Kong.

    BBC: Hong Kong court hears transsexual wedding case

  • Certain statements in this communication and the attachments may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    ENGADGET: Disney acquires Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, plans more Star Wars movies

  • To the contrary, these examples of what some call "progressive realism" constitute a near-parody of the ideologically driven disarmament agenda of the radical left.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's unreal nuclear agenda

  • That will constitute a man-made climate change truly worthy of celebration.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Several judges cast doubt on whether such a fine would constitute a tax - which correspondents saw as an indication that the court would not postpone the case.

    BBC: US Supreme Court hears challenge to Obama healthcare law

  • Muslims constitute the second-largest religious group.

    CNN: India's 'untouchables' declare own religion

  • They believed that power of impeachment and removal should be used for a different purpose: to protect the body politic, to protect the government itself from a president who's conduct was so abusive as to constitute an assault -- a threat -- to the entire system.


  • Seems like a simple lesson (the first few years of your career constitute an eight-hour-a-day test, FYI), but the hilariously haughty and utterly off-base email from a former lifeguard to his old boss published by Deadspin shows that not all young ladder climbers have grasped this logic.

    FORBES: The One Thing You Should Never Bring To Work

  • Congressman Diaz-Balart concluded that, despite leaks to the effect that the Clinton Administration has concluded Fidel Castro no longer poses any danger to this country, these activities -- especially when taken together with the risk of a Cuban Chernobyl in Juragua and the hostile use electronic surveillance from Lourdes -- constitute an abiding and clear danger to the United States.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Part of the reason why it's so easy to scare people about health care, even if they don't like it the way it is now, is because you've got doctors, you've got nurses, you've got hospitals, you've got insurance systems, you've got Medicaid, you've got Medicare, you've got the VA system -- all these systems constitute several trillion dollars, one-sixth of our economy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail

  • Forrester Research estimates that real-time bidding will constitute 18% of the online display-ad market this year, up from 13% last year.

    WSJ: Online Tracking Increases, Fueled by Ad Auctions

  • You say that as soon as America starts pouring concrete to construct anti-missile defences this will constitute a violation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Whether Myanmar can be said to constitute a "narco-state" remains for the most part a matter of semantics and opinion.


  • It believed publication of the photos - taken in a Las Vegas hotel room - would constitute an invasion of privacy.

    BBC: Prince Harry naked photos prompted palace call to PCC

  • Their compounds, along with those of wealthier Afghans, constitute the emergent generator-class rich enough to cool (or heat) their offices and homes with big diesel-powered generators.

    ECONOMIST: It's not just Iraq that has power problems

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