• And the truth of the matter is, is that the commission recommendations are ones that not only I, but the so-called Gang of Six, these senators in the United States Senate, agreed to as well.

    WHITEHOUSE: Rural Tour Day 3: Atkinson, Ill Town Hall

  • It's been bailout out after bailout for Wall Street banks that made ill-judged bets on the securities market, but the so-called moral-hazard theory, that banks will be all the more reckless for it, has been discarded by those watching overseas this past week.

    FORBES: What Moral Hazard?

  • The basic mechanisms at work have been known for decades but the so-called "micro-physics" are poorly understood.

    BBC: Turbulence ahead: Flight heads into storm's heart

  • But the so-called six-party process has bogged down over disagreements on a process to verify information it disclosed.

    WSJ: Korean Dictator's Health Is Questioned

  • But the so-called "Big Five" record labels, which control 85 percent of U.S. record sales, say built-in copy protection is the only way they can safeguard their music from freeloading downloaders.

    CNN: Record labels ready to rock the Web

  • But the so-called European Project risks collapse.

    FORBES: Economic Policy In The E.U.: More Bailouts, More Debt, More Crises

  • Not because of what was depicted on the screen, but because of the so-called carnal, voluptuous sound of the saxophone.

    NPR: Saxophone's History as 'The Devil's Horn'

  • When combined with a series of missile launches that day and subsequently, the regime in Pyongyang has sent an unmistakable signal: The Hermit Kingdom has nothing but contempt for the so-called "international community" and the empty rhetoric and diplomatic posturing that usually precedes new rewards for the North's bad behavior.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's shrinking deterrent

  • Some soldiers did benefit from the Good Friday Agreement early release scheme, but ironically they were the so called "bad apples" who carried out crimes on behalf of either the UVF or the UFF, so therefore came under the aegis of the 1998 Northern Ireland Offences Act.

    BBC: An avalanche of debate

  • But the image of so-called new Russians wearing heavy gold chains to the supermarket is changing.

    NPR: Russian Oil Boom Fuels Rise of the Super-Rich

  • But the benefits of this so-called safe harbor from the nondiscrimination tests may outweigh the costs, says Elinor Merl, a principal with Towers Perrin.

    FORBES: Taxing Matters: Saving to the max

  • All but one of the so-called crimes laid at his door can be refuted by the facts.


  • It is one of the few central banks brave (or foolhardy) enough to provide us not only with their forecasts, but the ranges around those forecasts (the so-called fan graphs shown in Exhibit 2).

    FORBES: Forget New Normal, Old Rules Are Alive And Well

  • Wireless GPS modules are a dime a dozen these days, but what makes the so-called locoGPS Mobile Navigation Server so special is that it serves piping hot coordinates up via WiFI, not the usual Bluetooth, which is just fantastic considering that the iPhone's Bluetooth stack doesn't much like to talk to anything other than headsets.

    ENGADGET: locoGPS, now in WiFi flavor Mobile

  • The rules would apply not only to traditional drugs but also to the more complicated so-called "biologicals, " which mimic proteins actually used by the body.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Many people enthusiastically tried the so-called Feingold Diet, but the enthusiasm waned as the years went on and "some very well-done randomized controlled studies" questioned Feingold's theory, says Deborah Pearson, Ph.

    CNN: FDA weighs food dye, hyperactivity link

  • More broadly, aides say, the president wants to speak more about his decisions to release the so-called torture memos but not make public the prison abuse photos, as well as whether those harsh interrogation techniques really worked as former Vice President Dick Cheney keeps claiming.

    CNN: Henry: Obama tries to get back on offense

  • But the plural of anecdote is called data, so I tried the experiment again.

    FORBES: The Reusable Cup Experiment

  • The National Football League scratched one controversial rule but introduced a new one at its annual meeting in Arizona on Wednesday as the league eliminated the so-called "tuck rule" but approved a contentious new measure to limit hits with the helmet.

    WSJ: NFL Owners Pass Helmet-Hit Rule

  • It will be rolling out fibre to the cabinet technology (FTTC) - which provides a fibre connection as far as the familiar green boxes on the corner of streets but still relies on copper wiring for the so-called last mile between the cabinet and the home.

    BBC: Sheffield in broadband fast lane

  • But the low rate of so-called "core inflation" was welcomed by Wall Street with both bonds and shares rising.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Energy prices stoke US inflation

  • But the overwhelming popularity of so-called social gaming -- simple games that let people play with their friends on networking sites such as Facebook -- is changing the face of video games, experts say.

    CNN: The Facebook games that millions love (and hate)

  • Lloyds TSB was not the only seller of these so-called precipice bonds, but the Financial Services Authority (FSA) thinks it was particularly aggressive at it.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Lloyds TSB fined ?1.9m for mis-selling

  • Not only that but the quality of the service is often inconsistent so-called service level agreements are often not available.

    FORBES: Xeround Fulfills the Promise of the Cloud

  • But the issue has refused to go away, with the so-called Russell Group of 19 top research-based institutions - including Imperial and UCL - consistently in favour.

    BBC: NUS demo

  • This is the theory that life is not merely a surface scum which clings to the outside of planet Earth, but that living things, in the form of so-called extremophile bacteria which can tolerate infernal heat, penetrate several kilometres into the planet's interior.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary

  • At base, the so-called settlements are nothing but an excuse for appeasers to curry favor with the Arabs by blaming Israel for the absence of peace while ignoring the Arabs' bigotry, hatred and aggression.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Appeasing child killers

  • He said he could offer "no criticism of the government's action so far", but called for a joint meeting between the Arab League and the EU to discuss future steps.

    BBC: Hague accuses Russia and China of Syria 'betrayal'

  • But more often than not the so-called "solutions" to these problems simply cause different problems.

    FORBES: Paper Or Plastic?

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