• Mr Qaddafi's promise not to build weapons of mass destruction and his decision to compensate the families of the 270 victims of the aircraft bombed by a Libyan agent over the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988 have led to Libya's reacceptance into the international fold.

    ECONOMIST: The capital is buzzing, even as the reformers take a knock

  • The fact that both Arafat and his supposedly moderate successor Mahmoud Abbas rejected partition and maintained their devotion to Israel's destruction did not stop Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from bowing to US pressure and embracing this fool's game.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Let us embrace our friends

  • Violence and destruction will not lead to the reforms that they seek.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Situation in Egypt

  • And hear this -- before or after a veto, I am not prepared to discuss the destruction of Medicare and Medicaid, the gutting of our commitment to education, the ravaging of our environment, or raising taxes on working people.

    CNN: Transcript of President Clinton's weekly radio address

  • Moving seems like the rational response to so much destruction, to having your life crumpled and twisted not once but two times.

    CNN: One block, two tornadoes: Life in the crosshairs

  • This led to frantic searches, false accusations and unnecessary destruction of harmless, wholesome foods not to mention losses to markets and the livelihoods of blameless farmers and workers.

    FORBES: Precaution Without Principle

  • He also challenged assertions by some that the 500 chemical munitions thus far found were harmless and somehow not among the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam was obliged to destroy, and that constituted a potential threat to the United States and other freedom-loving nations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney gives ��just the facts�� on Iraqi WMD

  • Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!

    CNN: Text of Pope Francis' homily

  • The Iraqi regime has said that it has no weapons of mass destruction and is not attempting to acquire them.

    ECONOMIST: Saddam says yes | The

  • In order to wriggle out of its commitments, it claims that it is the Palestinians who are in default by not carrying out their pledges on security, by not summoning the Palestinian parliament to affirm that the clauses calling for Israel's destruction are gone from the covenant, and by not extraditing wanted men to Israel.

    ECONOMIST: Israel as wrecker

  • How do you deal with the Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, who is committed to Israel's total destruction, not a single Jew to remain alive in Israel, and who rains thousands of rockets on Israel, keeping the population in shelters, devastating industry, killing and kidnapping Israeli soldiers within Israeli territory?

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Kalms criticises Hague on Israel

  • While we are thankfully not subjected to the disastrous destruction of life and liberty as in other nations in other eras, we still each suffer in our own way.

    FORBES: Seeking A True Understanding Of The Nature Of Entitlement

  • If evidence of Russian support for state-sponsors of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction were not sufficient to warrant such a reexamination, an article in yesterday's Washington Times entitled, "Russian Nuclear Exercises Include Mock Hit On U.S." should make it mandatory.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Include a new airport tunnel to get business support and see to it that the tunnel's route does not require the destruction of a single home.

    FORBES: American Pyramids

  • "After the attack, the Islamists told the people that worshiping saints is not right, according to their form of Islam, and the destruction was necessary, " he continued.

    CNN: Mali Islamists destroy tombs in Timbuktu

  • Jon Durham, the prosecutor assigned to the case by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, decided not to charge the undercover officers and lawyers at the CIA over the destruction of the tapes.

    BBC: No charges in CIA waterboarding video destruction

  • "After the attack, the Islamists told the people that worshiping saints is not right, according to their form of Islam, and the destruction was necessary, " said Ibrahim Ag Mohamed, a local guide.

    CNN: New fears for Timbuktu in Mali conflict

  • Some of the demonstrators carried signs harshly critical of the United States, with such messages as "America is the sponsor of destruction and wars" and "We will not submit to terrorism, " according to scenes shown on Syrian state television.

    CNN: Thousands in Syrian capital protest U.S. cross-border strike

  • And finally, he is accused of lying about a variety of actions aimed at concealing his improper and embarrassing relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, when each one of those actions was motivated by nothing more than a desire to protect himself and his family from embarrassment, if not destruction.


  • In some ways, I feel like I'm back being attorney general, which I was in Connecticut, as the people's advocate, and I'm looking forward to it, and I think if it's done right and not in a partisan way, not to the use committee for personal destruction, politics of personal destruction, then it could really make the government work better.

    CNN: Lieberman: In Senate, 'nothing happens smoothly'

  • Not when there are terrorist groups and political leaders committed to Israel's destruction.

    NPR: Transcript: Obama's Speech at AIPAC

  • The Council recalled that States may seize and dispose of items consistent with its previous resolutions, and clarified that the methods for disposal included, but were not limited to, destruction, rendering inoperable, storage or transferring to another States other than the originating or destination States for disposal.

    UN: Security Council

  • "Containment does not work against a rogue state that possesses weapons of mass destruction and chooses to secretly deliver them to its terrorist allies, " he said.

    CNN: No timeline on fighting in Iraq

  • And the suspicion remains that Saddam Hussein has not abandoned his ambition to produce weapons of mass destruction.

    BBC: Analysis: Saddam's route out of sanctions

  • Above all, the report demonstrates that the destruction of schools and the murder of students and teachers are not limited to acts by the Taliban in Afghanistan or Pakistan in opposition to the education of girls and women.


  • Though most economists and most every politician is loath to admit it, economic growth is about relentless job destruction, not job creation.

    FORBES: The Economics of Joseph P. Kennedy, The Kennedy Family's Patriarch

  • Damascus has many more shared interests, however, with tyrannies and terrorists dedicated to the destruction of America's democratic way of life, which runs counter not only to what those tyrannies and terrorists do, but what they are.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Hundreds of logs that appeared to have been felled by saws lay amid the wreckage of the most ravaged communities, in the provinces of Quezon and Aurora, suggesting that deforestation did, indeed, contribute to the destruction brought about by a not untypical series of tropical storms.

    ECONOMIST: The government has few options bar rhetoric

  • But the war was not waged to topple him, the announced goal of the war was to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction.

    NPR: Iranian President's Letter to Bush: Lecturing Diplomacy

  • The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.

    FORBES: Greenspan Et Al. Still Don't Get It

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