• The gold and silver miners such as Silver Wheaton (SLW), Barrick Gold (ABX), and Newmont Mining (NEM) followed the precious metals in the fall but managed to stage only a weak recovery in a strong contrast to the big up-move in gold.

    FORBES: Gold Stages Key Bullish Technical Reversal

  • However, there certainly was a strong contrast between Peter Robinson's dismissal of holding a border poll when talking to me on Inside Politics on Friday and Arlene Foster's hint on the Nolan Show four days later that the party might call Sinn Fein's bluff over a referendum.

    BBC: United Ireland border poll call: diversions and u-turns

  • However, because there is such a strong contrast in the preference for menthol by race and sex and because there are large differences in the rates of these cancers also by race and sex, we felt that this was a case in which an ecologic approach could be informative.

    FORBES: Will Removing Menthol From Cigarettes Improve Health?

  • "She was a strong leader, in contrast to what we have today, " Julia told me.

    BBC: Margaret Thatcher: A tribute to conviction politics

  • Where America broadly hopes to clamp down on Islamic extremists, impose some sort of order and find a way to get its soldiers home, Pakistan, by contrast, does not want to see a strong Afghan state particularly one where ethnic groups such as Tajiks, traditionally friendly to India, tend to predominate in positions of power.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan and India

  • The cold waters mean a large temperature contrast between the land and ocean -- conditions that favor the formation of a strong inversion layer that traps smog over cities, such as the Los Angeles, Calif.

    CNN: Western U.S. to get smoggy summer, fall

  • In contrast, the executive branch has articulated a strong and highly specific reason for withholding the documents at issue: Forced disclosure to Congress of internal deliberations concerning how best to interact with Congress would undermine the executive's capacity to function as a co-equal branch.

    CNN: Why contempt case against Holder may be doomed

  • In contrast to the National Basketball Association, a strong European presence that counts players from 34 countries on its teams, over 80% of MLB's 241 foreign-born players hail from Latin America or Asia, including 91 from the Dominican Republic, according to figures from the league.


  • Activision Blizzard, by contrast, is in relatively strong shape following a complex deal last year that combined Vivendi's stake in Blizzard Entertainment with Activision.

    FORBES: Earnings Preview

  • It's the reason why America has benefitted from strong alliances that amplified our power, and drawn a sharp, moral contrast with our adversaries.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Our Security, Our Values

  • We note the sharp contrast with 2001, when a shortage of dollar liquidity (strong and strengthening dollar, high real interest rates, low central bank dollar reserves, falling gold and commodity prices, rapidly shrinking U.S. profits) all spelled weakness.

    FORBES: Wal-Mart Or Malpass?

  • Art-world experts are quick to point out that the market today has a strong foundation, with a cheap dollar and stable equity markets, in contrast to the puffed up prices of a decade and a half ago that were largely driven by the hyperactive Japanese economy.

    FORBES: Fall Auction Forecast

  • That is rather a contrast with London's Tech City, which has yet to build strong links to the capital's excellent universities.

    BBC: Zoe �C Cambridge��s emotional talking head

  • The United States, by contrast, has a decentralized, bottom-up entrepreneurial culture, which has historically had a strong orientation toward technological solutions.

    NEWYORKER: Creation Myth

  • In contrast, the recent price increase is largely due to strong demand for oil because of a booming global economy, especially in America and China.

    ECONOMIST: How should central banks respond to a rise in oil prices?

  • By contrast, China Merchants Bank (CMB) is fairly nimble, with 800 branches and a strong presence in private banking and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).

    FORBES: Port In A Storm: An Interview With China Merchants Group

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