• In 1993 Lansbury showed that when he put a smidgen of beta-amyloid-42 into a mixed solution of free-floating amyloid particles, it immediately caused them to coalesce into clumps.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Also, scientists at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have been able to build a nano-thin layer of particles of titanium dioxide, a substance that reacts with sunlight to break down dirt and other organic material.

    FORBES: Nanotechnology's Disruptive Future

  • The loop may produce sub-atomic particles with a thousand times more energy than those in man-made accelerators.

    BBC: Arches Cluster, Leicester

  • The flight bans came amid fears that the ash - a mixture of glass, sand and rock particles - can seriously damage aircraft engines.

    BBC: EU emergency talks called on volcanic ash air chaos

  • Nektar therapeutic's engineering feat--the first insulin inhaler for adult diabetics--required inventing a way to turn liquid insulin into a powder of uniform particles just 2 microns wide (one one-thousandth the width of a pinhead), each containing hundreds of millions of stable insulin molecules.

    FORBES: The Impossible Made Possible

  • For example, a radioactive isotope such as nickel-63 releases so-called beta particles a highly energetic form of electrons.

    ECONOMIST: Micromachines: The engines of Lilliput | The

  • The Swach's cartridge, a key component of the system, resembles Edison's electric bulb and is made up of a composite of rice-husk ash (a highly porous material derived out of paddy husk) and fine particles of nano-silver, which inhibits bacteria growth.

    WSJ: Tata Markets Inexpensive Water Filter

  • Runaway climate change could spur an island nation doomed to drown under rising seas or a wealthy entrepreneur with do-good intentions to deliberately inject sunlight-reflecting particles high into the stratosphere in a bid to cool the planet, the World Economic Forum warns.

    MSN: The Maya may have sacrificed earliest domestic turkeys

  • The trouble is that some such as the particles from a diesel-engine exhaust are known to cause serious health problems.

    ECONOMIST: The risk in nanotechnology

  • When the cosmic rays and gamma rays smash into molecules in the Earth's atmosphere, they set off a cascade of other fast-moving particles.

    BBC: Hawc gamma-ray telescope captures its first image

  • Though that experiment had not been intended to make axions, the two researchers wondered if it had created such particles as a by-product.

    ECONOMIST: A possible particle of dark matter

  • Some theories of elementary particles require a 10-dimensional space.

    WSJ: Book Review: Surfaces and Essences

  • Using the first completed section of the NOvA neutrino detector, scientists have begun collecting data from cosmic rays-particles produced by a constant rain of atomic nuclei falling on the Earth's atmosphere from space .

    ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe

  • The Sommerfeld effect, a quantum-mechanical process that makes particles more likely to interact with one another in some circumstances and less likely in others, is mostly ignored in particle physics because it applies only in a limited range of conditions.

    ECONOMIST: Two new ways to detect the elusive stuff of the universe

  • These include "sputtering" erosion - the bombardment of the surface by very fast charged particles (a process similar to sandblasting) - and impacts by meteorites.

    BBC: Ice blades threaten Europa landing

  • Before the Tevatron closed, the experiments there sent beams of particles whizzing around a four-mile circumference in opposite directions.


  • Prof Peter Higgs developed a theory of how other sub-atomic particles came to have substance, or mass, and published his work in 1964.

    BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News

  • So, instead of being a pure kaon and a pure anti-kaon, the two particles that go flying off are actually blends of each.

    ECONOMIST: What��s the matter?

  • Some recent studies have revealed a significant concentration of particles in near-surface waters in areas of mid-ocean accumulation (N Pacific and NW Atlantic gyres).

    UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Pier Oddone, Fermilab's boss, plans to follow it with the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE), which will send a yet-more intense beam of the particles to an underground laboratory in South Dakota.

    ECONOMIST: The future of physics (1)

  • In 2004, the probe called Stardust swung by a comet called Wild 2, stuck out sort of a big catcher's mitt--I think it looks more like a tennis racket--and hopefully it picked up some of the particles thrown off by the comet.

    NPR: Stardust Set to Deliver Comet Samples

  • Although barely visible in the air, the ash -- made up of tiny particles of rock, glass, and sand -- poses a serious threat to aircraft, stalling engines and causing electrical failure, experts have said this week.

    CNN: Air travel paralyzed as volcanic ash cloud lingers

  • When a D0-meson decays, it produces daughter particles called pions and kaons.

    ECONOMIST: Are matter and antimatter truly opposites?

  • They expected to find a high metal content among the larger particles - PM10s and PM 2.5s, but it surprised them to find such high levels in even the very smallest ones.

    BBC: Railway tracks

  • It has been detecting a rise in the number of high-energy particles, or cosmic rays, coming towards it from interstellar space, while at the same time recording a decline in the intensity of energetic particles coming from behind, from our Sun.

    BBC: Voyager Solar System 'exit' debated

  • Using the underground Sudbury neutrino detector, an international group of researchers has been able to determine that the observed number of electron-neutrinos is only a fraction of the total number emitted from the Sun - clear evidence that the particles change type en route to Earth.


  • Novavax's vaccines utilize what are called virus-like particles--genetically engineered molecules designed to train the immune system to recognize a particular virus.

    FORBES: Pharmaceuticals

  • The Standard Model is a framework that explains how the known sub-atomic particles interact with each other.

    BBC: Higgs boson 'hints' also seen by US lab

  • Several stages of cooling are needed to slow them down before they can be trapped, forming a matchstick-sized cloud of around 30, 000 particles.

    ECONOMIST: Antimatter: Gotcha! | The

  • The image - of the shadow cast by the Moon as it blocks the light and particles - was shown off at a meeting of the American Physical Society.

    BBC: Hawc gamma-ray telescope captures its first image

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