这两个数据在2006年时分别是10%和8%,这一增长反映了近年来国内的能源公司在加速海外市场的拓展和海外收购行为。 中石化的海外销售市场主要集中在欧洲,特别是英国,黄文生告诉记者,但他并没有透露详细的数字。
The majority of the energy firm's sales abroad are from its products trading in Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, Huang told China Daily, without revealing details figures.
Hutchison made $117.34 billion last year, due mostly to a huge windfall from the sale of its stake in British mobile phone firm Orange.
和黄董事总经理霍建宁(Canning Fok)称:“(3G业务)最糟糕的时候已经过去。” 他补充称,他将60%的时间花在了改善3 Group英国和意大利业务的业绩上。
Canning Fok, managing director, said: “The worst time is over [for 3G],” adding that he spent as much as 60 per cent of his time on improving performance at 3 UK and 3 Italia.