杰里·斯塔克豪斯 Jerry Stackhouse
威廉·巴克豪斯 Wilhelm Backhaus
苏琪·斯塔克豪斯 Sookie Stackhouse ; sookie
提克豪环礁 Tikehau
弗雷德里克·豪克 Frederick Hauck ; Karl Gordon Henize
巴克豪森效应 Barkhausen effect
帕特里克·豪斯丁 Patrick Hausding
巴克豪斯 Wilhelm Backhaus ; Backhaus ; Klaus Backhaus ; Backhouse
斯塔克豪斯 sookie stackhouse ; Jerry Stackhouse ; Jason Stackhouse ; Sookie
杰克·豪雅 Jack Heuer ; Jack William Heuer ; JackWilliamEdouardHeuer
To ensure that contact, some of his pieces had to be performed under the stars.
The bottom-up method will likely be harder, but it would produce power more efficiently, said Parikh.
This time around, Erik Hauri of the Carnegie Institution of Washington analysed a different part of the rocks, called melt inclusions.