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[ˈfɪnɪʃ] [ˈfɪnɪʃ]

  • v. 完成,做好;(使)结束;消耗尽(所剩之物);(比赛中)获得(名次);(英式足球用语)进球;对(物件)做最后加工;杀死,歼灭;使精疲力竭;<旧>为(少女)进入上流社会做好准备;<非正式>使精疲力竭
  • n. 结尾,结局;(赛跑、比赛的)终点;最后精细加工;饰面,饰面材料;(葡萄酒或啤酒的)余味

[ 复数 finishes 第三人称单数 finishes 现在分词 finishing 过去式 finished 过去分词 finished ]



1 音素sh用在一个根基词的开首或是末了(she, dish), 还用在一个音节的末了(fin ish),但尽对不会在后一个音节的开首, 除非是以ship末了(wor ship, friend ship).



音素sh用在一个基本词的开头或是末端(she,dish),还用在一个音缀的末端(fin ish),但绝对不会在后一个音缀的开头,除非是以ship末端(wor ship,friend ship).



in terio r fin ish 室内装修

  • 整理 - 引用次数:72

    The thesis also compared the properties of finished silk fabrics with those of the original ones, which shows anti-UV finish has little influence on the wear behavior of the treated silk fabric.


    参考来源 - 基于多氨基化合物RSD的真丝织物抗紫外整理
    精加工 - 引用次数:12

    参考来源 - 鞋楦数字化测量及数据处理技术的研究
    光洁度 - 引用次数:4

    参考来源 - 离心泵叶轮参数化建模及叶片加工仿真的研究
  • 装修 - 引用次数:9

    In the second chapter, the article discusses that the frame wooden construction interior wall, ceiling and flooring finish.


    参考来源 - 壁式框架木结构建筑室内工程
  • 油剂 - 引用次数:8

    That is also a new tendency in spinning finish research field in the near future.


    参考来源 - 高速纺丝油剂用抗静电剂的合成及其构性关系研究
  • 完成 - 引用次数:51

    This organic integration of these two information-processing approaches will help listeners finish their concretion-to-abstraction-to-concretion process in listening comprehension.


    参考来源 - 图式理论与英语听力能力的培养
  • 结束 - 引用次数:3

    参考来源 - 罗布藏丹津叛乱与西宁办事大臣的设置
  • 清漆
  • 完成


finish [ 'finiʃ ]

  • n.
    • a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance)

      "the boat had a metallic finish"; "he applied a coat of a clear finish"; "when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly"

      同义词: coating finishing

    • designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race)

      "excitement grew as the finish neared"; "my horse was several lengths behind at the finish"; "the winner is the team with the most points at the finish"

    • the act of finishing

      "his best finish in a major tournament was third"; "the speaker's finishing was greeted with applause"

      同义词: finishing

    • the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey)

      "a crowd assembled at the finish"

      同义词: destination goal

    • the temporal end; the concluding time

      "the market was up at the finish"

      同义词: stopping point finale finis last conclusion close

    • (wine tasting) the taste of a wine on the back of the tongue (as it is swallowed)

      "the wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish"

    • event whose occurrence ends something

      "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"

      同义词: ending conclusion

    • the downfall of someone (as of persons on one side of a conflict)

      "booze will be the finish of him"; "it was a fight to the finish"

    • a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality

      "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"

      同义词: polish refinement culture cultivation

  • v.
    • come or bring to a finish or an end

      "He finished the dishes"; "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours"; "others finished in over 4 hours"

      同义词: complete

    • finally be or do something

      同义词: finish up land up fetch up end up wind up

    • have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

      同义词: end stop terminate cease

    • provide with a finish

      "The carpenter finished the table beautifully"

    • finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table

      同义词: eat up polish off

    • cause to finish a relationship with somebody

      "That finished me with Mary"

以上来源于: WordNet


finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ CET4 TEM4 ( finishing, finished, finishes )

  • 1. 

    V-T When you finish doing or dealing with something, you do or deal with the last part of it, so that there is no more for you to do or deal with. 结束


    As soon as he'd finished eating, he excused himself.



    Mr. Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.


  • 2. 

    PHRASAL VERB Finish up means the same as . 结束 [美国英语]


    We waited a few minutes outside his office while he finished up his meeting.


  • 3. 

    V-T When you finish something that you are making or producing, you reach the end of making or producing it, so that it is complete. 完成


    The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.


  • 4. 

    PHRASAL VERB Finish off and finish up mean the same as . 完成


    Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline.


  • 5. 

    V-T/V-I When something such as a course, show, or sale finishes, especially at a planned time, it ends. (尤指按计划) 结束


    The teaching day finishes at around 4 p.m.


  • 6. 

    V-T/V-I You say that someone or something finishes a period of time or an event in a particular way to indicate what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time or an event finishes in a particular way. (以某种方式) 结束


    The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.



    The evening finished with the welcoming of three new members.


  • 7. 

    V-I If someone finishes second, for example, in a race or competition, they are in second place at the end of the race or competition. 最后得到 (比赛名次)


    He finished second in the championship four years in a row.


  • 8. 

    V-I To finish means to reach the end of saying something. 说完


    Her eyes flashed, but he held up a hand. "Let me finish."


  • 9. 

    N-SING The finish of something is the end of it or the last part of it. 结尾; 最后部分 ['the' N, with poss]


    I intend to continue it and see the job through to the finish.


  • 10. 

    N-COUNT The finish of a race is the end of it. (比赛的) 最后阶段


    Win a trip to see the finish of the Tour de France!


  • 11. 

    N-COUNT If the surface of something that has been made has a particular kind of finish, it has the appearance or texture mentioned. (物体表面的) 抛光; 修饰


    The finish and workmanship of the woodwork were excellent.


  • 12. 

    → see also finished

  • 13. 

    PHRASE If you add the finishing touches to something, you add or do the last things that are necessary to complete it. (完成某事前所必需的) 最后修饰


    Right up until the last minute, workers were still putting the finishing touches on the pavilions.



finish line 终点线,终航线

finish with 完成,结束;与…断绝关系

surface finish [机]表面抛光

finish machining 精加工;完工切削

from start to finish 自始至终;从起点到终点

finish off 结束,完成;毁灭;吃完

smooth finish 光洁度;光面精整;光泽装饰

finish up v. 完成;结束;用光

finish work 结束工作

finish doing 完成做某事;做完某事

finish product 成品;光制品

mirror finish 镜面磨光,镜面抛光

fine finish 精密加工;高级精加工,高级光洁度

medium finish 中等光泽装饰

baking finish 烘漆;烘烤涂料

photo finish 以照相判定胜负

natural finish 天然表面层色,天然装饰

finish grinding 最后研磨,最后磨碎

floor finish 地板的刷油;楼面成就;地面终饰;地板装修

degree of finish 光洁度;加工度;精细度



finish line 终点线,终航线

finish with 完成,结束;与…断绝关系

surface finish [机]表面抛光

finish machining 精加工;完工切削

from start to finish 自始至终;从起点到终点

finish off 结束,完成;毁灭;吃完

smooth finish 光洁度;光面精整;光泽装饰

finish up v. 完成;结束;用光

finish work 结束工作

finish doing 完成做某事;做完某事

finish product 成品;光制品

mirror finish 镜面磨光,镜面抛光

fine finish 精密加工;高级精加工,高级光洁度

medium finish 中等光泽装饰

baking finish 烘漆;烘烤涂料

photo finish 以照相判定胜负

natural finish 天然表面层色,天然装饰

finish grinding 最后研磨,最后磨碎

floor finish 地板的刷油;楼面成就;地面终饰;地板装修

degree of finish 光洁度;加工度;精细度

- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定